I found out what delayed my case !

That is an accurate statement. It's purely your LUCK that matters.

Not just luck, but also not knowing what the quirky process of how the internal mechanism works.

What are the things they look for?

What are the things we need to be aware of?

Some of this is a mystery!
It's also possible that the name check algorithm is set up to recognize match names that are phonetically similar, yet look completely different. For instance, take the word chancre (as in chancre sore, the annoying irritation one gets on their tongue sometimes). It can also be spelled canker. While they appear different, they are pronounced exactly the same. Perhaps the FBI uses software that can "guess" pronunciation of certain names?
Yes, I certainly have heard they do phonetically similar checks.

After reading all the horror stories on this forum, being a member of a nationality that commonly gets stuck in name check, and and already making plans for the possibility of having to file a WOM, I am still in utter shock and disbelief that my name check has actually cleared. I feel like I just won the lottery!
Congrats Vorpal. When and how did you find this out? (i see infop listed...Can you let us know if they answer the question clearly when you ask them? what do you ask? what info do they provide to you? etc)
I posted a detailed description of my InfoPass experience, which you can find here: http://www.immigrationportal.com/showthread.php?t=274272

Basically, I specifically told the IO that I would like to knw if my name check has cleared. The IO took my green card, typed something into his computer, and told me that my name check has cleared and I am in queue to be scheduled for an interview. Just to be on the safe side, I asked again if my name check was cleared, to which he responded "Yes".