I am no Terrorist, any advice?

Who needs green card when you get to know so many wonderful people on this forum !!!

May be your wife and more than 4100 applicants their cases are on hold. Why you bothering calling and writting Ms. Hughes and UCIS if you don't need one. Facebook is better than immigration forum to make freinds.

Any news yet?


Did you receive any letter back from USCIS indicating that your G-639 application is being processed?

Any news yet?


Did you receive any letter back from USCIS indicating that your G-639 application is being processed?

I was checking case status on line and found some ridiculous message so I called 1800# it was as usual mismanaged action of USCIS informing a letter was sent on October 29 but I did not receive any thing so the representative told me that she has documented the issue and I will receive another notice in 15 days, what a painful never ending chapter for me, anyways in regards to Green Card no progress yet.
I was checking case status on line and found some ridiculous message so I called 1800# it was as usual mismanaged action of USCIS informing a letter was sent on October 29 but I did not receive any thing so the representative told me that she has documented the issue and I will receive another notice in 15 days, what a painful never ending chapter for me, anyways in regards to Green Card no progress yet.

They will re-send it again. But to be on the safe side, call every often until you receive it. Do not take any least chance on your end. Keep bugging them until you receive it. To me in my mind, it only can be a progress of the case, even as frustrating as it appeared to be.
Hang tight.
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They will re-send it again. But to be on the safe side, call every often until you receive it. Do not take any least chance on your end. Keep bugging them until you receive it. To me in my mind, it only can be a progress of the case, even as frustrating as it appeared to be.
Hang tight.
It is just a receipt notice informing me that they received my RFE and it will take 60 days blah blah blah. But in the end it says if you do not receive this notice 30 days from the day notice was send call our customer center and it was on the 31st day so I called them up, there were some crazy errors, and incomplete sentences with some words in capital letters while some is small letters, if there is any news I will let you guys know so we may have a heads up with how they are processing our cases.
Me too, at you, not with you.

Dear Sir or Madam,

What was exchanged between good Deep Trigger and I, was merely humor, and one should not take humor statements and any jokes for that matter literally.

Humor is used as a lubricant agent to ease the tensions of everyday life. Like I said, it has no literal application, but it helps to soften up the stress of unfortunate situations like the one we all are dealing with in this forum.

But I believe you very well know the definition of humor. In fact it is pretty bizarre for me finding myself explaining the definition of humor to someone !!! I believe what caused you to unleash your rage on me the way you did, has a very deep psychological root. Anyone with a sane mind could read the previous posts and conclude, that, what was exchanged between Deep Trigger and I, did not deserve such harsh reaction and mistreatment.

I am not a religious person like good Deep Trigger, but, like him, it is against my belief system to engage in any name callings or uncivilized interactions with others. I believe you are a very decent and lovable individual, something is making you angry however, and an angry person is not a happy one. I hereby would like to reach out to you and offer my assistance within my power and ability to help you overcome your issues. I believe there are good members in this forum like, Hecate and Deep Trigger and many others who have the decency and the will to offer the same as what I just proposed.

Let us take this bitter experience and turn it into a sweet and productive beginning. I love you and I hope you soon put this ordeal behind you with a green card in hand.
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Dear Sir or Madam,

What was exchanged between good Deep Trigger and I, was merely humor, and one should not take humor statements and any jokes for that matter literally.

Humor is used as a lubricant agent to ease the tensions of everyday life. Like I said, it has no literal application, but it helps to soften up the stress of unfortunate situations like the one we all are dealing with in this forum.

But I believe you very well know the definition of humor. In fact it is pretty bizarre for me finding myself explaining the definition of humor to someone !!! I believe what caused you to unleash your rage on me the way you did, has a very deep psychological root. Anyone with a sane mind could read the previous posts and conclude, that, what was exchanged between Deep Trigger and I, did not deserve such harsh reaction and mistreatment.

I am not a religious person like good Deep Trigger, but, like him, it is against my belief system to engage in any name callings or uncivilized interactions with others. I believe you are a very decent and lovable individual, something is making you angry however, and an angry person is not a happy one. I hereby would like to reach out to you and offer my assistance within my power and ability to help you overcome your issues. I believe there are good members in this forum like, Hecate and Deep Trigger and many others who have the decency and the will to offer the same as what I just proposed.

Let us take this bitter experience and turn it into a sweet and productive beginning. I love you and I hope you soon put this ordeal behind you with a green card in hand.
I am very firmly agreeing with these concepts from JosephEsf, nothing is closer to the truth than his specific given points. JosephEsf’s statement is built on several core values, respect each other’s & Let us stop making negative judgmental assumptions, respect guides, morals; manners.
JosephEsf’s statement can win any argument on this topic. People are entitled to opinion, but statement made by one of us was a bit dramatic, and I found it sharply offending.
And deep down in my heart I wish we would show better mannerism.. I apologize to everyone for my tone\ and remarks.
Not intended to offend anyone.
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Guys since this is a public forum and I am a member, I have to say this:
JosephEsf, you are right! Your comment was merely to make light of the situation, however the situation that we are in has literally changed the course of life for many of us. There are different deep ingrained feelings such as anger, guilt, failure, remorse, frustration etc. due to this ordeal. So we should not single out Victim 1000 for rage and anger. Heck, I am sure we all have experienced it at one time or another. Even you, in your posts have mentioned of being tired, agitated and distraught which doesn’t mean that you have issues with deep psychological roots.
Now, due to your contributions, sound analysis and guidance to others, I have the deepest respect for you and I mean no disrespect to you when I humbly request that we refrain from labeling others with psychological conditions when we have no way of knowing what they are going through.
Victim 1000, I too like JosephEsf hope that your ordeal is over soon, but my friend this is a public forum and I would request that we be mindful of we post here and refrain from using attacking language.
Again I mean no disrespect to anyone and apologize if anyone finds my comment offensive or invasive.
Guys since this is a public forum and I am a member, I have to say this:
JosephEsf, you are right! Your comment was merely to make light of the situation, however the situation that we are in has literally changed the course of life for many of us. There are different deep ingrained feelings such as anger, guilt, failure, remorse, frustration etc. due to this ordeal. So we should not single out Victim 1000 for rage and anger. Heck, I am sure we all have experienced it at one time or another. Even you, in your posts have mentioned of being tired, agitated and distraught which doesn’t mean that you have issues with deep psychological roots.
Now, due to your contributions, sound analysis and guidance to others, I have the deepest respect for you and I mean no disrespect to you when I humbly request that we refrain from labeling others with psychological conditions when we have no way of knowing what they are going through.
Victim 1000, I too like JosephEsf hope that your ordeal is over soon, but my friend this is a public forum and I would request that we be mindful of we post here and refrain from using attacking language.
Again I mean no disrespect to anyone and apologize if anyone finds my comment offensive or invasive.
It is a shame that we have to go through such an awful state of mind due to harassment by the government that talks of human rights issues in other countries. I call it hypocrisy at its peak.
I wish back in the days there was internet to research. Stuff like Google, I would never have come here if I had known I will be labeled under the terrorist related grounds of inadmissibility.
The Shame stands on its place after we all read judgment by US Supreme court explanation between the difference in freedom of speech and terrorist inadmissibility, judgment clearly explains that 2 or more people grouping against their government would not be considered as freedom of speech, and later we saw how they supported rebels in Libya, Syria and the rest of the world who were protesting against thier governments.
While our lives and families were completely destroyed, and we do not even have a right to a jury and judge, that in other words would be a complete slaughter of constitution, which means the government fails to hold its obligation to protect the constitution.
If justice prevails I would be in the front line to demand justice, but right now it is right down the drain and who can know it better than we the miserable ones.
The least we can do is stay together and respect each other’s feeling and accommodate views without criticizing, as a lawyer I could never have imagined that there will be a time in my life that the doors of the courts can be shut down on any one after the NAZI crumbled, but here it is for us to see and learn that history repeats itself.
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Dear Noetic,

Please accept my gratitude for taking your precious time commenting about this incident.

You are absolutely right, labeling someone to have psychological issues is wrong. It was not intended to hurt, but it was wrong, period. I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to anyone whom my remarks were offensive.

As for your comment about me expressing anger in the previous posts, I respectfully disagree.
Expressing frustration and displaying distraught is one thing, but, unloading yourself on others in an abusive manner, using derogatory words is another. Please do not compare these two, there is no comparison. Here you are making it sound as if I am the actual perpetrator !!!!

Thanks a bunch for your kind remarks about my contribution. Prior to my joining to this forum I had no clue about Ms. Hughes and Nezer. It is the collective knowledge and the efforts of everyone in this forum that makes the little I do possible.

Thank you once again for the time you took sharing your thoughts.
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Although I appreciate you apologizing, there is hardly any need for it. As far as my comment, I never said that you expressed anger in your posts. Neither do I think that you are the perpetrator. I am sorry if it came across that way my friend.

Now the reason that I jumped in, was because we all come here to take comfort that we are not alone and to gain useful insight into the matter at hand. I just would hate to see anyone leave or stop contributing because we were not mindful of our remarks.

By the way my time is no more precious than yours, the reason I don't leave comments often is that I really don't have any information that you guys already don't have.

Also I appreciate your modesty, however I like to call it when I see it. You have made timely and most helpful contributions at pivitol moments of this ordeal.

Having said that, I hope that this is now behind all of us and hopefully good news for everyone is right around the corner :)

Best regards,

Needless to mention that this forum has been useful for me, let me give an easy example, previously my senators office called USCIS and told me uscis only sends rfe twice so just send police report with our letter, while joseph esf sent me a specimen of letter and advised to sent it out to the relevant office while deep trigger researched and further helped me with process and finally even after turning request down from senators office they send me an rfe, the thing which is important was that rfe was dated september 19 while uscis informed me that rfe was sent on August 30, how can a rfe dated august 30 would have september 19, so this information will be a legal help if needed to prove any further issues, before we were running from lawyers to lawyers paying consultation fees with no answer now we have updates that even good attorneys don't have, so lets keep eyes and ears open and keep each other informed just like deep trigger puts it we have each other, lets be united and move to our objective which is keep us informed, there is nothing miraculous about this post it will not help in getting greencards but will keep our heads up for changes and informations.
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Needless to mention that this forum has been useful for me, let me give an easy example, previously my senators office called USCIS and told me uscis only sends rfe twice so just send police report with our letter, while joseph esf sent me a specimen of letter and advised to sent it out to the relevant office while deep trigger researched and further helped me with process and finally even after turning request down from senators office they send me an rfe, the thing which is important was that rfe was dated september 19 while uscis informed me that rfe was sent on August 30, how can a rfe dated august 30 would have september 19, so this information will be a legal help if needed to prove any further issues, before we were running from lawyers to lawyers paying consultation fees with no answer now we have updates that even good attorneys don't have, so lets keep eyes and ears open and keep each other informed just like deep trigger puts it we have each other, lets be united and move to our objective which is keep us informed, there is nothing miraculous about this post it will not help in getting greencards but will keep our heads up for changes and informations.

Please let us move on, and I would like to share this email that I just received.

RE: Question regarding "The Limited General Exemption".
Mr. xxxxxx
On August 10, 2012 an exemption commonly referred to as the Limited General Exemption(LGE) was published in the federal registry unlike past exemptions this exemption can be applied to many different groups. As long as the groups have not engaged attacking U.S. interests or persons; engaged in a pattern or practice of torture, genocide, or the use of child soldiers; or been identified in either Executive Order 13224, as amended, or otherwise designated by the Secretary of State or the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to the Specially Designated Nationals List (SDNL), or in lists established by United Nations Security Council Committee pursuant to Resolutions 1267 (1999) or 1988 (2011) concerning Al-Qaida and the Taliban and associated individuals and entities; or been designated as a Tier I or Tier II terrorist organization as described in sections 212(a)(3)(B)(vi)(I) and (II) of the INA, 8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(3)(B)(vi)(I) or (II). In addition, the exemption only covers the following activities, the soliciting funds or other things of value for; soliciting any individuals for membership in; providing material support to; or receiving military-type training from, or behalf of a tier III organization.

USCIS hopes to begin apply this exemption very soon. However before the exemption can be applied additional research must be conducted on the organizations to ensure YOUR GROUP, THE XXXXXXX does not fall within one of the specific exclusions noted above. Please note not all organization will be eligible for the LGE exemption. In addition, several groups that currently have a specific group exemption pending will not be eligible for the LGE. Due to the high volume of cases and organizations being reviewed it may take as long as 3 to 6 months for your case to be reviewed and determine your eligibility for the exemption and if eligible for the exemption to be applied to your case. Please contact us again if you have not received any notification from USCIS by that time regarding the status of your case.
Thank you for your inquiry.
Please let us move on, and I would like to share this email that I just received.

RE: Question regarding "The Limited General Exemption".
Mr. xxxxxx
On August 10, 2012 an exemption commonly referred to as the Limited General Exemption(LGE) was published in the federal registry unlike past exemptions this exemption can be applied to many different groups. As long as the groups have not engaged attacking U.S. interests or persons; engaged in a pattern or practice of torture, genocide, or the use of child soldiers; or been identified in either Executive Order 13224, as amended, or otherwise designated by the Secretary of State or the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to the Specially Designated Nationals List (SDNL), or in lists established by United Nations Security Council Committee pursuant to Resolutions 1267 (1999) or 1988 (2011) concerning Al-Qaida and the Taliban and associated individuals and entities; or been designated as a Tier I or Tier II terrorist organization as described in sections 212(a)(3)(B)(vi)(I) and (II) of the INA, 8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(3)(B)(vi)(I) or (II). In addition, the exemption only covers the following activities, the soliciting funds or other things of value for; soliciting any individuals for membership in; providing material support to; or receiving military-type training from, or behalf of a tier III organization.

USCIS hopes to begin apply this exemption very soon. However before the exemption can be applied additional research must be conducted on the organizations to ensure YOUR GROUP, THE XXXXXXX does not fall within one of the specific exclusions noted above. Please note not all organization will be eligible for the LGE exemption. In addition, several groups that currently have a specific group exemption pending will not be eligible for the LGE. Due to the high volume of cases and organizations being reviewed it may take as long as 3 to 6 months for your case to be reviewed and determine your eligibility for the exemption and if eligible for the exemption to be applied to your case. Please contact us again if you have not received any notification from USCIS by that time regarding the status of your case.
Thank you for your inquiry.

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It is fairly easy do determine whether or not one could benefit from this exemption. In my wife's case, I noticed that immediately.

The exemption very clearly excludes groups that are, or, if ever have been designated as terrorist organisations.
Additionally, should your group ever, at any time, attacked U.S interest or personals, you would not benefit from the exemption.

Both of the above applies to MEK, the group that my wife was supporting. It is said but not verified that MEK killed a U.S army
personal in early seventies when my wife was only 2 years old.

So run your group through a check list. See if they fall under any one of the above conducts that deemed my wife's case not good to benefit. See if your group used or enlisted child soldiers. check to see if your group was ever reported to engage in heinous acts like torturing, killing civilians, etc. You should be able to come up with a fair idea whether or not you would benefit.

All the references and resolutions and the year and numbers are in the exemption. It just takes some time to research.


And, oh, Deep Trigger, thank you for the post. Very useful. Love you my friend.