I am no Terrorist, any advice?

Relative to the previous decision of being DENIED the immigration benefit I applied for to adjust my status to a permanent resident, the current state of conditions and potential opportunities are more a sign of hope than despair. More importantly, the hope is based on a careful and objective reading of the substance of the exemption, which is not necessarily ambiguous to a reasonable interpretation as to its relevance and applicability to my specific case. In that sense, I'm inclined to think of the ultimate outcome of any so called "more review and research" to lead to a positive adjudication rather than to a negative result.

As Victim1000 indicated, the reply implies that the NSC will have to perform "more review and research" into the Tier III Group my individual case has been associated with and, assess the research findings against the criteria stipulated in the adjudication guide that has been issued by the agency to implement the exemptions before it can render a final decision on my case. This is a work-in-process expected to be completed sometime in the future. What I am concerned about is not the potential ultimate decision outcome - positive or negative. I am more concerned with the uncertainty related to the length of time it will take them to start and complete the work-in-process.There is nothing negative to decipher in the reply and therefore nothing bad to associate with it.
Can you tell us how long has your case been on hold, if you don't mind sharing with us.
I also received the same reply while back "your case has been sent for an extended review,etc, etc, my attorney told me clearly they are trying to buy time rather than inform the facts, as you know there is absolutely no transparency here, few days ago they asked me for rfe after over 3 years of sending the 2nd rfe, this one was the third rfe, I was happy, later looking at dates of my travel document application and knowing it was processed in NSC I came to clear conclusion that these morons after checking my file realized my finger printing could not clear and they asked me to get police clearance which is a missing link from the rfe 3 years ago, my point is we can not really conclude any hope with their response as their procedure is so topsy turvy that even they don't know what they are doing.
Can you tell us how long has your case been on hold, if you don't mind sharing with us.
I also received the same reply while back "your case has been sent for an extended review,etc, etc, my attorney told me clearly they are trying to buy time rather than inform the facts, as you know there is absolutely no transparency here, few days ago they asked me for rfe after over 3 years of sending the 2nd rfe, this one was the third rfe, I was happy, later looking at dates of my travel document application and knowing it was processed in NSC I came to clear conclusion that these morons after checking my file realized my finger printing could not clear and they asked me to get police clearance which is a missing link from the rfe 3 years ago, my point is we can not really conclude any hope with their response as their procedure is so topsy turvy that even they don't know what they are doing.

Security Checks, Thorough Reviews were being done on these cases – This had been undertaken routinely AND consistently since 9/11 – 2001. We are no longer on hold after the August Memo; it looks like we are placed under archive of unresolved cases. This is totally out of control. I seriously don’t understand how many more time USCIS really needs to scrutinize those cases, they have been pre-screened, reviewed and pre-adjudicated; maybe those cases were dealt inefficiently by USCIS. This is “woefully inadequate” and fully unacceptable and I agree with you.
Security Checks, Thorough Reviews were being done on these cases – This had been undertaken routinely AND consistently since 9/11 – 2001. We are no longer on hold after the August Memo; it looks like we are placed under archive of unresolved cases. This is totally out of control. I seriously don’t understand how many more time USCIS really needs to scrutinize those cases, they have been pre-screened, reviewed and pre-adjudicated; maybe those cases were dealt inefficiently by USCIS. This is “woefully inadequate” and fully unacceptable and I agree with you.
Unfortunately my case is on hold, I hope you received details that I had emailed you a while back.
Unfortunately my case is on hold, I hope you received details that I had emailed you a while back.

I remember you mentioned something like that a while back, but unfortunately I never received those e-mails that you have sent me. I had issues with my inbox, I cannot receive or send any private messages anymore for some unknown reasons. Would it be possible to e-mail them to me again at mndomed@yahoo.com? by the way you may be temporarily on hold like the rest of us but never permanently on hold and the fact of the matter is; USCIS has not yet started the process of adjudication, the Aug 10 memo is not yet in full implementation, that I got it from reliable sources.

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Can you tell us how long has your case been on hold, if you don't mind sharing with us.
I also received the same reply while back "your case has been sent for an extended review,etc, etc, my attorney told me clearly they are trying to buy time rather than inform the facts, as you know there is absolutely no transparency here, few days ago they asked me for rfe after over 3 years of sending the 2nd rfe, this one was the third rfe, I was happy, later looking at dates of my travel document application and knowing it was processed in NSC I came to clear conclusion that these morons after checking my file realized my finger printing could not clear and they asked me to get police clearance which is a missing link from the rfe 3 years ago, my point is we can not really conclude any hope with their response as their procedure is so topsy turvy that even they don't know what they are doing.

I have been in immigration bureaucratic limbo since 1991 for no fault of my own. First, they introduced a new immigration procedure where they decided to come up with an arbitrary point in time to categorize tens of thousands of asylum applications already submitted to be placed in what they called "in-the-back-log" and decided to adjudicate and process applications submitted AFTER the arbitrary time they chose. In the process, all applicants placed in the back-log were left to wait indefinitely for years while all newer applicants continued to enjoy adjudications, whatever their respective individual decision outcome happened to be. It was only after nine years of unrelenting inquiry and waiting that I finally decided to write a letter of complaint to President Clinton when he was in the White House. I was fortunate enough to get a response from the White House that caused my case to be adjudicated within a month of receiving the response. I was granted asylum in 2001 and applied for adjustment of status in 2003. After 5 years of waiting, I received the infamous letter of denial (Tier III TRIG) in 2008, following which I filed a Motion To Reopen, which was later granted. The granting of all motion to reopen was then extended to all similar cases by the USCIS, as you might already know. In this entire process, it was only two times that I received a request to submit biometrics in a time space of a year in between. I have not received a request for RFE any time to-date, nonetheless.
I have been in immigration bureaucratic limbo since 1991 for no fault of my own. First, they introduced a new immigration procedure where they decided to come up with an arbitrary point in time to categorize tens of thousands of asylum applications already submitted to be placed in what they called "in-the-back-log" and decided to adjudicate and process applications submitted AFTER the arbitrary time they chose. In the process, all applicants placed in the back-log were left to wait indefinitely for years while all newer applicants continued to enjoy adjudications, whatever their respective individual decision outcome happened to be. It was only after nine years of unrelenting inquiry and waiting that I finally decided to write a letter of complaint to President Clinton when he was in the White House. I was fortunate enough to get a response from the White House that caused my case to be adjudicated within a month of receiving the response. I was granted asylum in 2001 and applied for adjustment of status in 2003. After 5 years of waiting, I received the infamous letter of denial (Tier III TRIG) in 2008, following which I filed a Motion To Reopen, which was later granted. The granting of all motion to reopen was then extended to all similar cases by the USCIS, as you might already know. In this entire process, it was only two times that I received a request to submit biometrics in a time space of a year in between. I have not received a request for RFE any time to-date, nonetheless.

Your information is very helpful, obviously the best we can do is to keep each other informed, thanks for taking all the time for this detailed answer, I have been asked for numerous fingerprinting, I am very sure this has nothing to do with adjudication of our cases on hold it is just an update of informations in our files, lot of people in my circle got green cards, my sister in law just recently got requested for rfe and in 19 days she got her green card in mail, she was not on asylum, but my green card is still far from me, however i requested for travel document which I received within 2 months, so there is no doubt in my mind that they are updating our files just in case if things change. Like you I came in early 1993 and I am in the same exact boat with you. You have used a perfect defination by defining this all rubbish as immigration bureaucratic limbo, that is all there is to it nothing more but just an immigration bureaucratic limbo. If you ask me how I feel about all this my simple helpless answer is may God have curse on these scoundrels for all this harassment.
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Your information is very helpful, obviously the best we can do is to keep each other informed, thanks for taking all the time for this detailed answer, I have been asked for numerous fingerprinting, I am very sure this has nothing to do with adjudication of our cases on hold it is just an update of informations in our files, lot of people in my circle got green cards, my sister in law just recently got requested for rfe and in 19 days she got her green card in mail, she was not on asylum, but my green card is still far from me, however i requested for travel document which I received within 2 months, so there is no doubt in my mind that they are updating our files just in case if things change. Like you I came in early 1993 and I am in the same exact boat with you. You have used a perfect defination by defining this all rubbish as immigration bureaucratic limbo, that is all there is to it nothing more but just an immigration bureaucratic limbo. If you ask me how I feel about all this my simple helpless answer is may God have curse on these scoundrels for all this harassment.

The sad fact is the damage has already been made to everyday innocent people like ourselves caught in a crossfire between impotently incompetent mixtures of legislators and enforcers of the laws on one hand and, a deranged group of human-like creatures with twisted minds willfully operating on the fringes to harm us all, as they have demonstrated in the 9/11 tragedy, on the other.

The greatness of the America I have known growing up and the America we all love and wish to protect, relies more effectively on the combined strengths of the communities of people making up its melting-pot identity and the opportunity to pursue happiness as envisaged by its founding fathers over 200 years ago than on the exclusive, often incompetent, bureaucrats and security apparatus.

When such a great nation allows its safety and security moves and measures to devolve into paranoia, it should be a concern not only to us who are current victims of such an unfortunate move, but also to all other current as well as future citizens of the country, for such moves and measure would mean the beginning of undoing the very foundation of America's strength in every sense of the word. Legislative remedy to such a profoundly shameful piece of law has been long overdue. We should hold the legislators responsible for complacency and indifference as much as we wish to blame the rank-and -file in the departments and agencies handling our cases, who might also have been sandwiched and suffocated by a barrage of rules, instructions and adjudication guidelines with little or no use and relevance whatsoever to ensuring the safety and security of the country and its people, at least from the perspective of our cases.
Your information is very helpful, obviously the best we can do is to keep each other informed, thanks for taking all the time for this detailed answer, I have been asked for numerous fingerprinting, I am very sure this has nothing to do with adjudication of our cases on hold it is just an update of informations in our files, lot of people in my circle got green cards, my sister in law just recently got requested for rfe and in 19 days she got her green card in mail, she was not on asylum, but my green card is still far from me, however i requested for travel document which I received within 2 months, so there is no doubt in my mind that they are updating our files just in case if things change. Like you I came in early 1993 and I am in the same exact boat with you. You have used a perfect defination by defining this all rubbish as immigration bureaucratic limbo, that is all there is to it nothing more but just an immigration bureaucratic limbo. If you ask me how I feel about all this my simple helpless answer is may God have curse on these scoundrels for all this harassment.

The sad fact is the damage has already been done to everyday innocent people like ourselves caught in a crossfire between impotently incompetent mixtures of legislators and enforcers of the laws on one hand and, a deranged group of human-like creatures with twisted minds willfully operating on the fringes to harm us all, as they have demonstrated in the 9/11 tragedy, on the other.

The greatness of the America I have known growing up and the America we all love and wish to protect, relies more effectively on the combined strengths of the communities of people making up its melting-pot identity and the opportunity to pursue happiness as envisaged by its founding fathers over 200 years ago than on the exclusive, often incompetent, bureaucrats and security apparatus.

When such a great nation allows its safety and security moves and measures to devolve into paranoia, it should be a concern not only to us who are current victims of such an unfortunate move, but also to all other current as well as future citizens of the country, for such moves and measure would mean the beginning of undoing the very foundation of America's strength in every sense of the word. Legislative remedy to such a profoundly shameful piece of law has been long overdue. We should hold the legislators responsible for complacency and indifference as much as we wish to blame the rank-and -file in the departments and agencies handling our cases, who might also have been sandwiched and suffocated by a barrage of rules, instructions and adjudication guidelines with little or no use and relevance whatsoever to ensuring the safety and security of the country and its people, at least from the perspective of our cases.
The sad fact is the damage has already been done to everyday innocent people like ourselves caught in a crossfire between impotently incompetent mixtures of legislators and enforcers of the laws on one hand and, a deranged group of human-like creatures with twisted minds willfully operating on the fringes to harm us all, as they have demonstrated in the 9/11 tragedy, on the other.

The greatness of the America I have known growing up and the America we all love and wish to protect, relies more effectively on the combined strengths of the communities of people making up its melting-pot identity and the opportunity to pursue happiness as envisaged by its founding fathers over 200 years ago than on the exclusive, often incompetent, bureaucrats and security apparatus.

When such a great nation allows its safety and security moves and measures to devolve into paranoia, it should be a concern not only to us who are current victims of such an unfortunate move, but also to all other current as well as future citizens of the country, for such moves and measure would mean the beginning of undoing the very foundation of America's strength in every sense of the word. Legislative remedy to such a profoundly shameful piece of law has been long overdue. We should hold the legislators responsible for complacency and indifference as much as we wish to blame the rank-and -file in the departments and agencies handling our cases, who might also have been sandwiched and suffocated by a barrage of rules, instructions and adjudication guidelines with little or no use and relevance whatsoever to ensuring the safety and security of the country and its people, at least from the perspective of our cases.
Very true, you can see my frustrations as well, who can be so unlucky to suffer for no harm done to any one, away from my only child for over 6 years, been divorced, my son's mother was denied entry for no fault even though she is a Canadian and inquiries from congressman or senator is another bureaucratic joke for any help requested, absolutely no hope, I don't see it any different than NAZI'S actions that is hypocritically widely criticized by the corrupted politicians of this hopeless place of refuge.
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Very true, you can see my frustrations as well, who can be so unlucky to suffer for no harm done to any one, away from my only child for over 6 years, been divorced, my son's mother was denied entry for no fault even though she is a Canadian and inquiries from congressman or senator is another bureaucratic joke for any help requested, absolutely no hope, I don't see it any different than NAZI'S actions that is hypocritically widely criticized by the corrupted politicians of this hopeless place of refuge.

The wait has been endless and the damage to us and our families everywhere is now beyond repair. However, our spirit is still alive and our hope still undiminished by the confluence of bad luck and evil actors. Our strength lies in the truth we stand on. Only the truth, nothing but the truth will set us free in the end, despite all the noise. Hang on and stay the course and never yield to the temptation of giving up and slipping down into depression. Don't despair. It won't be too long before we stand up, dust-off and move on. Keep the dream alive!
I would like to share some news about my case...My pending application for adjustment of status has been approved...I found about it when I was looking at my case status on USCIS Home Page....I also learnd from my attorney that the application of another client of his had been approved too...My attorney also indicated that he believes by the end of 02/2013 most of the cases that are on hold would be cleared...I wish everyone best of luck and hopefully this nightmare would be over soon for everyone...
I would like to share some news about my case...My pending application for adjustment of status has been approved...I found about it when I was looking at my case status on USCIS Home Page....I also learnd from my attorney that the application of another client of his had been approved too...My attorney also indicated that he believes by the end of 02/2013 most of the cases that are on hold would be cleared...I wish everyone best of luck and hopefully this nightmare would be over soon for everyone...

Congratulations to you:!! That is a good sign of hope for all of us. ;););)
I would like to share some news about my case...My pending application for adjustment of status has been approved...I found about it when I was looking at my case status on USCIS Home Page....I also learnd from my attorney that the application of another client of his had been approved too...My attorney also indicated that he believes by the end of 02/2013 most of the cases that are on hold would be cleared...I wish everyone best of luck and hopefully this nightmare would be over soon for everyone...

Congrats SOA, and enjoy your freedom.
I would like to share some news about my case...My pending application for adjustment of status has been approved...I found about it when I was looking at my case status on USCIS Home Page....I also learnd from my attorney that the application of another client of his had been approved too...My attorney also indicated that he believes by the end of 02/2013 most of the cases that are on hold would be cleared...I wish everyone best of luck and hopefully this nightmare would be over soon for everyone...

Congratulations I am happy for you. Thank you, for sharing the good news.
I would like to share some news about my case...My pending application for adjustment of status has been approved...I found about it when I was looking at my case status on USCIS Home Page....I also learnd from my attorney that the application of another client of his had been approved too...My attorney also indicated that he believes by the end of 02/2013 most of the cases that are on hold would be cleared...I wish everyone best of luck and hopefully this nightmare would be over soon for everyone...

Gongratulation !! This is good news for all OPTIMISTS.

This is a positive news for all of us. There are obviously multiple pockets of teams in USCIS, each designated to tackle different tasks. Your post # 2131, dated Nov 2, clearly shows how the inquiry response team was totally unaware that your case was moving forward and was being cleared by their colleagues at the other end of the department.

Let this be one more reminder to us all, that, discrepancies such as the one being mentioned should not discourage or frustrate us.
Mismanagement is expected and normal in huge organizations. When I see shortcomings like the ones by USCIS, I react exactly how I would react to a child doing funny things, I SIMPLY LAUGH !!!!!!!

Let's wait a little longer. I see green cards blinking.

This is a positive news for all of us. There are obviously multiple pockets of teams in USCIS, each designated to tackle different tasks. Your post # 2131, dated Nov 2, clearly shows how the inquiry response team was totally unaware that your case was moving forward and was being cleared by their colleagues at the other end of the department.

Let this be one more reminder to us all, that, discrepancies such as the one being mentioned should not discourage or frustrate us.
Mismanagement is expected and normal in huge organizations. When I see shortcomings like the ones by USCIS, I react exactly how I would react to a child doing funny things, I SIMPLY LAUGH !!!!!!!

Let's wait a little longer. I see green cards blinking.

JosephEsf, what an intelligent remark, you are an excellent analytical reader and a wise man, I value all your kind and knowledgeable contributions, they have been valuable and beneficial to the forum in general and to me in particular. That point alone that you brought up, was the subject of a major discussion. I knew it was a generic reply. Good contribution and I truly think we will all be fine in the end.
JosephEsf, again very excellent point and a good objective remark.
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Deep Trigger,

Thank you again for your kind remarks, I am flattered. Please don't spoil me more than I already am !!! Love you.