I am no Terrorist, any advice?

Hi guys this is the letter I got back from TRIG after I requested on the status of my case after the new exemption is signed.

"Thank you for your inquiry into the status of your I-485 application. You had been determined to be inadmissible under INA 212(a)(3)(B) for having provided material support to the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Party (EPRP). The EPRP fall within the definition of an undesignated (Tier III) terrorist organization. Your case is among many that are being reviewed to determine whether the newly authorized Limited General Exemption may be applied. Due to the high volume of cases being reviewed it may take as long as 2 to 4 months for your case to be reviewed. Please contact us again if you have not received any notification from USCIS by that time regarding the status of your I-485."

hope it will give an insight on how this people are handling our cases, and promise to post the subsequent correspondences.

[Thanks biia, for sharing with us, we appreciate the information and YES they really don't care about us; and they may still play game even with the policy-memorandum; and quite frankly that how USCIS is; we will really find out after the Sept. 13th meeting.]
Welcome to the rule of Jungle

[Thanks biia, for sharing with us, we appreciate the information and YES they really don't care about us; and they may still play game even with the policy-memorandum; and quite frankly that how USCIS is; we will really find out after the Sept. 13th meeting.]

As I mentioned earlier that there is no transparency and this gives them an excellent opportunity to play rule of jungle under a legal umbrella.
I don't want to say much but other than a simple common sense thing, if there was a true justice system we could have nailed them for all this harassment, minority gets crushed in the rule of jungle and we can all see what is happening here, the rest you guys can understand.
Again as I mentioned earlier it would be the greatest opportunity to get all the FICA back and opportunity to migrate to another country where there is justice, where we can see a judge if we are innocent and put on hold with the material support bogus laws.
All I wish is to wake up in the morning and realize it was a dream and I never came to USA or if I could find a time mechine that could put me back to the time of boarding to plane for USA so I can use my walk away option and not come here lol
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As I mentioned earlier that there is no transparency and this gives them an excellent opportunity to play rule of jungle under a legal umbrella.
I don't want to say much but other than a simple common sense thing, if there was a true justice system we could have nailed them for all this harassment, minority gets crushed in the rule of jungle and we can all see what is happening here, the rest you guys can understand.
Again as I mentioned earlier it would be the greatest opportunity to get all the FICA back and opportunity to migrate to another country where there is justice, where we can see a judge if we are innocent and put on hold with the material support bogus laws.
All I wish is to wake up in the morning and realize it was a dream and I never came to USA or if I could find a time mechine that could put me back to the time of boarding to plane for USA so I can use my walk away option and not come here lol

[hecate is right, that is a real Rule of the jungle. To test them I sent an inquiry and have received the following reply:
Thank you for your inquiry regarding your pending I-485. Your case has been reviewed, and we have confirmed that it is currently being held for inadmissibilities relating to INA 212(a)(3)(B). Your group meets the definition of an undesignated (Tier III) terrorist organization. Currently, Since your last inquiry on March 24, 2011, there has been no additional exemptions that could be apply to your case. Because there are no available exemptions at this time your case is being held as future exemptions are being considered.

Thank you,]
Good News

Hi every one. I have a good news to share with you.

Me and my wife applied for Green Card on 03/2007.

My wife just got approved after so long wait. I hope they will do the same to me and to the rest of you soon.

I almost had gave up after they sent me the "material support" thing two years ago. I am from Eritrea (EPLF) by the way.

This is what she received from USCIS sms alert message:

"On September 6, 2012, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. .....".
Waste of life

Deep Trigger as you informed that they informed you that “Your group meets the definition of an undesignated (Tier III) terrorist organization. Currently, Since your last inquiry on March 24, 2011, there has been no additional exemptions that could be apply to your case. Because there are no available exemptions at this time your case is being held as future exemptions are being considered”. And as informed by Biia who was informed that Biia’s case also falls in the definition of an undesignated (Tier III) terrorist organization. Biia's case is among many that are being reviewed to determine whether the newly authorized Limited General Exemption may be applied.
The thing to be noted is that with Biia’s inquiry they used the language newly authorized Limited General exemption and also they used a phrase may be applied which now becomes a matter of if, if they apply this newly limited, this limited word is also frightening to me, you may have noticed they are using the definition of undesignated (Tier III) terrorist organization so now JosephEsf who had lost hopes because his organization is designated even though EU has removed his organization from the terrorist list USA is considering removing, but those undesignated or designated parties like yours and mine are basically falling in the same place.
I think I should apply for travel document and try my luck somewhere else as my life is being wasted by these rascals, ignorant, morons. The whole matter is so bogus and baseless, all it shows is that this country is loosing credibility with human rights values and we are wasting our life for nothing.
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Deep Trigger as you informed that they informed you that “Your group meets the definition of an undesignated (Tier III) terrorist organization. Currently, Since your last inquiry on March 24, 2011, there has been no additional exemptions that could be apply to your case. Because there are no available exemptions at this time your case is being held as future exemptions are being considered”. And as informed by Biia who was informed that Biia’s case also falls in the definition of an undesignated (Tier III) terrorist organization. Biia's case is among many that are being reviewed to determine whether the newly authorized Limited General Exemption may be applied.
The thing to be noted is that with Biia’s inquiry they used the language newly authorized Limited General exemption and also they used a phrase may be applied which now becomes a matter of if, if they apply this newly limited, this limited word is also frightening to me, you may have noticed they are using the definition of undesignated (Tier III) terrorist organization so now JosephEsf who had lost hopes because his organization is designated even though EU has removed his organization from the terrorist list USA is considering removing, but those undesignated or designated parties like yours and mine are basically falling in the same place.
I think I should apply for travel document and try my luck somewhere else as my life is being wasted by these rascals, ignorant, morons. The whole matter is so bogus and baseless, all it shows is that this country is loosing credibility with human rights values and we are wasting our life for nothing.

[hecate, I have to agree with you again, you have perfectly and accurately reassessed the inquiry replies. To be quite frankly I am lost, totally lost I don't know what to say anymore. After I talked my Lawyer a few minutes back, he told me not to worry and wait until the announcement becomes an officially policy-memorandum, and publicized with instructions. These replies accordingly are coming from the TRIG working group customer services, they have limited information with no coordination that could be very misguiding.
I hope he is right.]
Hi every one. I have a good news to share with you.

Me and my wife applied for Green Card on 03/2007.

My wife just got approved after so long wait. I hope they will do the same to me and to the rest of you soon.

I almost had gave up after they sent me the "material support" thing two years ago. I am from Eritrea (EPLF) by the way.

This is what she received from USCIS sms alert message:

"On September 6, 2012, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. .....".

Mendef, congratulations for your wife, hopefully you will be next.
Slow Reomti

[hecate, I have to agree with you again, you have perfectly and accurately reassessed the inquiry replies. To be quite frankly I am lost, totally lost I don't know what to say anymore. After I talked my Lawyer a few minutes back, he told me not to worry and wait until the announcement becomes an officially policy-memorandum, and publicized with instructions. These replies accordingly are coming from the TRIG working group customer services, they have limited information with no coordination that could be very misguiding.
I hope he is right.]

I am giving you a confirmed news, people who have been on hold for as long as you and I are now being sent I-797 RFE to review if they are eligable for the benefit sought, this is not how it looked after the exemption, it appeared as if after the exemption we will start receiving green cards, it is different than how they were doing prior but now the procedure is complicated and nontransparent, these guys are so nerve wreckers I never expected 1 month ago this would go in this direction, it is getting bad to worst, the I-797 RFE is being sent out by Nebraska and not any TRIG. You may ask your attorney what is the reason for RFE after cases have been on hold for so long, my attorney is not in her office any more and her office can not help me any more, if other than you any one reading is requested to contact an attorney and post here so we are prepared in advance I have not received any thing from USCIS in reference to my hold case in a long tome, to me writing them or inquire from them is a waste of valuable time.
Just like you I only post something that I have confirmed to be true from reliable sources as a matter of fact I have also spoken to immigration experts who ware former INS employees and they have personally contacted Nebraska, but I am embarrassed to bother them so much any ways my brother invited this lady who is now retired and has worked on good post in USCIS may be if she can find out, I will post any valuable information, but right now I am confirming that in most or may be all cases they are re reviewing if an applicant is eligable for such benefit or they want to rot the applicants since thier life and family unity means nothing to these savages.
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Deep Trigger as you informed that they informed you that “Your group meets the definition of an undesignated (Tier III) terrorist organization. Currently, Since your last inquiry on March 24, 2011, there has been no additional exemptions that could be apply to your case. Because there are no available exemptions at this time your case is being held as future exemptions are being considered”. And as informed by Biia who was informed that Biia’s case also falls in the definition of an undesignated (Tier III) terrorist organization. Biia's case is among many that are being reviewed to determine whether the newly authorized Limited General Exemption may be applied.
The thing to be noted is that with Biia’s inquiry they used the language newly authorized Limited General exemption and also they used a phrase may be applied which now becomes a matter of if, if they apply this newly limited, this limited word is also frightening to me, you may have noticed they are using the definition of undesignated (Tier III) terrorist organization so now JosephEsf who had lost hopes because his organization is designated even though EU has removed his organization from the terrorist list USA is considering removing, but those undesignated or designated parties like yours and mine are basically falling in the same place.
I think I should apply for travel document and try my luck somewhere else as my life is being wasted by these rascals, ignorant, morons. The whole matter is so bogus and baseless, all it shows is that this country is loosing credibility with human rights values and we are wasting our life for nothing.


Everybody knows how stupid the prevision material support is, but it is very clear. If one falls under those stupid broad definitions, he or she is therefore inadmissible. The same can be said about this new waver. If you go back to the day that I posted the new exemption, you could see that it was immediately fallowed by my another post casting doubts if I would benefit from the waiver. I knew that, it was there, I could read it, it was not covering my case !!! What i am trying to tell you is that the law however stupid, is very clear. If you and your case meet the criteria based on which, the new law sees you qualified, then hey, you are qualified, Simple as that. So you hear the word " if " , only because the officer responding to these inquiries does not know the details and the specifics surrounding that particular case. So hang in there brother and believe me, you and many others on this forum will be approved. Trust me on this one.
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Everybody knows how stupid the prevision material support is, but it is very clear. If one falls under those stupid broad definitions, he or she is therefore inadmissible. The same can be said about this new waver. If you go back to the day that I posted the new exemption, you could see that it was immediately fallowed by my another post doubting if I would benefit from the waiver. I knew that, it was there, I could read it, it was not covering my case !!! What i am trying to tell you is that the law however stupid, is very clear. If you and your case meet the criteria based on which, the new law sees you qualified, then hey, you are qualified, Simple as that. So you hear the word " if " , only because the officer responding to these inquiries does not know the details and the specifics surrounding that particular case. So hang in there brother and believe me, you and many others on this forum will be approved. Trust me on this one.

Nice to see your post brother, I know your advices are good but unfortunately when ever any thing goes pending or on hold time is your most distructive enemy, my son is now over 10, economy is bad not much job in engineering like before, the government jobs are restricted to USA citizens and my sons mother is facing hard life and I can barely afford my and my child support expenses, this can not continue after all reaches the edge and I think I am on the edge, if I leave I loose all my over 20 year FICA which they will never let me have by not letting me into the USA to file for and if I stay here I miss my son who has been gone for 6 Years.
Your thinking

Mendef, congratulations for your wife, hopefully you will be next.

Thank you Deep trigger. By the way what do you think about this. I was the main applicant and my wife was a derivative. They had said that because of the material support thing, my application was put on hold. So what does their decision to approve my wife tell you? Do you know of any similar cases? :confused:
Thank you Deep trigger. By the way what do you think about this. I was the main applicant and my wife was a derivative. They had said that because of the material support thing, my application was put on hold. So what does their decision to approve my wife tell you? Do you know of any similar cases? :confused:

My case was more or less similar ...I was granted asylum and within a year I did apply for my wife...she was allowed to enter into the US... One year after she arrived we apply to adjust her status to PR...she got her GC within 3 months after she applied for...and last year she got her naturalization certificate....and my application for GC is still on hold...

Everybody knows how stupid the prevision material support is, but it is very clear. If one falls under those stupid broad definitions, he or she is therefore inadmissible. The same can be said about this new waver. If you go back to the day that I posted the new exemption, you could see that it was immediately fallowed by my another post casting doubts if I would benefit from the waiver. I knew that, it was there, I could read it, it was not covering my case !!! What i am trying to tell you is that the law however stupid, is very clear. If you and your case meet the criteria based on which, the new law sees you qualified, then hey, you are qualified, Simple as that. So you hear the word " if " , only because the officer responding to these inquiries does not know the details and the specifics surrounding that particular case. So hang in there brother and believe me, you and many others on this forum will be approved. Trust me on this one.

That's what my Lawyer said with lots of certainties. Let us wait and see after Sept. 13th meeting.
JosephEsf!!!! Good to see you participating, ...Never lose HOPE! Something is about to happen for good.
Thank you Deep trigger. By the way what do you think about this. I was the main applicant and my wife was a derivative. They had said that because of the material support thing, my application was put on hold. So what does their decision to approve my wife tell you? Do you know of any similar cases? :confused:

THAT alone tells me that<<USCIS IS one of the most Dysfunctional Federal Agency, its policies are not consistent with its ways of proceeding. There are several other similar cases, whether I know or not. Your personal case is an example, a beneficiary that you have petitioned (yourself) should not be approved unless the petitioner(who is you) is clear from the Hold and approved first, because simply the beneficiary application is a derivative one>>. But with USCIS, THE BEST WAY TO DESCRIBE USCIS WAY OF OPERATING IS TO READ SOME HECATE POSTS...
I am so frustrated now, discourage and kind of hopeless...
Let us all hang in there, and wait for the upcoming weeks, but the anger and frustration among us is incommensurable and unprecedented.
You may ask your attorney what is the reason for RFE after cases have been on hold for so long, my attorney is not in her office any more and her office can not help me any more, if other than you any one reading is requested to contact an attorney and post here so we are prepared in advance I have not received any thing from USCIS in reference to my hold case in a long tome, to me writing them or inquire from them is a waste of valuable time.

hecate, my attorney got back to me and mentioned that << with Employment-Base application ONLY, after a case has been on hold, USCIS ALWAYS asked for RFE in 99% of the cases, to update employer information, biographical information (it is supposedly a requirement) BUT not Asylum-Base adjustment of status. he said <<long story short most of these cases are preadjudicated and ready to go once the exemption waiver is available>>.
nunc pro tunc for i 485 green card

i was applied for i 485 green card basic on my family asylum and i applied on 23/12/2011 an i submit all missing files but on 08/06/2012 they posted for About Request for Evidence Response Review but after 90 days when i wrote email they told me ..
based on your request, we researched the status of this case. Your case is currently on hold, awaiting further instruction from headquarters regarding this type of case. The I-485 Asylum supervisor was contacted for further information regarding the hold location for this case. This case has been placed on a “Nunc Pro Tunc” hold shelf, due to the fact that you are not currently eligible for the benefit sought. If this application were adjudicated at this time, it would be denied. Therefore, we are holding your case along with other similar cases, awaiting a headquarters’ determination regarding the application of Nunc Pro Tunc.

Unfortunately, a time frame for cases being held in this location has not been provided. If you have not received a decision or other notice of action on this case within 6 months, from the date of this response, please feel free to contact us again for further updates. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Thank you,

USCIS Nebraska Service Center
what is that mean can you explain to me and what i have to do?
i was applied for i 485 green card basic on my family asylum and i applied on 23/12/2011 an i submit all missing files but on 08/06/2012 they posted for About Request for Evidence Response Review but after 90 days when i wrote email they told me ..
based on your request, we researched the status of this case. Your case is currently on hold, awaiting further instruction from headquarters regarding this type of case. The I-485 Asylum supervisor was contacted for further information regarding the hold location for this case. This case has been placed on a “Nunc Pro Tunc” hold shelf, due to the fact that you are not currently eligible for the benefit sought. If this application were adjudicated at this time, it would be denied. Therefore, we are holding your case along with other similar cases, awaiting a headquarters’ determination regarding the application of Nunc Pro Tunc.

Unfortunately, a time frame for cases being held in this location has not been provided. If you have not received a decision or other notice of action on this case within 6 months, from the date of this response, please feel free to contact us again for further updates. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Thank you,

USCIS Nebraska Service Center
what is that mean can you explain to me and what i have to do?

Sammy007, No worries but you have to act now...
USCIS reply is way too long, but all that says is you currently fell out of status, could be due to several reasons, for example you are now 21 years or older more than 180 days, and you need nunc pro tunc relief that would allow you to gain back your previous status. You should be able to gain back the lawful status, just get a lawyer this is a very easy procedure and almost all applicants get reconsidered, and the reconsideration follows with an approval.
Sammy007, No worries but you have to act now...
USCIS reply is way too long, but all that says is you currently fell out of status, could be due to several reasons, for example you are now 21 years or older more than 180 days, and you need nunc pro tunc relief that would allow you to gain back your previous status. You should be able to gain back the lawful status, just get a lawyer this is a very easy procedure and almost all applicants get reconsidered, and the reconsideration follows with an approval.

It seems that you obtained your asylum status through marriage or parents...and in such a situation if you divorce or age out. nunce pro tune asylum application is the only way for you to get your GC...it will allow you to recieve your asylum status on your own application...it is simply a requirment for INS to finalize your status beofroe acting on adjustment of status application to PR...I do agree with the gentalman that you may need to get legal assistance in order to be certain....after all INS people tend to be very unpredictable...Good luck