I am no Terrorist, any advice?

I do think you are a lawyer and you are here just for fishing and advertising for yourself, if that is the case I think it is unethical to do that this way !!!!.
Dear Asylee_1999
I am not a lawyer , I am a guy blocked by 212 a 3 b , have an idea and asking for your opinions, been doing my searches and ,& I have been in contact with a lawyer for some time now who I think is good and willing to take our cases in a federal court. Its up to you if you wanna believe that or not , but that not going to change the facts I forementioned. I could go solo or with the 8 friends I have with me now in the same boat , but wanted to share my idea with you guys thinking all for one and one for all . I will be paying like many other guys to that attorney and I am not having any material gains out of that.Let think about what can benifit us rather than having untrue speculation and loose the momentum we trying to achieve .By the way I live in Michigan.
Dear Asylee_1999,I might be wroung,but I don't believe justnjust is a lawyer,I am in email contact with him and he emailed me a lawyers's number that he is been talking to,i googled the name and read his prifle,to tell you the truth,even if justnjust is a lawyer,and it happens to be the one he emailed me his information,I will hire him after having read his profile and resume.Most if not all of us are going through immigration issues right now

hello worryman,
I want to know where you live. If you want to join email to justnjust. I emailed him already.

I am watching C-Span tv channel where it is showing "Senate Judiciary Committe hearing" where Patrick Lehey
talked about "material support", other topics and also talked about "refugees" backlog etc. He is really a nice guy.
I think he understands our problem well. On the other hand, there is another senator "Session" who is talking like a
looser and only talked about "border" thing in South.
Then comes our madam - iron gate - Secretary of Homeland Security -- who is hearing like a cat and trying
to keep her job by making excuses by saying "we are doing a good job in the border by detaining half million mexcican"

Sadly, the Cspan stopped the coverage in the middle and switched to White House Hearing. I think they don't
want us to know the truth.

Yes, I am going to join the Mandamus if you guys are mind set too and if it is the right process that will free us.
Lets unite and lets work together. We definitely can solve this problem. We have done nothing wrong to be treated
like a prisoner.
Dear samdalas40 , Thanks for being positive , as soon as I recieve the lawyers survey I will be forwarding it to all of you , we are 15 so far from different states ,Michigan (my self) ,Illinois (chicago), Minisota , Texas Dallas and other areas, Ohio (colombus),(Cleaveland), Virginia , Maryland + 3( samdalas40-Zabai and newyorker) from this forum. We will share the information as soon as its available to me . Thank you guys for the support.
Dear justnjust,I just received an email from the lawyer, he wrote that he is working on the survey and will soon get back to me with more information including cost.
Hello everyone,

I have been reading this forum for a while. I think people who had 212 a 3 b hold have finally decided to act.
This is a great news. Yes We should act together and earn the freedom we deserve. I am representing my
country (Nepal) asylees in this forum who are in this hold. I will try to spread this news and find more people who are in this hold category. Thank you for the ones who are taking lead on this hold.

Please provide more details about who to contact, what are the attorney fees and what are the risks.
preisdent obama just promised when he wants to win in election. After that, he keep quiet nothing mention about immigration problem. We sign the petition that government should aware our voices and take action for this problem. Yes, we are asylums who are working and paying our taxes to this country as nationality. It is not fair that they neglect this problem as a national security reason.
Does president Obama know about this issue?
If not, then why don't you let your friends,co-workers,relatives,etc to contact his staff to bring this issue to his attention. He has the power to issue an executive order to remove the hold.
Remember that the president promised all citizens to have an open communication with him to collect feedback and hear concerns
Once again, he might be able to help.
Forget about lawyers and lawsuits, they won't do any good.
Dear NepaliAsylee Thank you for your input , I wish every hold is over but I don't know what would be the outcome , but I think it might have a better chance than a solo law suit. when you speak to the lawyer he will tell you the chances , but my hunch is if we are a big group and filed it same day it will be hard to deny all of us , for more details please contact me at 212a3b@gmail.com
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U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Office of the Director
Washington, DC 20529
HQ 70/2.1
February 13, 2009
FROM: Michael Aytes /s/
Acting Deputy Director
SUBJECT: Revised Guidance on the Adjudication of Cases involving Terrorist-Related Inadmissibility Grounds and Amendment to the Hold Policy for such Cases
1. Purpose
This memorandum provides instruction to all field offices to consider and adjudicate cases where an alien provided material support to a terrorist organization described in sections 212(a)(3)(B)(vi)(I) or (II) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). This memo alsoremoves this category of cases from the hold directive established in the March 26, 2008 memo1and modifies the hold guidance to allow for certain cases to be elevated for a determination as to whether the hold should be lifted.
2. Background
On April 27, 2007, the Secretary of Homeland Security exercised his discretionary authority under Section 212(d)(3)(B)(i) of the INA not to apply subsection 212(a)(3)(B)(iv)(VI) to certain individuals who have provided material support under duress to certain terrorist organizations described in subsections 212(a)(3)(B)(vi)(I) and (II) (designated terrorist organizations, often referred to as Tier I and Tier II organizations) if warranted by the totality of the circumstances. The authority not to apply subsection 212(a)(3)(B)(iv)(VI) of the INA in certain circumstances was delegated to USCIS in consultation with United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). When this exemption authority was exercised, the Department of Homeland

See USCIS Memorandum, “Withholding Adjudication and Review of Prior Denials of Certain Categories of Cases
Involving Association with, or Provision of Material Support to, Certain Terrorist Organizations or Other Groups,”
March 26, 2008.

Revised Guidance on the Adjudication of Cases involving Terrorist-Related Inadmissibility Grounds and Amendment to the Hold Policy for such Cases Security (DHS) agreed in the interagency process that the exemption authority would be exercised only with respect to applicants who provided material support under duress to specific Tier I or Tier II organizations agreed upon by the interagency after completion of an examination
of the national security implications of applying the exemption authority in the case of the specific Tier I or Tier II organization under consideration (i.e., an IC assessment).
On December 19, 2008, the Secretary authorized USCIS, in consultation with ICE, to exercise his exemption authority with respect to material support provided under duress to any Tier I or Tier II organization, regardless of whether an IC assessment has been completed for that group. In cases where insufficient open source information is available to determine the national security implications of applying the exemption authority to a particular Tier I or Tier II organization, USCIS will coordinate with ICE and DHS to obtain additional information on the group to assist in adjudication.
3. Headquarters Review and Oversight Procedures USCIS continues to require two levels of supervisory review for all duress-based material support exemptions. Each USCIS component will issue component-specific guidance regarding required levels of supervisory review. In order to ensure agency-wide consistency in implementation of the material support duress exemption for cases covered by this memorandum, components may present cases to the material support working group for review and concurrence before proceeding with final adjudication. In addition, the Material Support Working Group may make recommendations to components regarding particular classes of cases to be presented to the Working Group.
4. Revised Hold Policy
As indicated above, it is no longer necessary to hold cases involving individuals who provided material support to a Tier I or Tier II terrorist organization under duress, as previously required by the March 26 memorandum, unless USCIS specifically requests an intelligence community (IC) assessment on a particular organization. Under this revised policy, the following categories of cases must remain or be placed on hold pending further instruction:
1. Applicants who are inadmissible under the terrorist-related provisions of the INA based on any activity or association that was not under duress relating to any Tier III organization, other than those for which an exemption currently exists3;
2. Applicants who are inadmissible under the terrorist-related provisions of the INA, other than material support, based on any activity or association related to a designated (Tier I or Tier II) or undesignated (Tier III) terrorist organization where the activity or association was under duress;
3 Those groups are: Karen National Union/Karen Liberation Army (KNU/KNLA); Chin National Front/Chin
National Army (CNF/CNA); Chin National League for Democracy (CNLD); Kayan New Land Party (KNLP);
Arakan Liberation Party (ALP); Tibetan Mustangs; Cuban Alzados; Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP);
appropriate groups affiliated with the Hmong; and appropriate groups affiliated with the Montagnards.

Revised Guidance on the Adjudication of Cases involving Terrorist-Related Inadmissibility
Grounds and Amendment to the Hold Policy for such Cases.

3. Applicants who voluntarily provided medical care to designated or undesignated terrorist organizations (Tier I, II, or III), to members of terrorist organizations, or to individuals who have engaged in terrorist activity; and
4. Applicants who are inadmissible under INA § 212(a)(3)(B)(i)(IX) as the spouses or children of aliens described above, whether or not those aliens have applied for an immigration benefit.
If the adjudicating office receives a request from the beneficiary and/or attorney of record to adjudicate a case on hold per this policy (including the filing of a mandamus action in federal court), or if it is otherwise determined that a particular case should be considered for adjudication (for example, if there are compelling circumstances surrounding the case), the case should be elevated through the chain of command to appropriate Headquarters personnel. Guidance will be provided by USCIS headquarters on whether or not the case should be adjudicated.
NOTE: Where evidence indicates that the applicant poses a danger to the safety and security of the United States, adjudicators should raise the case through the local chain of command and in accordance with existing security check procedures to appropriate Headquarters personnel for guidance prior to proceeding with adjudication.
Adjudicators will receive additional guidance on continued or lifted holds on these cases as decisions are reached at the DHS level.
4. Contact Information
Questions should be directed through the component chain of command to the Material Support
Working Group.
as mentioned in my previous posting, I spend most of my free time at working searching the internet on anything related to this horrible situation that we've found ourselves in, the so call "hold" thing. For some reason, it looks like this memo was released last year, but I just found it today online and thought sharing it with other forum members might give some glimpse of hope, but this does not mean we should back down in our efforts to fight our course.
The memo is pretty useless as it has failed to yield any fruit for us.

We need to grow as a collective bunch. Have you guys tried to find other victims in trackitt? 100 + asylees vs DHS and their nonsense, it should be interesting.
the 7000 cases of people are really hoping their Gc. No reason, no respond and don't accept any explain, just labeled us as terrorist. We loses our opportunities for being delayed.
Dear Justnjust
I would like to get more info regarding the lawsuit against the USCIS office. Our cases have been on hold for long period of time as you know, and time has come to take an action. We will have a better result doing it as a group. Please send me the lawyer information and phone number. Thanks
The memo Samdallas posted above is used to apply for a waiver. But waiver is usually disregarded by DHS or you won't hear anything back and is useless as The.Walker mentioned.

I have spread the news across the communities through organizations and mass email. It drew several phone calls requests and reply throughout the day. I think you all should do the same. Here is what I sent and I got flooded with emails and phone requests.

Dear ........(organizatation) President,

I came across with the news that there are about 6000 asylees in US who filed for adjustment of status after 1 year of their asylum approval and their cases have been put on hold with the clause: 212 A 3 b of the INA. This is basically a terrorist suspect bar. There are bunch of people including myself are going for a class action lawsuit against DHS ambiguous law. The more people participate more chances of winning the lawsuit. Senator Patrick Lahey is the primary spokesperson on behalf of asyless to reform this law and this bill is introduced in the senate (March 22, 2010). The lawyer who is preparing for the lawsuit is XXXXX XXXXXX , Washington DC, whose Email is tkragland@duanemorris.com and phone number is XXXXXXXXXXX.

Please forward this message to the communities where lots of folks might be living in silent and fear of the immigration law and have them contact the attorney. Those who are in hold for months or years due to 212 A 3 b bar should speak up now and let their voices be heard with the result of approval of their greencard from the class action lawsuit. Here are the links to read the discussions forums.


Native Language Dilect: tapai haru kohi yaha nepali hunuhuncha vane kripaya lag namani shreeshrma605@gmail.com ma contact garnu hola. dhanyabad.
I want to thankt nepaliAsylee for doing this, and we should are try to get more people from our respective communities, the more people we get, the better for us and the less expensive it becomes, and the most important I believe is, if we could end up with more than 500 people for the law suit, it will be great. The email that I got from the lawyer (the one in DC) mentioned about getting as many people as possible and not leaving any potential plaintiff out. This thing is gathering momentum on this forum. Guys, don’t underestimate the powers of the internet and social media, this is what got Obama elected. Let’s keep up, it’s our time.
Dear Nepali Asylee , Sam dalas40 and all of people especially those who still watching in the shadows remember we were against oppression in our home land and we need to be against injustice in our new land .
yesterday I got an Email from Gamil team asking me for the new Email 212a3b@gmail.com more info including the password or they will close the account , I think I will forward all the emails to my old one as a back up plan .
Thanks to All of you guys , I circulated the news among my community as well and good number has joined us so far but hoping for more to join , having more people on board will be our 1st 2nd and 3rd jobs .
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Btw, I wonder if we could sue DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano too. She's done nothing on this. If she is unwilling to do anything about this and let it slide just like that, perhaps, we could file a lawsuit against her too?

NepaliAsylee, I shall get back to you sometime next week.
suing DHS homeland Secretary might be a nice idea,but let's focus right now on one thing, getting our applications approved.
Samdallas, I didn't mean to propose the idea of suing her as part of a revenge. She didn't do anything against us - intentionally but if we were to tag her in this writ of Mandamus, this would get an even bigger exposure! 7,000 families, thousands of lives, thousands of plans,careers and what not will be in the spotlight and this will most definitely draw even bigger attention and a reform will be required and perhaps, implemented asap. The bigger the attention, the bigger our chances in my personal opinion. While she might not have done anything against us, we can safely say that she hasn't done ANYTHING at all on behalf of us too. 11 years, 9 years, 5 years, 3 years on hold. Is this a joke? A person with that kind of authority SHOULD be doing something to save or rescue us! She hasn't done anything at all. As a matter of fact, if you've noticed, every time we write to her, we get the same idiotic nonsenses such as "give us 6 more months", "...is being actively processed" and what not and what's more, it keeps recurring, months after months. You get sent the same shit every time your write to them. She just isn't doing anything! After all, she gets to see her husband and her kids, in laws, relatives the moment she wants to, doesn't she?

Btw, we could perhaps inform her and the DHS about this move?

And last but not the least, I really hope that if, by any chance, one or two of us were to receive our approvals, I just hope that we won't stop continuing supporting each other. If say, I received my approval this week and I stopped coming in, it will defeat the entire purpose. Bear in mind, we aren't doing it only for us, we represent over 7,000 asylees and their families that have been affected by this idiotic hold. Sure thing, one or two of us could receive our approvals, even if we didn't do anything but it doesn't mean they will approve the remaining cases in a smooth manner. The last thing we'd want would be to find any of us in "last man standing" position. We need to put this inhumane hold to bed, once and for all!
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