How to push USCIS to get oath letter quickly?


Let me give you some good news: If you leave the US without your citizenship for India and stay 1-2 years out with a re-entry permit, let's and assume you come back on Jan 2011, then you won't be eligible for N400...drum roll please...:rolleyes: in 2016 in October...:) I suspect by them, N400 (it will still be called that) will be $3500 plus $975 for FP. Moreover, Obama will be about to leave office after a second term of his Presidency...:p

Well by that time unemployment in US would have hit 20%, Alabamans and Mississipians would have grown grumpier, Texans would still like to cede from US..and everyone from this forum would be lined up for getting permanent residency and citizenship of China.:cool::cool:

Yes, weird Al would be there too , advising people ..that to practice good moral behavior , you need to eat MhuShu port twice a day and do taichi by night.
I can imagine the scene, USCIS guy 1 to USCIS guy 2, "hey some guy wants his oath pushed up 'cause he has to go to India for 2 years, what should I do?"

USCIS guy 2 "Just fling the file over here, I'll put it on the bottom of my very important file pile, I need a little more height for my coffee cup"

Good luck.
Thanks for your all responses. As a whole, there is no benefit of trying for personal reasons rather it might take even longer. Great USCIS!!!
Thanks for your all responses. As a whole, there is no benefit of trying for personal reasons rather it might take even longer. Great USCIS!!!

Requesting to take Oath sooner will not delay the process. I would try. Simply come up with a different reason. A federal job application deadline for example is a good one ( Schedule an infopass and go try your luck. With USCIS one can never predict an outcome.

Good Luck.
Requesting to take Oath sooner will not delay the process. I would try. Simply come up with a different reason. A federal job application deadline for example is a good one ( Schedule an infopass and go try your luck. With USCIS one can never predict an outcome.

Good Luck.

He will be lying to USCIS about being an applicant for a federal job, for which he is not :confused: I hope you aren't advising this gentleman to lie in order to go to India.
He will be lying to USCIS about being an applicant for a federal job, for which he is not :confused: I hope you aren't advising this gentleman to lie in order to go to India.

Well, it all depends on how you look at it. No one is suggesting OP lies to anyone. OP just lost his father and needs to be in India.
Requesting to take Oath sooner will not delay the process. I would try. Simply come up with a different reason. A federal job application deadline for example is a good one (
They won't just take somebody's word for it that they applied for a Federal job. They'll want to see proof, including a job number which they can verify. Similarly, if you have some other urgent circumstance like a child about to turn 21 or about to be deployed in the military, they will want to see supporting documentation of that.
Im not going to judge but come on! THIS is really importat! if you are willing to go with your family and leave your case open or your chance to become a citizen then don't do it and apply when your problems are taken care of etc. It is pretty obvious that those issues you have seem to be more important than your status in the United States. Like we've told you already there is no way of speeding things up for personal issues. So your only chance is to either stay or forget about US citizenship for now and go on with your life.

It just makes me a little angry that people take this opportunity for granted and play with it like is not a serious matter.
Dear Mimi1212, You don't have to be very angry about this. What formerf1 said is correct. I am jobless and trying for last 6 months and I lost some of the jobs due to citizenship also. Telling the truth is not crime. And also my situation is genuine, I am not doing just to have it faster or for fun. I really appreciate the responses.
I wish my case was like that of Mr. MVENGALA. He is one NOT serious dude. making all of us in the process jealousy. Some of us had to wait 11 years for the Green Card and in the process lost father, mother, mother to my son and few other relatives we would never see. And to see someone play with Citizenship LIKE THIS JUST BRING ME TEARS.
I for one have stayed for the last three years so I can have my citizenship, why would a moderator waste some of our precious time to a guy who does not value any of the processes but personal desires...
We are all in line and Mr. MVENGALA just thinks, Citizenship is just like going to a Grocery store and buy some beer and decided to take it back if you do not need it at the time. Mr. MVENGALA, you do belong to INDIA. Please leave citizenship alone so those that desire and value it can move forward in line. Good luck man.
I wish my case was like that of Mr. MVENGALA. He is one NOT serious dude. making all of us in the process jealousy. Some of us had to wait 11 years for the Green Card and in the process lost father, mother, mother to my son and few other relatives we would never see. And to see someone play with Citizenship LIKE THIS JUST BRING ME TEARS.
I for one have stayed for the last three years so I can have my citizenship, why would a moderator waste some of our precious time to a guy who does not value any of the processes but personal desires...
We are all in line and Mr. MVENGALA just thinks, Citizenship is just like going to a Grocery store and buy some beer and decided to take it back if you do not need it at the time. Mr. MVENGALA, you do belong to INDIA. Please leave citizenship alone so those that desire and value it can move forward in line. Good luck man.

Couldn't agree more!
I wish my case was like that of Mr. MVENGALA. He is one NOT serious dude. making all of us in the process jealousy. Some of us had to wait 11 years for the Green Card and in the process lost father, mother, mother to my son and few other relatives we would never see. And to see someone play with Citizenship LIKE THIS JUST BRING ME TEARS.
I for one have stayed for the last three years so I can have my citizenship, why would a moderator waste some of our precious time to a guy who does not value any of the processes but personal desires...
We are all in line and Mr. MVENGALA just thinks, Citizenship is just like going to a Grocery store and buy some beer and decided to take it back if you do not need it at the time. Mr. MVENGALA, you do belong to INDIA. Please leave citizenship alone so those that desire and value it can move forward in line. Good luck man.

Very well said Bud! this is what a person gets when you dont focus and man up your goals..:mad:

anyway,how is it Nelson? oath letter still hangin out there? its comin bro! be patient!
I got my oath letter in Aug 2008 but I left to India in July 2008 because......... return the original letter ........ asking 6months hold on my case. ........... I came to US on March 2009

So, if I am reading your original post correctly, you took a trip out of the US for 9 months are you were approved at your interview, and now have the case re-opened and are waiting for an oath date.
Unless I am mistaken, you need to maintain continuous residency until your oath date - a trip of 9 months will be presumed to have broken this. When you do get to your oath ceremony, you will need to disclose this trip, then stand a very serious risk if having your case denied at that point.
Also, if you manage to overcome that hurdle, after your oath you do need to apply for a US passport, then an India visa before you can leave the country.
I did not play. I missed oath because of my father died and nobody is to take care of my mother. When I came back I try to re-open but USPS returned my re-opened certified mail without informing me. Its brutal. I have been waiting since March and I have to take care of family issues (legal problems) in India for which I must be there and I am not sure when I come back. My situation is critical. As I mentioned, I am not doing for fun. Sorry if you misunderstood.
I wish my case was like that of Mr. MVENGALA. He is one NOT serious dude. making all of us in the process jealousy. And to see someone play with Citizenship LIKE THIS JUST BRING ME TEARS.

Ridiculous Interpretation! Give the guy a break. You or me don't know all the details of his case and should stick to any advice if we can offer any. He has said somewhere that he has been out of job for 6 months and to me and many of us here job/family is a very important thing; more than a lot of other things. I may go to Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Timbuktu or any other place; if there is a need and my family is suffering and I cannot find a job. Couldn't be greedy for self all the time and let family suffer. That alone could be a good enough reason for OP to not give up on the job he is being offered and I too would certainly try (if need be) my best to have the best of both world's before I go (Citizenship + earn for my family).

Some of us had to wait 11 years for the Green Card and in the process lost father, mother, mother to my son and few other relatives we would never see.

I wouldn't do that; and I can assure most Americans wouldn't, either. Some things are important but again everyone's priorities could be different.

We are all in line and Mr. MVENGALA just thinks, Citizenship is just like going to a Grocery store and buy some beer and decided to take it back if you do not need it at the time.

Some people may think mothers, parents, spouse, son and siblings dying or children suffering may not be a big deal; others may think Citizenship is just like a Grocery store. Some like me may think both are equally important. So, what is the point?

Mr. MVENGALA, you do belong to INDIA

Again an unwarranted statement. One should know the laws of this land and understand whether it is allowed to make these statements here before claiming/wanting to be an American. Most of us here are from different countries and if one cannot respect the country where he, you, me or where ever one was born I am not sure what justice they would do to America.

why would a moderator waste some of our precious time to a guy who does not value any of the processes but personal desires...

Really wonder if was worth spending precious time on responding to this post either.

Nothing personal against anyone but did not see a point on this vent against OP. If one doesn't have anything positive to add please do not post anything negative. Just refrain from posting. My 2 cents.
Rich I believe Nelson gave his opinion about the case, if you don't want to hear what people have to say about you don't post on a public forum. We know the OP had personal reasons for what he/she did but to put his status in USA in jeopardy -AGAIN- is unacceptable for some of us that have come accross simular obstacles in life but we have made other choices and stay to get what we are here for (the US citizenship) So no need to critize someone for giving an opinion.
Rich I believe Nelson gave his opinion about the case, if you don't want to hear what people have to say about you don't post on a public forum. We know the OP had personal reasons for what he/she did but to put his status in USA in jeopardy -AGAIN- is unacceptable for some of us that have come accross simular obstacles in life but we have made other choices and stay to get what we are here for (the US citizenship) So no need to critize someone for giving an opinion.

Mimi, The way I look at this forum is that we should do our own self-introspection and if someone asks a question, one is welcome to offer valid suggestions if they have any. All Nelson could have said was that "I strongly suggest you take your US citizenship very seriously more than anything else" and that would have conveyed the point in a much more polite manner and would have been fine. I do not generally criticize anyone and only pointed out that he criticized someone when he did not really have to. I do not wish to beat this topic to death but Nelson made at least one statement here in my opinion that could potentially never get him US citizenship leave aside deportation (if someone does decide to pursue of course). So each one of should understand what the forum or country law limits are before responding to any posts.

Let us lay down our swords and embrace in a hug for the sake of humanity. There is no need to be fighting and hurling rocks at each other because of the OP case. We clearly disagree with the OP on the reasons for seeking a more expedient path to the passport, but let us not lose sight of the fact we have different priorities. The first amendment is clearly demonstrated in this forum, but let us cool down.

As a personal matter, I now understand why the OP left for India and if I were in his jockstrap, I would have left...:eek: He was unemployed for 6 months, which is like eternity in this country, especially if you live in a high cost metropolitan area like DC, LA, NY or any other expensive city. He's in Ohio, which I suppose maybe for a Just.Over.Broke and he's trying all his best to do the right thing for himself and the bills which his family in India are accumulating because his dad has move-on to a new dimension. I hope we all recognize that our priorities are different, but it doesn't negate our ability to see his viewpoint, irrespective of the fact that we might disagree with him.

Let us lay down our swords and embrace in a hug for the sake of humanity. There is no need to be fighting and hurling rocks at each other because of the OP case. We clearly disagree with the OP on the reasons for seeking a more expedient path to the passport, but let us not lose sight of the fact we have different priorities. The first amendment is clearly demonstrated in this forum, but let us cool down.

As a personal matter, I now understand why the OP left for India and if I were in his jockstrap, I would have left...:eek: He was unemployed for 6 months, which is like eternity in this country, especially if you live in a high cost metropolitan area like DC, LA, NY or any other expensive city. He's in Ohio, which I suppose maybe for a Just.Over.Broke and he's trying all his best to do the right thing for himself and the bills which his family in India are accumulating because his dad has move-on to a new dimension. I hope we all recognize that our priorities are different, but it doesn't negate our ability to see his viewpoint, irrespective of the fact that we might disagree with him.

Thanks for cooling :cool: this down Al! Did not want this to get more and more complicated and personal either. Honestly, I do agree with the point Nelson was trying to convey; just did not agree with the mannerism. I am all warm and fuzzy now! :)