How to push USCIS to get oath letter quickly?

I thought this site will give suggestions or directions so that I can ease my situation. Instead making more. I like negative criticism in a little bit more polite way. I understand everyone wants his citizenship quicker. I came to this site to get some good suggestions or directions. Thanks to all for your replies.
I don't think people should judge.
But since there was plenty of judging in this thread, I'll follow.
Any immigration paperwork is just paperwork. People have different priorities in life. To me immigration is definitely not a high priority, I understand for other people it could be higher.
Already people who cancel vacation to attend an immigration interview instead of postponing raise my eyebrows, imagine somebody who put a freaking naturalization process before the death of his/her father and the welfare of his/her family.
Very well said Bud! this is what a person gets when you dont focus and man up your goals..:mad:

anyway,how is it Nelson? oath letter still hangin out there? its comin bro! be patient!

DELL27, I am waiting bud. It is coming probably in two weeks. I started skul. You know want to be a Pathologist so my time of worrying is thrown away now I am concentrating on studies. Before I know it, it will be here. But I am relieved because normally a response in two weeks is always a querry not a good one. So I am a little relieved that after next week, you will be hearing from me hopefully with a smile my friend.

Are you ready for Oath???
I don't think people should judge.
But since there was plenty of judging in this thread, I'll follow.
Any immigration paperwork is just paperwork. People have different priorities in life. To me immigration is definitely not a high priority, I understand for other people it could be higher.
Already people who cancel vacation to attend an immigration interview instead of postponing raise my eyebrows, imagine somebody who put a freaking naturalization process before the death of his/her father and the welfare of his/her family.

Unless you can raise someone from the dead, your presence there isn't going to make any difference...:eek: Of course, grieving with your family isn't a bad idea at all. However, as I mentioned earlier, people's priorities are different and we should respect each other's differece as opposed to roasting each other over nonsensical issue.

Immigration isn't a top priority for me, but it could be if I decide to pursue a certain course of action. So, we need to put this in perspective for the benefit of all who read this forum.