How to push USCIS to get oath letter quickly?


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I got my oath letter in Aug 2008 but I left to India in July 2008 because my father died and I have to take care of funeral processing and my mother. I asked my friend to return the original letter with cover letter explaining situation and asking 6months hold on my case. They put my case on hold. I came to US on March 2009 and changed my address from Los Angeles CA to Cincy OH. They sent address change letter in April 2009. On April 28th 2009 they sent certified mail "montion to reopen my case" which was returned by USPS to USCIS without informing me. I was waiting and calling 1800 number and going local USCIS office in Cincy OH, they are asking to wait. In june 1st week I got certified mail saying my case was denied because I failed to repond. I went to Cincy OH office, the clerk went and talked to supervisor and requested my file transfer to Cincy OH office. I though it is easy to deal with local people rather than going to LA CA. After coming my file in June end they told you missed several times there is no hope to get your citizenship so either you have to reapply or re-open by paying $605.00. I dicied to re-open and next day Saturday filed by USPS. Monday morning she called me and they are going to process my application because of service error. Supervisor look at it and dicide to approve or deny. I though it is good situation. But they didnot even look at my file till Aug 18th. I went several times but they were giving different reasons. Finally on Aug 18th clerk was feel guilty of say different reason so Asked me to write a letter to expedite the process, so she can talk to supervisor and move my file faster. I did. She called me on 20th Aug and said she is approved my case to re-open but it is going to take two months(some time in October I might get oath). I have to move back to India due to family problems (it is mandatory) so I want to get it done in September. How and what can I say to USCIS so that they can conduct oath in Sept 2009? This is very very improtant to me. I would really appreciate your quick reponse.
I have to leave to India in Oct 2009 (family urgency - mandatory). When I asked they said they don't have slots so they can conduct in October. Can I write them saying I got a project in India so that I need to go to India in October. I want to get it done in sept before moving overseas. Is it a good reason to move my file faster? Otherwise what is the best reason so that I can get oath in Sept?

I really appreciate your reply.
Sure you can write them, but it doesn't mean they will meet your request. Oaths are scheduled according to available space..what you're requesting is that you'd be moved in front of the line due to your circumstances..something USCIS (and other applicants) really don't care much about.
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I have to leave to India in Oct 2009 (family urgency - mandatory). When I asked they said they don't have slots so they can conduct in October. Can I write them saying I got a project in India so that I need to go to India in October. I want to get it done in sept before moving overseas. Is it a good reason to move my file faster? Otherwise what is the best reason so that I can get oath in Sept?

I really appreciate your reply.

There is no way to speed it up or slow it down according to your desired timing. I think the only thing to do is take 3 days off from your Indian
project and fly back, take oath, fly away again.
Sadly Immigration doesn't accomodate people because of their personal issues, they could care less....Imagine if they did?! it could be chaos so the best choice is to either stay for the sake of your future in the United States etc or go to India and buy a ticket just to come back and do the oath like WBH suggested.
Why doesn't the OP return to India, leave the mail coming along to this current address and have a family member (assume he/she has one) check the mail continually for any mail from USCIS? If and even when you are scheduled for an interview and just hop on a plane and return to the US? I know of people who were going through the naturalization process and needed to be interviewed and sworn before a particular time as they were going overseas for US govt work and the DO accomodated this request as they had valid contracts indicating the need to be accomodated. You project isn't that important to USCIS...:eek:
and if the re-opening a case cost $ 600, I think one is always better off
and if the re-opening a case cost $ 600, I think one is always better off

......Except for the fact that he was away from the US from Jul 2008 through March 2009 and reapplying would be like...........
My situation is different. If I go to India, I can't comeback so I want to take US Citizenship and then go to India. It might take 1-2yrs before I come back to US. What are the consequences of asking? Is there any way I can push them to do it faster? My file is transferred in June but they are taking their own time to see my file. I have to go to local office 5times before even look at my file. I am not sure whether they will send it in october. Any ideas please!!!
There shouldn't be any consequences from asking. However, it might not make a difference in speeding things up. On rare occasions they might accommodate speed up requests, but imagine if everyone were asking for getting ahead in the queue, it would be operational chaos for them. Ideally they should have a process for expediting, but they don't. You can either try to write or try your luck on an Infopass.
You don't lose anything with asking, but try to get your citizenship before going back to India if you can, if you leave and don't come back in a year and a half or two you might lose the opportunity or might have to wait long again. Hopefully immigration processing doesn't change in the future, you never know. Plus with all the issues you have going on they might look at it like you are not making it a priority and make it harder for you....just my .2 cents.
My situation is different. If I go to India, I can't comeback so I want to take US Citizenship and then go to India. It might take 1-2yrs before I come back to US. What are the consequences of asking? Is there any way I can push them to do it faster? My file is transferred in June but they are taking their own time to see my file. I have to go to local office 5times before even look at my file. I am not sure whether they will send it in october. Any ideas please!!!

The only thing I can suggest is to try to contact your local senator. Not sure if it will help or not. I have heard that it is generally helpful to get things moving if a case is stuck somewhere for a very long time. Not sure if your case really falls in the same category since technically it's not really "stuck" anywhere now. I doubt if they can help you expedite it through USCIS though. Doesn't harm trying but you better have a good reason rather than complicating things further if you say that you intend be out of the country for 1 to 2 years (unless you have a very good case for it).
They won't speed up your oath. Forget about that. You would need certain limited circumstances such as a child about to turn 21 and lose eligibility for an immigration benefit or you are terminally ill. Having to go abroad is NOT something that will make them give you sooner oath date. Bake it into your plans to delay your trip or fly back for the oath.
and if the re-opening a case cost $ 600, I think one is always better off reapplying.

I was awaiting a question from WBH along the lines of "What if you have a twin brother and you send him to do oath under your name, would USCIS know the difference?" :D
Writing to a senator for this purpose is a complete waste of time for everyone involved in that transaction. They will get the letter, talk to USCIS (they can't speed up things) and get back to you saying that you are in the queue to get your oath scheduled. You might have better luck with an Infopass and asking to talk to a supervisor if you have a super good reason to ask for the speed up. I would guess if that they smell baloney they could possibly delay the oath for the fun of it. If you have a legitimate case you might get it expedited, but don't hold your breath. I would do as Jackolantern suggests and consider the delay in your plans.
Asking for an earlier oath so you can take a long trip overseas could cause denial or delay by bringing your continuous residence into question.
What I don't understand is this. TS is a US citizen immediately after the oath right?. He has to apply and get a US passport and then an Indian visa. Even if his oath is pushed ahead to Sep, IMO traveling to India in Oct looks like a very tight timeframe.

You have a choice to make, either stay and eat dirt while USCIS is taking its time to process your case or fly to India. :eek: I can assure you that the moment you tell them you need this processed so that you can go to India for about a year or two, it will be a nice cue to them delay you even further. The good thing about the USCIS is that personal problems and preferences of people is of no consequence to their time line. I would encourage you to save money and come back to the US. USCIS is unlike Burger King, you can't have IT your way...:rolleyes:

I suspect you are misguided in your view that somehow you can force them to move this process quicker. You are one who moved from CA to OH, so it takes another 3 months to establish residency and for the local DO to deal with your case. I am certain you moved for a valid reason, but I can't see a situation where your personal preference gain any sense of empathy from USCIS. I suspect to be employed by USCIS, they beat the living daylights out of your emotions...:rolleyes: Do as we suggest, wait and tell this project you have in India to wait till your US citizenship is sorted out. :cool:

Let me give you some good news: If you leave the US without your citizenship for India and stay 1-2 years out with a re-entry permit, let's and assume you come back on Jan 2011, then you won't be eligible for N400...drum roll please...:rolleyes: in 2016 in October...:) I suspect by them, N400 (it will still be called that) will be $3500 plus $975 for FP. Moreover, Obama will be about to leave office after a second term of his Presidency...:p