How soon do Parents have to come to US after getting green card


New Member
My parents are going to submit the final information requested by the USA counsulate.

How soon after they are given the green card OK do they have to board a flight to the US?
They do not have the Green Card yet. Tey will get some kind of stamp in their passport I beleive.

Someone was saying that they will have to come withing 60days of the passport being stamped.

Is this right or they still have 6 months after they are stamped.
They do not have the Green Card yet. Tey will get some kind of stamp in their passport I beleive.

Someone was saying that they will have to come withing 60days of the passport being stamped.

Is this right or they still have 6 months after they are stamped.

After a successful CP interview, the applicant will be issued a DS-230 visa in their passport (may take a day or two). As noted previously, this is valid for 6 months from date of issue, and is good for a single entry into the US. Once the immigrant arrives at a US PoE, the visa will be validated, and becomes a Temporary I-551 (GC) valid for 1 yr, during which time the person will receive their actual GC. (My mom received her card approx 2.5 months after entry)
Have they changed the format? If I recall, no immigrant visa was affixed on the passport. An immigrant visa used to be in the form of a sealed manila envelope with a cut corner.

After a successful CP interview, the applicant will be issued a DS-230 visa in their passport (may take a day or two).
it is now affixed in the passport, but the supporting documents are still sealed in the manila envelope.
The DS-230 looks pretty much like any other US visa - it takes up a whole page, and contains a digitized picture etc, etc.