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samoel said:
...We should have the minuteman run the asylum system here and will be no more fakes(asylees)...ooops I didn't say that I think O'Really said that or maybe Savage:p

Dr Shamshon why dont you add this to those numbers in the sig and prescribe some Xanax to impeachbushnow.whatever lefties:
Absolutely, but then you would have to prove you are not a communist. Their limited concrete mind will make them insist that since your father and mother were communists, you must be one. God have pity on you. By the way, your link is not working just like something else.
Arizona_Poet said:
I was reading all coments posted in this thread and to be honest I still don't understand why asylees like scaring other asylees with stuff like, that their statuses will b e revoked because they traveled to their home countries. ....
Here is my interpretation of asylee's hate for other asylees. It is actually a reflection of their own self-hate. The same way some blacks hate their fellow blacks and some gays hate fellow gays, some asylees hate their fellow asylees. Why? They have been bombarded by a constant message: they are bad, evil, incompetent and sick. When you constantly hear such negative message about yourself, you come to believe it, but then you say to yourself “oh shoot I can not hate myself.” So, what do you do? You hate those who remind you with yourself: fellow asylees. They are bad and you are good. They are the fake ones and you are authentic. They are lazy and you are a hard worker. They do not deserve the green card and you do. Robert Dinero is a perfect example here. He is the most self-hating Italian I have ever met in my life. I had a conversation with him once in a humanitarian conference and asked him about that. He said that he hates his people because of their long history of oppression starting from the Roman Empire! He added that he wants to expose their “evil.” Frankly, we all go through this stage but to be mature we need to get over it and realize, as you said, that we have a common fight as asylees. That is why I challenge these folks because I feel that their hate for their fellow asylees is actually a form of self-hate. Just my 2 cents.
shamshon said:
Absolutely, but then you would have to prove you are not a communist. Their limited concrete mind will make them insist that since your father and mother were communists, you must be one. God have pity on you. By the way, your link is not working just like something else.
The link is working but you have to have a open mind computer...
Here is it and don't forget the Xanax:


April 15, 2005
Iraqis Find Graves Thought to Hold Hussein's Victims

BAGHDAD, Iraq, April 14 - Investigators have discovered several mass graves in southern Iraq that are believed to contain the bodies of people killed by Saddam Hussein's government, including one estimated to hold 5,000 bodies, Iraqi officials say.

The graves, discovered over the past three months, have not yet been dug up because of the risks posed by the continuing insurgency and the lack of qualified forensic workers, said Bakhtiar Amin, Iraq's interim human rights minister. But initial excavations have substantiated the accounts of witnesses to a number of massacres. If the estimated body counts prove correct, the new graves would be among the largest in the grim tally of mass killings that have gradually come to light since the fall of Mr. Hussein's government two years ago. At least 290 grave sites containing the remains of some 300,000 people have been found since the American invasion two years ago, Iraqi officials say.

Forensic evidence from some graves will feature prominently in the trials of Mr. Hussein and the leaders of his government. The trials are to start this spring.

One of the graves, near Basra, in the south, appears to contain about 5,000 bodies of Iraqi soldiers who joined a failed uprising against Mr. Hussein's government after the 1991 Persian Gulf war. Another, near Samawa, is believed to contain the bodies of 2,000 members of the Kurdish clad led by Massoud Barzani.

As many as 8,000 men and boys from the clan disappeared in 1983 after being rounded up in northern Iraq by security forces at the command of Ali Hassan al-Majid, widely known as Chemical Ali. It remains unclear, however, how the victims ended up in the south.

Investigators have also discovered the remains of 58 Kuwaitis spread across several sites, including what appears to be a family of two adults and five children who were crushed by a tank, Mr. Amin said. At least 605 Kuwaitis disappeared at the time of the first gulf war, and before the latest graves were discovered, fewer than 200 had been accounted for, he added.

A smaller site was discovered near Nasiriya earlier this week. Arabic satellite television showed images of residents digging up remains there.

Mr. Amin declined to give the exact locations of the graves, saying it could endanger witnesses to the massacres and anyone working at the sites.

One obstacle to exhuming bodies has been an absence of DNA labs and forensic anthropologists in Iraq, Mr. Amin said.

In the aftermath of Mr. Hussein's fall, thousands of Iraqis overran mass grave sites, digging for their relatives' remains with backhoes, shovels, even their bare hands. A number of sites were looted, making identification of victims difficult, said Hanny Megally, Middle East director for the International Center for Transitional Justice.

The American occupation authority, after some initial hesitation, began classifying grave sites, and international teams began traveling to the sites in 2003 to conduct assessments or exhumations. But toward the end of 2004, rising violence led nearly all the teams to abandon their work.

Only one site has been fully examined, a grave of Kurdish victims in northern Iraq, Mr. Megally said. That work was overseen by the Regime Crimes Liaison Office, which is gathering evidence for the trials of Mr. Hussein and his deputies.

The interim Iraqi government, working with the United Nations, has drawn up plans for a National Center for Missing and Disappeared Persons that would have authority over all aspects of the process, from exhumations to providing assistance to victims' families.

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wantmygcnow said:
I think anyone who wants to visit HOME country should be HANGED!!...Its a disgrace to the asylum sysstem that many of gc holders who got their gc through asylum go back to their country.

DONT GIVE ME THE BS about the regime change and blah blah..and roots and blah!.....Anyone who wants to go back..and i mean WANT..so dont jump on me..PPL with emergency need who "HAVE" to go back is understandable..but ppl who want to go there for a vacation..should be hung in the middle of downtown D.C!

Its abuse of the system!...I dont care what everyone says. I am pretty sure that 9 out of 10(including me) would be SAFE to go back to their home country but the "would" is always there..its not YOU WILL BE SAFE...that doubt of being safe or not gave most of us asylum..

PPL like me who were a religious minority in a MUSLIM country will never be safe no matter who rules the country...

If i could do it..I would strip my nationality and bury it that NO ONE KNOWS! I hate it with passion..The worst thing that happeneed to me was to be born there..PLS DONT ASK WHAT COUNTRY.

I really think that a real Asylee, like me, wants to go back home, I came to this blessed country asking for protection, but as soon as the conditions in my home country change, and is safe to go back, immediatelly I'll send my GC back to CIS with a big THANK YOU letter and return to my country to live there, that's the bottomline of the asylum process, to get the protection while you need it, after that go back where you belong.

Is a different story if you came here to become a rich Doctor without any plans of going back if the conditions change, that's not really the purpose of the asylum process, even worst if you have psychological problems like a person who can state something like "I would strip my nationality and bury it that NO ONE KNOWS! I hate it with passion..The worst thing that happeneed to me was to be born there" protection is not the bottomline on this case.

Things change, in today's world a countrie's condition can change quickly, and don't forget the philosphy of the whole asylum process, protection while you need it, as a good friend, after that go back, even if you're a rich doctor, money is not the most importan thing in life.

In conclusion I think we have to re-think who the "fake" asylees are, those who want to go back when is safe to do it, or those who came to this country with the goal of becoming a US citizen, forgetting the bottomline of the asylum philosophy.
Then would you please withdraw your green card application? You do not have to apply for I-485. You can keep asylee status until such time as you judge that you can go home.

cookiemonster said:
I really think that a real Asylee, like me, wants to go back home, I came to this blessed country asking for protection, but as soon as the conditions in my home country change, and is safe to go back, immediatelly I'll send my GC back to CIS with a big THANK YOU letter and return to my country to live there, that's the bottomline of the asylum process, to get the protection while you need it, after that go back where you belong.

Is a different story if you came here to become a rich Doctor without any plans of going back if the conditions change, that's not really the purpose of the asylum process, even worst if you have psychological problems like a person who can state something like "I would strip my nationality and bury it that NO ONE KNOWS! I hate it with passion..The worst thing that happeneed to me was to be born there" protection is not the bottomline on this case.

Things change, in today's world a countrie's condition can change quickly, and don't forget the philosphy of the whole asylum process, protection while you need it, as a good friend, after that go back, even if you're a rich doctor, money is not the most importan thing in life.

In conclusion I think we have to re-think who the "fake" asylees are, those who want to go back when is safe to do it, or those who came to this country with the goal of becoming a US citizen, forgetting the bottomline of the asylum philosophy.
samoel said:
The link is working but you have to have a open mind computer...
Here is it and don't forget the Xanax:
And guess who provided this animal Saddam with weapons and encouraged him to act with such savagry : it is Rumsfeld and your repugnant (republican ) friends. see for yourself: http://stommel.tamu.edu/~baum/ethel/rumsfeld-saddam.jpg
Again you failed to see the big picture. I do not know when you will!!!!!!!!!! And, I do not do Xanax. I do meditation and prayer. They help sustain me through this ugly world. My prayers are different from yours though! I would also love to hear your comments about the minute men possible treatment of you if they have the power
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hampton8844 said:
Then would you please withdraw your green card application? You do not have to apply for I-485. You can keep asylee status until such time as you judge that you can go home.

Those are just papers. Come on!!! The bottom line is what you think. Your principles, your consciense.

Any bad feelings with my comments?
shamshon said:
And guess who provided this animal Saddam with weapons and encouraged him to act with such savagry : it is Rumsfeld and your repugnant (republican ) friends. see for yourself: http://stommel.tamu.edu/~baum/ethel/rumsfeld-saddam.jpg
Again you failed to see the big picture. I do not know when you will!!!!!!!!!! And, I do not do Xanax. I do meditation and prayer. They help sustain me through this ugly world. My prayers are different from yours though! I would also love to hear your comments about the minute men possible treatment of you if they have the power

Get real, buddy. You are the one not seeing the big picture. International politics is not black and white. We leaned toward Iraq in the 1980s because Iran presented a bigger threat to American interests and also we tried to diluate Soviet influence in the Middle East (Iraq was a Soviet client state at the time). Just like we allied ourselves with Stalin to defeat the Axis Powers in the Second World War, despite that fact that he was a monster in his own right.
cookiemonster said:
Those are just papers. Come on!!! The bottom line is what you think. Your principles, your consciense.

Any bad feelings with my comments?

If you were sincere on returning to your country for good once conditions change for the better, do not apply for a green card. Just hold on to your asylum grant. I know one person who does that and she is committed to going back. Otherwise it is hard to believe your claim of sentimentality.

BTW, what is wrong between you and USA 2002?
hampton8844 said:
Get real, buddy. You are the one not seeing the big picture. International politics is not black and white. We leaned toward Iraq in the 1980s because Iran presented a bigger threat to American interests and also we tried to diluate Soviet influence in the Middle East (Iraq was a Soviet client state at the time). Just like we allied ourselves with Stalin to defeat the Axis Powers in the Second World War, despite that fact that he was a monster in his own right.
It is interesting you admitted that Saddam was an ally. It shows how there are no values whatsoever in picking your ally. Do not absolve yourself from the responsibility when your so called "ally" kills thousands of people. And if Iran was the real threat and evil as you put it, why did not we attack it? The answer is simple, Bush wanted to finish what his sick dad did not. Conservatives can be really confusing in their value system
shamshon said:
It is interesting you admitted that Saddam was an ally. It shows how there are no values whatsoever in picking your ally. Do not absolve yourself from the responsibility when your so called "ally" kills thousands of people. And if Iran was the real threat and evil as you put it, why did not we attack it? The answer is simple, Bush wanted to finish what his sick dad did not. Conservatives can be really confusing in their value system

I have no qualms in admitting that Saddam was someone that we supported during the Iran-Iraq war. And I am free to admit that my country was an ally of the Soviet Union during World War II and that China was our ally all but in name from the 1970s to the end of the Cold War (from a moral point of view Stalin and Mao were far worse than Saddam). And I am not shamed to say that in the course of the Cold War we were close to such figures as Mobutu.
This is just the reality of life. Statesmen have no alternatives but to pursue an amoral foreign policy.
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hampton8844 said:
If you were sincere on returning to your country for good once conditions change for the better, do not apply for a green card. Just hold on to your asylum grant. I know one person who does that and she is committed to going back. Otherwise it is hard to believe your claim of sentimentality.

BTW, what is wrong between you and USA 2002?

I'm not going to argue with you about my principles, and I don't really care if you believe what you call "my claim of sentimentality".

From my side you can consider this the end of this discussion with you.


I seriously don't understand how come is that easy for you to say that as soon your home country conditions improve you could go back... :confused: I believe this country has more opportunities than any other country in the world. You get paid better, you can get the confort you want...etc.. Probably, is me that I can get too attach to material things,..but come on! who doessn't like confort?... I see it in a different way...I try to value a lot the status that I have in this country..I see it like my status is worth 1 million dollars. The reason I see it that way is because there's people that pay 1 million to get green card by investment in this country. Of course you can get green card easier and cheaper jsut paying 100 bucks and entering the anual lottery of green cards...but the point is that we should appreciate more what we have and that there could be thousands in your home country that could kill for a priviledge than the one we have already...
cookiemonster said:
I'm not going to argue with you about my principles, and I don't really care if you believe what you call "my claim of sentimentality".

From my side you can consider this the end of this discussion with you.



Stay away from people who committed perjury to obtain immigration benefits. I just do not want unnecessary suspicion be cast upon you by the INS.

Good luck.
Arizona_Poet said:

I seriously don't understand how come is that easy for you to say that as soon your home country conditions improve you could go back... :confused: I believe this country has more opportunities than any other country in the world. You get paid better, you can get the confort you want...etc.. Probably, is me that I can get too attach to material things,..but come on! who doessn't like confort?... I see it in a different way...I try to value a lot the status that I have in this country..I see it like my status is worth 1 million dollars. The reason I see it that way is because there's people that pay 1 million to get green card by investment in this country. Of course you can get green card easier and cheaper jsut paying 100 bucks and entering the anual lottery of green cards...but the point is that we should appreciate more what we have and that there could be thousands in your home country that could kill for a priviledge than the one we have already...
For many people, immigration is a traumatic experience that is hard to recover from. This trauma may be doubled if you are forced to leave your country. Honestly, I agree with you that we are so privileged in this country and I would never live some where else, but for others there is no closure of this trauma until they go back home.
usa2002 said:

Stay away from people who committed perjury to obtain immigration benefits. I just do not want unnecessary suspicion be cast upon you by the INS.

Good luck.

Hahaha, you're funny Dr. Crap, No arguments? Nothing intelligent to say? What a doctor!!!! Hahahaha!!!

Don't forget to check my spelling you're good at that!!
Any other threat? You're Brave Dr Crap!!!
shamshon said:
For many people, immigration is a traumatic experience that is hard to recover from. This trauma may be doubled if you are forced to leave your country. Honestly, I agree with you that we are so privileged in this country and I would never live some where else, but for others there is no closure of this trauma until they go back home.

Yep, you are right, that's the only explanation that I also can come up for that type of thinking. But I believe also, that those let's call it " immigration traumas"..can be healed or forgotten with the passing of the years and seeing your own kids growing up in a safer country not surrounded by oppresion and corruption like third kind countries like the one I come from. At the end, soon or later you will say...wow!! this whole sacrifice of waiting was worth it and glad I was oppresed in my country.
shamshon said:
And guess who provided this animal Saddam with weapons and encouraged him to act with such savagry : it is Rumsfeld and your repugnant (republican ) friends. see for yourself: http://stommel.tamu.edu/~baum/ethel/rumsfeld-saddam.jpg
Again you failed to see the big picture. I do not know when you will!!!!!!!!!! And, I do not do Xanax. I do meditation and prayer. They help sustain me through this ugly world. My prayers are different from yours though! I would also love to hear your comments about the minute men possible treatment of you if they have the power

First of all I'm glad you use Zen instead of Xanax (I meant Xanax for the pie throwing lefties that have the impeachbushnow craziness that you promote on the sig). On "the big picture" Hampton gave a very good answer that I agree 100% and I thought since you counting the dead why not count them too...
I don't agree with vigilantes (minuteman) taking over the border and is sad that the government is not doing more to fix the border problem before too late and before such a drastic measures are made by people that leave near that mess called "the border".

...If minuteman mess with asylees today's prayer goes to them..amen :D
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