Home visit

thankful said:
I have no qualms in admitting that Saddam was someone that we supported during the Iran-Iraq war. And I am free to admit that my country was an ally of the Soviet Union during World War II and that China was our ally all but in name from the 1970s to the end of the Cold War (from a moral point of view Stalin and Mao were far worse than Saddam). And I am not shamed to say that in the course of the Cold War we were close to such figures as Mobutu.
This is just the reality of life. Statesmen have no alternatives but to pursue an amoral foreign policy.

Well put. But I am a bit surprised that it comes from you. I thought that you were from the left side of the political spectrum.
Mosy of you guys are pathetic. What r u trying to prove at this forum that you are better that another asylee or that u know more about immigration? Guess what? Most of u guys don't know anything about what u talking about. Fake or not fake - it's a stupid subject. Some of u guys arereally cruel. I'm surprised u got an asylum in a first place. that just shows an incompetence of INS.

P.S. Shamshon my words are not related to you.
Apt pupil

Imitation is the best form of flattery. I am sure your former persecutors will be very happy to know that you have taken up well after them in dealing with those you disagree with.

Please give me some advance notice when you hang these people in the "Freedom Plaza" on Pennsylvania Avenue or around DuPont Circle, so that we can work some frenzied mob to chant and cheer you.


wantmygcnow said:
I think anyone who wants to visit HOME country should be HANGED!!...Its a disgrace to the asylum sysstem that many of gc holders who got their gc through asylum go back to their country ...

ppl who want to go there for a vacation..should be hung in the middle of downtown D.C!

PPL like me who were a religious minority in a MUSLIM country will never be safe no matter who rules the country...
TortFeasor said:
Imitation is the best form of flattery. I am sure your former persecutors will be very happy to know that you have taken up well after them in dealing with those you disagree with.

Please give me some advance notice when you hang these people in the "Freedom Plaza" on Pennsylvania Avenue or around DuPont Circle, so that we can work some frenzied mob to chant and cheer you.


wantmygcnow said:
I think anyone who wants to visit HOME country should be HANGED!!...Its a disgrace to the asylum sysstem that many of gc holders who got their gc through asylum go back to their country ...

ppl who want to go there for a vacation..should be hung in the middle of downtown D.C!

PPL like me who were a religious minority in a MUSLIM country will never be safe no matter who rules the country...

Identification with the aggressor at its best. Black men abusing their black women, Sharon abusing palestenians, rich of humble background abusing the poor, and now asylees abusing asylees.
thankful said:
I have no qualms in admitting that Saddam was someone that we supported during the Iran-Iraq war. And I am free to admit that my country was an ally of the Soviet Union during World War II and that China was our ally all but in name from the 1970s to the end of the Cold War (from a moral point of view Stalin and Mao were far worse than Saddam). And I am not shamed to say that in the course of the Cold War we were close to such figures as Mobutu.
This is just the reality of life. Statesmen have no alternatives but to pursue an amoral foreign policy.
Wait, I thought that Bush said that he had a "moral obligation" to puruse this war! Interesting.
samoel said:
First of all I'm glad you use Zen instead of Xanax (I meant Xanax for the pie throwing lefties that have the impeachbushnow craziness that you promote on the sig). On "the big picture" Hampton gave a very good answer that I agree 100% and I thought since you counting the dead why not count them too...
I don't agree with vigilantes (minuteman) taking over the border and is sad that the government is not doing more to fix the border problem before too late and before such a drastic measures are made by people that leave near that mess called "the border".

...If minuteman mess with asylees today's prayer goes to them..amen :D
Sure, I will do that. I guess for the Bushs, like father like son
cookiemonster said:
Hahaha, you're funny Dr. Crap, No arguments? Nothing intelligent to say? What a doctor!!!! Hahahaha!!!

Don't forget to check my spelling you're good at that!!
Any other threat? You're Brave Dr Crap!!!
He is a lost cause!
samoel said:
One can't expect anything else from "blame US first crowd"... :rolleyes:


This "blame US first crowd" is very vocal, but they are just on the fringes of American society. Do not worry about them at all except to derive an element of pleasure from watching them in action. They will never amount to anything apart from making funny noises.
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Get Real

You guys have too much free time at hand. You can use some fresh air!!
CIS has already eaten a good portion of our brains, and the atmosphere in this forum is taking toll on the remaining part of our grey matter. It does not help in any way to be judgemental and insensitive to fellow immigrants. Show some decency and compassion, and if you can't then just be quiet!
By default, we must believe and respect every single person here.

A friendly reminder:
Bitterness leads to stomach ulcers!
kiev said:

This "blame US first crowd" is very vocal, but they are just on the fringes of American society. Do not worry about them at all except to derive an element of pleasure from watching them in action. They will never amount to anything apart from making funny noises.
....and throwing pies..not even good at that :p
samoel said:
One can't expect anything else from "blame US first crowd"... :rolleyes:
I decided not to even try with you since you reached that low point in the debate. Your mind is limited just as Bill Frist who accused democrats today as being against "people of faith." http://www.nytimes.com/2005/04/15/politics/15judges.html&OP=783a5a74/IvutIVP_ZQ5CPP|Q3BIQ3B44JI4LIXJIQ3CPfq|q_ZIXJSaV{uZQ20d|8f
When people are simple minded and ignorant, they accuse others of treason. When they can not respond, they launch false accusation. I love this country and I am using my rights to expose those pathetic self-centered war mongers. again, something too abstract for you and will make you always struggle to understand. This is really pathetic.
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To think through

Blind Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel. I beg to disagree with those of you who merely parrot what the Hannitys, Savages, Karl Roves, Lou Dobbs and Limbaughs of this world spoon feed you. I take principle in objecting to those that infringe individual freedoms on the left as well as the right. I do not have to kiss the asses of the same people who hate my guts in order to feel welcomed. Do they feel threatened by my presence -- screw them!

In spite of all the religious "nutwits", the termite exterminator who ended up as the majority leader of the House of Representatives and the occasional special appearance by certain intellectually-challenged presidents, this is still the only country where immigrants can open businesses without limitation, attend professional schools, beat the natives in the job market and own property without fear of being arbitrarily deprived of the same.

The reason for the grievances we spill in these pages is not because we are "in the blame America camp" but it is due to our belief that our adopted country can be a more "perfect" union by being fair to all its inhabitants.

I believe this may be such a heady issue for some of you to understand. Do not despair as we have empathy for you.
