Hiealeah DO Interview Exp Oct 9, 2009


Registered Users (C)
Finally the day arrived, for my interview. I've been waiting long time for this... Was nervous the night before, thinking of everything that could go wrong, from the AC21 (employment based green card), to taxes, civics question etc. Couldn't remember how many amendments, members of the house, senate etc. etc. etc...

Anyway, got the the DO at 8:05 (for a 8:15 appt - closer than I wanted) - but was fine, waited for 20 minutes and got called in. Officer greeted me at the door to the "office area" and led me to her office. Asked me to swear to tell the truth and asked for my green card, drivers license and passport. Then she asked me if I had any other passports (I did and thankfully had brought them) - so produced them...

Then she had me verify all the info on the N-400, asking me step by step all the questions. First question about my name, she immediately said that my middle name is not listed on my birth certificate, if you want to keep it we'll need to do a legal name change. I declined, and she crossed it out and kept going.

Only hiccup occured when she asked me if I had ever been stopped by a police officer - and I said well for speeding. She asked how many times and I showed her the printout (which had 8 entries - but that was since 1991). She was shocked, and said 8 speeding tickets in how long - and I said 18 years - which seemed to calm her down. I should have only included the 2 that were in the last 7 years (the others were when I was much, much younger - college etc.)...

Then on to the civics questions - they were quite easy:
1) What group of people were brought to the US and sold as slaves?
2) Who's the vice president?
3) How many amendments to the constitution? 27 (I remembered!!!)
4) Who makes federal laws?
5) can't remember....

Then she asked me to read the statement: "Who can vote?"
And then asked me to answer the question - so who can vote?

Then had me write "Citizens can vote"

Signed part 13/14 and gave me N-652. And said you'll get a written decision in the mail.

I asked her if that would be the oath letter - and she said yes.

But on the way out I realized that nothing was marked on the N-652 other than you passed the English, History and Civics and the Written decision. Neither A (Congratulations) nor B (Decision cannot be made) is checked...

So of course now I'm worried - I should have asked the officer why neither was checked - but oh well... I'll just be patient and wait and see what happens. I can't see any reason why it would be a problem - hopefully I'll get an oath letter in the mail soon....

OH BTW - my interview date was 13 days before my eligibility date so - couldn't have done the oath then if I wanted to...

Let's hope this is almost the end :)
Cool. You will get your positive decision in a couple of weeks from what it sounds like. 44 days from mailing to interview ... WOW!! Reminder for all people wanting the early bird special. The sane advice here used to be 85 days before 5 years, now it will become 60-45 days !!
I don't think you need to worry, the 13 days was the reason why she didn't approve you on the spot.
I'm so happy for you! My interview is also in Hialeah Service office on October 28 at 2:00.
I'm glad it was smooth. I hope I have my interview with the same IO as you!
My Interview will be 25 days before my elegibility day.

Congrats in anticipation, we might get the oath ceremony together.

Congratulation! I think you should not have any issues although that 8 tickets did initially give me a jolt as well.

You have a minor mistake in your days calculation though dude. If your PD was 8/11, your interview received letter date on 9/21 should be Day 42 and your ID on 10/9 would be Day 60 I suppose. Aren't we glad there is no Math test at the interview! :D
Whoops - you're of course totally correct richmondva...

ColombianPR - good luck, I'm sure it'll be smooth. Honestly I'm thrilled with the new Hialeah DO - it's fantastic. There was a gentleman waiting for about 30 minutes for his number to be called, and lots of people after him had been called but not him. So he went and asked the folks at the desk what's going on.... They told him that they call based on the IO etc. etc.

He comes back and sits down, and 2 minutes later a gentleman came out, introduced himself as the Supervisor of the DO, apologized profusely and explained that the IO had gotten into an accident in the morning and had been late getting into the office, and though they were trying to catch up they were running behind. He got called perhaps 10 minutes later.

Imagine would you, a supervisor for the DO apologizing because someone had been waiting about 30-40 minutes past their interview time.... The old INS - man - if you dared ask the person at the front what's going on - you'd probably have gotten yelled at and made to wait a couple of hours longer.... :-/

Thanks for all the encouraging remarks everyone - I'll be waiting to see what happens.... and will of course update this thread... This forum has been a fantastic resource so thank you all very, very much.
Finally the day arrived, for my interview. I've been waiting long time for this... Was nervous the night before, thinking of everything that could go wrong, from the AC21 (employment based green card), to taxes, civics question etc. Couldn't remember how many amendments, members of the house, senate etc. etc. etc...

Anyway, got the the DO at 8:05 (for a 8:15 appt - closer than I wanted) - but was fine, waited for 20 minutes and got called in. Officer greeted me at the door to the "office area" and led me to her office. Asked me to swear to tell the truth and asked for my green card, drivers license and passport. Then she asked me if I had any other passports (I did and thankfully had brought them) - so produced them...

Then she had me verify all the info on the N-400, asking me step by step all the questions. First question about my name, she immediately said that my middle name is not listed on my birth certificate, if you want to keep it we'll need to do a legal name change. I declined, and she crossed it out and kept going.

Only hiccup occured when she asked me if I had ever been stopped by a police officer - and I said well for speeding. She asked how many times and I showed her the printout (which had 8 entries - but that was since 1991). She was shocked, and said 8 speeding tickets in how long - and I said 18 years - which seemed to calm her down. I should have only included the 2 that were in the last 7 years (the others were when I was much, much younger - college etc.)...

Then on to the civics questions - they were quite easy:
1) What group of people were brought to the US and sold as slaves?
2) Who's the vice president?
3) How many amendments to the constitution? 27 (I remembered!!!)
4) Who makes federal laws?
5) can't remember....

Then she asked me to read the statement: "Who can vote?"
And then asked me to answer the question - so who can vote?

Then had me write "Citizens can vote"

Signed part 13/14 and gave me N-652. And said you'll get a written decision in the mail.

I asked her if that would be the oath letter - and she said yes.

But on the way out I realized that nothing was marked on the N-652 other than you passed the English, History and Civics and the Written decision. Neither A (Congratulations) nor B (Decision cannot be made) is checked...

So of course now I'm worried - I should have asked the officer why neither was checked - but oh well... I'll just be patient and wait and see what happens. I can't see any reason why it would be a problem - hopefully I'll get an oath letter in the mail soon....

OH BTW - my interview date was 13 days before my eligibility date so - couldn't have done the oath then if I wanted to...

Let's hope this is almost the end :)

Cargo 2 questions.

1- Did you mark yes to the question about if you were cited, arrested, etc, etc?

2- Why did you take with you information about your tickets? did they ask to take it with you?

Thanks for the info.

1. I did not - I marked no... I was unaware/unsure of whether to include speeding tickets or not....

2. I was not going to, but then literally the night before I said ahh what the heck, and printed it out (Miami Dade has a "lookup" for all traffic tickets by license number so... and to be honest I wasn't expecting to be asked for this or anything, but when she asked me how many, I honestly couldn't remember - so I pulled it out, she glanced at it, and handed it back to me - she didn't keep it or make a copy of it or anything... so maybe not needed, if I had verbally answered with the number it wouldn't have been an issue.


I'm getting worried - I know I shouldn't but it's been almost 2 weeks since my interview and no trace of any oath letter or anything?!! Should I do anything other than sit tight? I'm at the 5 year mark as of today...

Thanks for listening....
Be patient and relax. It can take several weeks to get your oath letter.
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I'm getting worried - I know I shouldn't but it's been almost 2 weeks since my interview and no trace of any oath letter or anything?!! Should I do anything other than sit tight? I'm at the 5 year mark as of today...

Thanks for listening....

Cargo, so you were interviewed before the 5 years? maybe they're waiting for the 5 years mark to send you OL.

Keep us posted.

I'm getting worried - I know I shouldn't but it's been almost 2 weeks since my interview and no trace of any oath letter or anything?!! Should I do anything other than sit tight? I'm at the 5 year mark as of today...

Thanks for listening....

Please keep us posted. My interview is next week, 28 days before the 5 years required I will definite not have a same date oath ceremony as you.

I would suggest to wait another week, an if the letter doesn't show in the mail, make a infopass appointment.

Let us know what happens.