Help on residency and physical presence


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I did apply my n-400 after finishing 5yrs and 10 months having green card . i did inform my employer when i left and when i came back i just resumed my job up to now. am staying with a roommate who has mortgage bt am not in the lease. the trips were to see family members sick. i took 3trips to Africa in that period. these are the trips:

2008 jan 27-- 2008 march 7= total of 39 days
2008 dec 15-- 2009 jan 8 = total of 23 days
2009 june 16--- 2009 dec 10= total of 176 days

i applied on 22nd sept 2010

do you think am gonna have a problem with that in my interview? need ur input.
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Made 3 trips oversea, just worried ifthey gonna cause any problem in upcoming interview

these is my second post, and i request feedback from you guys.

i made 3 trips oversea for the last five yrs.
1st trip early 2008=39days
2nd trip end of 2008=23 days
June to DEC 2009= 176days

filed my n-400 Sept 24, 2010.

no trip that was over six months. i did not have lease coz i was staying with a friend who has a house. i kept my job here in USA, for i continued with this job when i came back. no family member here in us.
do you think am fine or there is any worry?
With so little detail, it's hard to say how things will go for you. If I were interviewing you, of course, I would have more information available from your file. In preparing to interview you I would check the following items to guide me.

How did you immigrate? Where did you go on trips?

Was he an asylee who managed to go back to a country he ran away from?

Was he employment-based?

Could your occupation have provided you with enough savings to afford to be off that long? Is he a professional (Dr., engineer, architect,...) OR Is he a shoe salesman at the mall, flip burgers?

Were you doing anything illegal over there--wherever it was?

Was he family-based--he's got no family here, now, is he divorced from a USC or LPR thgrough whom he got status? Who is this "friend" he stays with?

I would want to consider--did he go abroad to marry his old girlfriend (or arranged bride)?

Did a parent get sick and perhaps die?

Much of this information could be found in a review of the file, the answers would guide me in conducting the interview and N-400 review with you.

Good luck,
-I migrated to the us through immigrant visa( won green card when i was in Africa) 2004 Nov. i came with my wife bt we got divorced 2008 June. so June 2009 i got married while in Africa. made the 3 trips indicated above while seeing the sick family member. i did apply my naturalization so waiting for the interview. do you think THERE IS ANY ISSUE WITH THE UPCOMING INTERVIEW?
Not really. You were dealing with normal life events, sick family member and a new marriage. It is clear that you would probably want to naturalize and immigrate your wife (and any children including stepchildren).

The only issue I foresee, is the fact that you got divorced and turned around and got remarried so quickly, in just one year. That includes meeting and dating then proposing and then the wedding plans. You got divorced and in 5 or 6 months you were back home looking for a new wife. That will raise questions when immigrating the new wife. They will want to know if you were involved with her previously. Is she related to your ex-wife, is she a cousin of yours? Be prepared for that line of questioning.
Just two more questions,
1. does is it create any bad notion to the interviewing IO, that you want to naturalize in-order to bring your new wife? and is this aground of denying you naturalization.
2. based on 3 trips i took, the issue of divorce and and marrying, are they going to come up in interview, and what do you think are my chances of being approved, is there anything unusual thing that will make my naturalization be denied?
Just two more questions,
1. does is it create any bad notion to the interviewing IO, that you want to naturalize in-order to bring your new wife? and is this aground of denying you naturalization.
2. based on 3 trips i took, the issue of divorce and and marrying, are they going to come up in interview, and what do you think are my chances of being approved, is there anything unusual thing that will make my naturalization be denied?

You should have no problem naturalizing. The Officer will ask you a great many questions of all sorts in reviewing the whole N-400 with you. Your trips are within allowed limits and you have suficient reasons for them, not that you need to justify them in the first place. A lot of LPR's desire naturalization in order to more quickly petition for relatives, it is very common.