Hello octoberites and others


Registered Users (C)
I just wanted to say hello to all the 10ers (I am certain that there are more than three ;-))

I dont have anything to add like AD or RFE.

But looks like there is some action for September. So I wanted to start posting again and also wish all those with approvals and waiting for it… congrats/good luck.

Please take time to reactivate your Ids and make sure you can post in this forum.

I also want to give a shout out to buddies like futuregen… frequently (referred to as futuregreen by some idiot pharamacist) and fellow sufferers like ric2 (dude you have to take it easy… you seem highly excited).

Last AND the least I would like to say hello to morons like habib and shantanub and looking forward to their insane theories and postings.

Good luck Y'all
you are inviting a fight

by mentioning the last two names in your post.

Please "don't trouble the trouble until the trouble troubles you".
Isnt that half the fun ? :D

I like their postings cause it makes me feel mentally superior.

Once in a while you have vent it on someone.
Ladies and Gentlemen

Please fasten your seat belts

The weekend Flight (Fight) is about to take off

;) :p :D
Anyway, TGIF

I'll read anything to kill the last moment of the week. There won't be many new approvals for this week.

I won't join the m¨ºl¨¦e though.
You are absolutely right!

Looks like Spt, Oct and Nov are starting parallely. Let's wake them all. It's been fun waiting for GC so far.

Action starts now and soon we all will get it and part our ways.
Thanks for the motivation!!!

Even though I'm not sure at all that Nov approvals will start soon... I'm always so happy to see the optimism in people. It rubs off on me especially when on most days I feel pretty dejected about the whole thing. I'm always thinking the worst... the thought of getting an RFE and having to wait even longer.

Thanks guys for the optimism and positive messages.:)
long shot

FormerlyRaviraj - this is a long shot. I used to know a Ravi Raj Baijal in DPS. You are not him are you?
Hi fellow Octoberites,

Yessssssssssssssss our time is coming. September is our month.
Or am i being too optimistic

RD: October 5 2001
ND: November 23 2001
FP: Jan 23 2002

thank you patiencegc for the wake up call.
T0: jerk pateintGC

Every one knows here, you are a superior and senior jerk in this site along with ric2, futregen1, or whatever... previously futergreen. So its not amusing to see you jerks act as a band here.

These three jerks are all the time in this site posting message every 5 mintues. They cannot sleep at night and they dont have any day time job (fired from the job). Thats why all the time they are here in this site. Dont beleive me?? search their name and see the frequency of posting...

Oh.. I almost forgot , how come dma-va became the leader of jerks? I thought you were...:)
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I couldn’t have said it better.

Anyway Habib whats your problem with unemployed people? You seem to have some serious issues.

Are compensating for your smaller size? Did the mullah cut it off along with the skin? You know what, you can get a prostrate one. I don’t know the details but I am sure Shantanu will know.
9th Oct RD, Going for FP on 6th September

I would love to see Sept - Oct - Nov approvals but I am not convinced with one Nov Approval, might be fake.
Anyways, guys do you think I should go for my FP early so that if my case is picked up before FP Date, it is good to go?

Please advise,
agree with habib

I agree that if INS can filter out all un-qualified people in the I-485 queue, we will be able to get our green card very soon. I understand that people who got laid off are un-lucky. However, they may not be smart enough to keep their job or they may even have fake degrees like a lot of other Indian. :mad:

You un-employed or un-qualified people are slowing down the I-485 process for all other employed and qualified people. Thus, you guys should shut up.
At least we Indians are hi tech unlike you pakis

We get recruited by Microsoft ,IBM, Oracle etc. whereas the only guys ready to recruit you guys is Bin Laden, Al Jawahiri etc. So we are better off than you guys any given day.

Point to Ponder : Why is that soon after a Habib's posting another jerk of similar origin, with a very recently registered User Id backs him up. Hmmm... Or maybe...

To begin with, I am not laid-off.

Now, I think u do realize how much beating Habibi gets on this forum for "it's" utterances, and since u wanted to dip urself also into similar divine pleasure of get beaten up, u wrote this mail. I'd say u r in the right hands.

As for Indians being laid off, I never say Habibi belongs to a particular country/tribe. I just can't tolerate her off the track pig statements and now u have brought urself under similar situation by writing what u did.

Yes, I am a proud Indian and it is my resolve not to let any other Babar or Akbar for that matter to create a new Babri Masjid of thoughts on this forum. I want to crush such ideas at the very point of their origin.

BTW, choose a speakable name for this forum and not "Mohahahuh". This name sounds like a pig with a big stink in the mouth (ofcourse, what else in a pig's mouth!!!)
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and these QUALIFIED PEOPLE (gujju , habibi and habibi with that new name) don't even know proper english.

Sorry I didn't want to make English an issue but this low level campaign by these two guys forced me to.

For Gujju:

1) you are one of those guys who do not contribute anything in their entire life ( your PHD or whatever is nothing more than a piece of paper). In your entire life you won't do anything but keep writing some useless papers and keep sucking dollars. At least we techies do something real that improves life of common people ( its us enabling you to post messages on web). Don't tell me you gonna invent medicine for AIDS ( that would be a joke). With your IQ I doubt you even know what it takes to be what you say you are trying to do.

2) You are ashamed of your own race ( being gujju).. thats why you take pride in declaring that your wife is punjabi.

3) your IQ and common sense is very low( below someone who has passed only high school).

And I know this will only add to the reasons you keep posting your messages.. but I couldn't resist anymore.

And as for Habibi: You are not even worth commenting about. You are only putting a bad name to your religion.
calm me down., guys

I am a new member, the subject of this site caught me...unfortunately, I saw nothing but abuse, curse, scold...shouldn't you guys post something informative ?

... it is really suprising to see here that people actually attack each other for nothing... ok , i don't want to offend u people, do what you want in this free world...