Hello octoberites and others

Unqualified people making life difficult for qualified people??????

To :american gujju and others with similar ideas,

You guys think that u r qualified but many don't think so, u guys just think that u r smart by having some degree papers with you????

You can achieve what ever you are worth for and no one can make your life difficult if you are capable, you are just stupids and jealous of people who does better than you even though they have less so called qualifications.....

Stop worrying about unqalified people and u r unqalified to blame others....
FYI- Now, you know the truth

MOSCOW, July 02 (PNS): Scores of Indian students studying in Moscow Medical Institute face expulsion on charges of submitting fake documents.

About 80 Indian students, mostly from the final year course, have been accused of having taken admissions in the institute on the basis of false certificates.

These students, initially studying in different provincial Russian towns, reportedly got themselves transferred to Moscow Medical Institute on the basis of documents procured by bribing authorities. Some students, after completing the second year, allegedly jumped into the fourth or fifth course on the basis of these documents, accused a representative of the rector\'s office of the institute.

But the Indian students say they are victims of a dirty game played by the institute\'s authorities in connivance with middlemen recruiting students.

"The authorities used to encourage illegal admission by taking bribes through the middlemen. Since there is an inquiry into the allegation conducted by law enforcement agencies, they are now attempting to save their skin by expelling us," IANS quoted one Indian student.

The middlemen, who are well connected with the institute authorities, have in the meantime reportedly extracted additional sums from the troubled students in order to extricate them from their predicament.

"Our future is completely bleak. We are victims of a conspiracy by the middlemen hand-in-glove with the institute authorities," said one Indian girl from the fifth course. "We have already spent so much of money for our studies here, we had a dream which is going to be shattered by our expulsion from the institute."

Each year, hundreds of Indians come for higher education to Russian medical institutes taking advantage of the cheap and quality education, which is recognized by the World Health Organization.

According to some estimates, there are some 16,000 Indian students studying in different Russian medial institutes and about half of them are pursuing their studies in medical institutes here
:mad: :mad:
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I am not against anyone here

I have been reading postings from different immigration sites. I registered and posted my messages because I think Habib has his points. It is unfair for ALL qualified people having extra long delay because of un-qualified people with fake degrees or currently un-employed.

For all people who mad at me here:
I am not saying you are un-qualified nor un-employed. I only want to express my feeling that it is not fair for us!!!

For all people who questioned if I am qualified:
I actually got my degrees from NYU, neither from India nor any other countries. I am currently employed. I have experienced the worry, sad, speechless period with all New Yorkers during Sept 11. We all ran for our life from downtown up to midtown. We all saw the dark sky....
With my true degrees, currently employed and the unforgettable experience with all American, I think I am qualified....

I am glad that u have empathized so much with the students.

Middlemen are middlemen in every country, can't really help it. I am sure, one day these middlemen and conspiring people of the institutes will be caught and students will get freedom from these devils.

Thanks again for pasting this report which brought out to the light the injustice being done to these students. :) :) :)

BTW, I thought it's a fairly old news.

If u r so concerned about approvals getting delayed, what makes ur sick mind think that only Indians r the ones with fake docs, as u mentioned in ur first "path breaking" appearance on this forum.

BTW, an un-employed but fighting (for existence) person is anyday better than a dangerous terrorist. INS will do great to cull those out and deport because they r the real threat to the society.

Anyways, before u write anything here, stop generalizing people based on country/religion etc. otherwise u have unquestioned company here (in the form of Habibi).

I have never said that ONLY Indians are holding fake degrees. I agree that there are fake degrees in all countries. I used Indian as an example because from what I read, the majority of the fake degree holders are Indian.....

I am not against Indian. I only feel unfair that unqualified people are slowing down the I-485 process.

I do have couple Indian friends and co-workers. They all hate Indians with fake degrees too. In fact, the girlfriend of one of my best friends is Indian (a very pretty one ;) What a lucky guy!!!).

Thus, I am saying the fact about the fake degrees/ unqualified people but not against Indian in general.

I hope I make myself clear....

In the US tech. industries...................

The only countries which r providing any semblence of competition to Indian technical manpower (with internationally acclaimed IITs and RECs) are China, Koreas, Taiwan, Vietnam, a little bit of South America, Malaysia, Indonesia and some East Euroasian countries.

Other than these, there is no other single country or banana republics with any worth mentioning tech. contribution (fake or real).
Remember we are not talking just manpower (but tech. manpower). Otherwise countriess like Mexico, Lebanan, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka etc. would have also been included in this list with manpower of some societal utility.

Among these select tech. savvy countries, India and China are the only major competitors with India way ahead in s/w dev.

Thus, suffering/success is only for people primarily from these countries.

I guess, there is enough for discerning minds, to read between the lines, in the above paragraphs.
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To Mr. Mohahuhhuh and Mr Habibi

Well Mr. Mohahuhhuh and Mr Habibi, you keep mentioning about Indians holding fake degrees, but I havent heard of any massive number of Indian people either being deported or their houses being raided or companies selectively laying off Indians. But I did hear of INS sending a planeload of Pakistanis back home. But that is beside the point and hopefully shouldnt concern you.
Let me explain the point regarding degrees and IT . IT is an industry where anybody who has got strong analytical and numerical skills irrespective of their educational background tends to do well. You would hear about lot of school dropouts and college dropouts also making a succesful career in IT. Having worked in SAP consulting field I have had the opportunity of working with Big 5 or 4(whatever) consulting firms in various projects. Generally I have seen that, except for the main 4-5 guys on the projects there used to be atleast 3-4 guys on the project who were fresh graduates usually from varied fields like Bachelor in Literature or History or Environmental Sciences. They struggle only during the first or second project and usually tend to do well in the longer term.
Regarding your point of fake degrees amongst Indians, the genuinely fake cases, ie. cases having no degree at all but having a certificate from a university would be way less than 1 percent of the total cases and usually they end up getting laid off or switching careers to something they can manage easily in the US. Regarding People having degrees in Arts and literature: Indians come from a schooling system which builds a very strong foundation of Mathematics and Science all the way till the 12th grade. So even if Students go into Arts or Literature they might still have very strong analytical capabilities, so there is nothing wrong in any of them taking up a 1 year diploma course in Software Engineering and taking up a job in the IT industry. Initially they get employed in India and later on they get interviewed by potential clients in the US and come over here. If they are good they continue to grow, if they are bad Law of Natural Selection always kicks in. So I dont see a problem here. I know people in Sun Micro who are heading teams who were Civil Engineers back in India.Dont tell me that even in this bad economy a person who do not know how to do his job has managed to hold on to his job. And I keep hearing from you and habibi about your ill feelings against laid off people. That is because you are new to this country and for you, getting laid off is a new phenomenon. If you remember in the mid 80s AT&T employees used to get laid off in the 50,000s during the process of their split up. When a whole division is chopped it doesnt matter whether you are Isaac Newton with an IQ of 200 or Mohahahuhuh with an IQ of 10 you will be out. One of my friend who is a chief architect in the Internet Backbone team in MCI is facing a layoff because of obvious reasons. So try to understand the economy and try to be patient with your GC process. Yours is not getting delayed because of the laid off people or fake degreed people. If yours is a genuine case, dont worry you wouldnt land up in the next plane INS is arranging
another octrobite

AP-/ /2003(2002? what do you say gys)

Believe me....

HAb..Moh.....Think they are great analyzers....
And have figured out that all the delay in approving 485 is due to fake degrees and Unqualified people.....

But I feel it is too simple.....

Its the INS.....They just love to move at their own pace...They are the boss... they decide when to approve and how many to approve...

So Hab..and Moh....even if all the unqaualifeds...and Fake degrees....are kicked out...
and also people like U are kicked out.....

It would not fasten the things up......INS will still take its own sweet time....
To Optimystique and asdasd...

First of all, Indians and Pakistanis have been fighting for more than 10 years. I don't understand why you guys are still against Pakistanis. All my Indian friends hate the war in their home country... People like you, Optimystique and asdasd, etc. cause this long war :mad:

Second, I don't understand why the processing time will remain the same if INS drop all the cases for unqualified (fake degrees, un-employed) people.

Third, I agree that people without a degree could be very smart. However, it is a standard to measure the knowledge of a person thru the education level. That's why you see fake degrees everywhere.

If you guys are qualified, you don't need to against habib. I really think he has his points on this issue.

I suggest INS send out RFE for all pending applications and only process cases that return RFE.

Who r u trying to baby feed?

Who is talking about India vs. Pakistan here. I don't want to put u, Habibi etc. under any country (Paki) category. Trash is trash (it just always happens to be originating from there) on this forum.

In my mail yesterday about countries competing for tech. manpower, if u noticed Pak doesn't even come under any counting (not even with Mexicans, and u know what they do here in USA).

Here, the point of whole discussion is to keep the trash out of this forum. Habibi is only a physical incarnation of that. There r others who plead to join the same category (u r a potential candidate).

As for India and Pakistan. Where is the war? There is just momentum build up in the world to keep the immoral beggars out of Indian border.

If Habibi were having any point (and if u knew what is majority/minority, these are terms used in democracy; madarsas don't teach these terms to u "techies"), why would there be not a single voice favoring "it" on this forum. Why is everybody so annoyed with it?

My advice to u: it is still not too late. U also mend ur ways, make Habibi also understand and start behaving like good kids.

To argue with Habibi, one doesn't have to have a education degree. A whipping lash is good enough.
Well, all the countries that you mentioned are killing the world right now because of the un-controlled population. Again, I am not trying to say something bad about India but it is true that they are the worst country on controlling population.

1% of people from those regions are good makes you feel proud of yourself. However you never think of the rest of 99% of people from those regions. For people from other regions, the amount of 50% of their population is still less than 1% from your region. If you know math, you know what I mean.

By the way, I am neither from Pak. nor India.

Why do u keep shifting from one topic to other? Now u r talking about population. Anyways, I can tackle u here as well.

Again, let me repeat (if only u can understand) I never took Habibi's insinuations as from someone from Pakistan etc. to begin with. Habibi and people of its ilk need to be countered so long as they talk illogically and in a generalistic way.

As for war, would u say the same thing: that USA and Iraqis r fighting for 11+ years(1992-02).

India is in a "war" not becuase it is like most of the countries (which plunder/attack other countries for wealth/diamonds/land grab etc., colonoial times, right?). India is in a war becuase it has to get these parasites off its back.

I never said that u r from Pakistan. But ur knowledge about India seems to be very limited, half cooked. U said, 99% others, where do u get figures like these?
Do u know the economy strength of Indian middle class? There is ofcourse, massive rural population, but India has been independent of chors and dacoits only since 1947. It takes every country to progress. USA got it in 1776, FYI.

Aryans/Dravidans by nature are hard working. It's only a matter of few decades when u would see India giving fight to any major superpower (by fight I mean any kind : economic/military etc.)
dma_va, you are right. I am off the topic. My original point is that

"I feel unfair for the long delay of the qualified people because of large amount of unqualified people with fake degrees/ laid off"

In fact, most of the things that I know about India are from my Indian friends. I am going to visit India with them next year. Hopefully, I will be able to experience more...
Why am I against Pakistanis?

For that matter why does any Indian hate Pakistanis. You dont have to go back too long into the history. Just read yesterday's papers as to what the bastards did to poor Indian pilgrims. We hate war. Having a home in north Punjab frontier doesnt help either. But we also know that unless and until somebody kicks Pakistan's butt big time like we did during 1971 and Kargil War things wouldnt improve. As dma_va mentioned you would get answers to your query once you stop reading your madrasa textbook and start reading the facts. There are still nincompoops in the Madrasas who believes that Sep 11 was a handiwork of CIA and Jews and Dec 13 Parliament attack was the handiwork of RAW. Again as dma_va mentioned ponder for a moment and see if the world's majority has a point before going back to read more trash from your textbooks. Believe me 4 billion out of 5 billion cannot be infidels. The world is not all that bad.
How is India's population killing the world? I couldnt understand the economics behind that. There are 100 other problems with India, but since you do not represent World Bank and since you claim to be neither from India or Pak how are you concerned?

It's almost a sin to have ur opinion formed on incomplete info. Because it's going to be hurtful to you only.

Fake degrees, I want u to present a proof showing that majority of these r from India. Don't go by what Habibi says. Habibi has an incurable disorder of talking non-sense.

If u go to India, u'd realize it's richness there only. For anything else, we r here to educate.

I sense from ur very recent replies that u r a fast learner and I'll be glad to see constructive contibution from you on this forum.

Have a good trip to India.
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reply to Optimystique last question:

If you really want to know the truth, I concerned because I started dating an Indian gal recently.. :) There is no way for her to live there coz. she hated it and her family don't like India too... I hope I will get my green card soon.

Her sister in law is from Pak. but they are a happy family.

I stand corrected in regards to my earlier comment about you

"I sense from ur very recent replies that u r a fast learner........."

How can u form an opinion about a whole country just based on ur girlfriend's/her in-law's views? Why r u such a simpleton?

Grow up and try to form some of ur own opinions thru reading, research etc. (if at all u r interested to know about India). I can easily extrapolate as to where all ur thoughts (as reflected in ur mails) r getting generated from.

As I mentioned earlier, half knowledge is very dangerous. Speak sense or be quite.

Every country has its own bunch of idiots, morons and traitors. Take US for example. You can not find a better life in terms of creature comforts, security in society and its predominantly law-abiding citizens! Yet, our beloved Mr. John Walker Lindh found it compelling to hate this country/society, enough for him to go join the Al-Qaeda!!!

Similarly, our country has quite a few people who hate it for having failed them, whether deliberately or by happenstance. There are others who are religious / linguistic / ethnic fanatics who want to have a land of their own and so they hate India. These are the kinds of people who haven't learnt / realized the inherent strength and benefits of cooperating with one and other. In a country of 1 BILLION people, it shouldn't be too difficult to find a few million who would hate the country because their own personal agenda couldn't be taken care of!

So, if you want to believe one person who claims that sun rises in the west, I think it speaks of your inability to analyze and undertand the facts. I, also, feel sorry for you for having found yourself a woman who is insecure enough to be ashamed of her origins and roots. People who forget their past have a very questionable character.

Whatever problems we have, they are our problems and we will deal with it. If you are bold enough, tell the forum where you are from and we will be happy to prove it to you that you should be scratching your own back before you scratch others's. And, if you truly want to analyze India and its society, please keep your sample size > 1 !!!!!