****Hearing date rescheduled to June 3, 2004****

Re: I will be available on 5/14/04 to be present @ Court

Originally posted by sreddy88
Please volunteers let me know, if you need one more head to be there.

Hi sreddy,

There is a thread to signup for volunteers for the hearing. Please post your info there. And as of I understood there is nobody co-ordinating this volunteer effort. So if you or somebody can take the responsibility that will help the cause.

thread link

Great news , May god bless al of us, thanks for all your efforts for this cause Rajiv.

I am from NYC, I filed mt 485 in march 01, well a long period than mentioned 560 days, and my case is transferred to Missouri on 11/10/03 , no news from missouri on this, there are a bunch of people in this category (Can we ask this question to BCIS).

thank you
wow. You have beening waiting really long. You should definitely contact Rajiv, and your local congressman.

Originally posted by srisss
Great news , May god bless al of us, thanks for all your efforts for this cause Rajiv.

I am from NYC, I filed mt 485 in march 01, well a long period than mentioned 560 days, and my case is transferred to Missouri on 11/10/03 , no news from missouri on this, there are a bunch of people in this category (Can we ask this question to BCIS).

thank you
Great news, Let's hope and pray that all efforts of Rajiv will bring fruitful results.

I am one of the sufferers with NSC. Filed I-140 and I-485 concurrently over 14 months back and till date have not heard any thing on I-140 approval, even no RFE till date. With this rate probably I-1485 will take over 4-5 years in same propotion. Would appreciate if some one has advise at this stage either in forum or through PM.

thank you
Hi Everybody,

I read all your wishes and feedback to Mr Khanna. But nobody said that we will be there on hearing date, he is doing for ourselves why not you all people come and support him at the court.

do your home work and help before expecting some help from others.

I am coming to court on that day.

Originally posted by madhavi_n
Hi Everybody,

I read all your wishes and feedback to Mr Khanna. But nobody said that we will be there on hearing date, he is doing for ourselves why not you all people come and support him at the court.

do your home work and help before expecting some help from others.

I am coming to court on that day.


Follow this thread

Originally posted by madhavi_n
Hi Everybody,

I read all your wishes and feedback to Mr Khanna. But nobody said that we will be there on hearing date, he is doing for ourselves why not you all people come and support him at the court.

do your home work and help before expecting some help from others.

I am coming to court on that day.


That's a great spirit. I wish we have a few more people like you here. Every body says 'best of luck Rajiv' and hardly any one said that he/she will come. As i have said, i will try my best to be there, subject to leave sanction.
WHO ELSE IS COMING ? I request all the people from Newjersey to Virginia, to try to make it if you can. Being a consultant myself, i know that it's not easy to get leave with such a short notice. But please try . Let's give our support to Rajiv.
The Fallout

Nothing to discourage the great effort of Rajiv but the fallout of the case is already evident. With the New 'Memo' that hereafter, cuncurrently filed I140 and 485 will be adjucated together effectively rules out that the circumstances mentioned in the class action lawsuit will be created ever again. people who currently have atleast the satisfaction of approval and an EAD/FP to work and travel. There is a light at the end of tunnel for them. Now onwards there will be one long dark journey.... with no light. We already know that Non Cuncurrently filed i140 may take forever anyway..

Think about it

I'm planning to show up

Hello everyone,

I have I-485 case pending since Dec-6-2001, I'm planning to attend the hearing.

What is the address.

Any thing else I can do you guys let me know.

Good luck for us !
I found the link to the address

I got the address, I also posted my attendance note on the thread for that.

But I only see "7" attendees on the thread ! is that alright !
Do not stress out trying to attend

If you can make it - great. If not, that is just fine. I have to be there, noone else does. :)

I am concerned about a couple of issues that could cause problems. But those are legal hassles, not much anyone can do.

If the court does not throw our claims out, the next major hearing is likely to be the Summary Judgment Motions and then finally the trial. So there are likely to be only three court appearances.
I will be in the cort.

I am also trying to convince a couple of my friends (All EB1 and NIW) to attend the court too (everybody is affraid of the USCIS backslash).

Rajuv, If you need I can give you some of my personal details, I think that I could be very helpful - as far as to counter "National Security" defense questions.

If needed, I am prepared to stand as a witness. Let me know if I should call you at the office number and when.

I cannot disclose everything here, in this forum, because other lawyer does my immigration, but I think that some of my details can be very helpful for the lawsuit.
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Originally posted by o1eb1
I will be in the cort.

I am also trying to convince a couple of my friends (All EB1 and NIW) to attend the court too (everybody is affraid of the USCIS backslash).

Rajuv, If you need I can give you some of my personal details, I think that I could be very helpful - as far as to counter "National Security" defense questions.

If needed, I am prepared to stand as a witness. Let me know if I should call you at the office number and when.

I cannot disclose everything here, in this forum, because other lawyer does my immigration, but I think that some of my details can be very helpful for the lawsuit.

Please follow this thread to attend the hearing.


Originally posted by o1eb1
I will be in the cort.

I am also trying to convince a couple of my friends (All EB1 and NIW) to attend the court too (everybody is affraid of the USCIS backslash).

Rajuv, If you need I can give you some of my personal details, I think that I could be very helpful - as far as to counter "National Security" defense questions.

If needed, I am prepared to stand as a witness. Let me know if I should call you at the office number and when.

I cannot disclose everything here, in this forum, because other lawyer does my immigration, but I think that some of my details can be very helpful for the lawsuit.

Call Extension 102 and ask Rena to put us together on the phone.
Is it allowed to record the court hearing? If it is, can someone record it and srteam it on the web for those can't go? even just the audio.
Re: The Fallout

Originally posted by VeeEssSee
Nothing to discourage the great effort of Rajiv but the fallout of the case is already evident. With the New 'Memo' that hereafter, cuncurrently filed I140 and 485 will be adjucated together effectively rules out that the circumstances mentioned in the class action lawsuit will be created ever again. people who currently have atleast the satisfaction of approval and an EAD/FP to work and travel. There is a light at the end of tunnel for them. Now onwards there will be one long dark journey.... with no light. We already know that Non Cuncurrently filed i140 may take forever anyway..

Think about it


It was difficult to make out what you are saying but let me tell you this : If there is any fallout of the lawsuit, it is awakening this sleeping organization called USCIS. They (USCIS) now realize that they can't get away with their irrepsonsible working style. There is a marked improvement in the processing speed after the lawsuit is filed, compared to last year. Win or Lose, we have already made it clear to CIS that we are not going to keep quiet. If we lose this lawsuit, that will be one of the darkest days in american judicial history. I have hope that the judge sees the real issues here.

For the hearing, best wishes of good luck from California; this lawsuit represents my situation and interests very accurately.

In fact, I found the government's response to the class action motion to be pathetic. The web site of ImmigrationPortal.com has plenty of evidence that the allegations of delay are not based on individualized factors. They are based on a repetitive and uniform pattern of negligence and lack of efficiency by the defendants, as evidenced by a large number of applicants. The mean and median processing delays, as explained by Mathematics, reflect not the situation of a few number of applicants; they reflect the situation of the whole set of applications. The defendants' own web site, with case status information, show that the defendants acted, or refused to act, towards the whole class in a uniform manner; the class members are a few of an extremely large number of people afflicted with the very same problem: out of ordinary delays in processing applications.

The named class members clearly represent and protect the interests of the class, as they all have the very same interest: to get their applications processed in a timely and predictable manner. They have paid for their application, they know the law, they want the law to be followed, they know that the defendants have failed to do so, and they want corrective actions to be taken as soon as possible.

In conclusion, I believe you stand in a very good position, at least in logical terms. But a bit of luck never hurts anyone, so good luck once again!

Question about the risks

I have already voluenteered to be a plaintiff and also would appear in court. But I want to trigger another discussion here about the risk factors as I feel the more open we are about it the better it is and that could pull in more people here.

Can BCIS go the extent of rejecting or delaying unreasonably a plaintiff's case? What are the legalities here?

Thanks for the responses.