****Hearing date rescheduled to June 3, 2004****

Rajiv S. Khanna

HOST, Immigration.Com
Staff member
See below:
U.S. District Court

District of Columbia
Case Number: 1:03-cv-2606
Docket Text:
Initial Scheduling Conference set for 5/14/2004 at 10:00 AM. The Court will also hear the motion on class certification. These hearings will go forward in courtroom 16 before Judge James Robertson.

Now here is what may be helpful. If 50-60 potential plaintiffs (people whose I-485 are pending) were to show up in court. No slogans or public display. Just quiet attendance. Form a list of who can come. The hearing is on a Friday at 10 AM. I am not sure the court will have enough room for all, but I would like to be able to tell the court that the Class is solidly behind this lawsuit. I would like some volunteers to maintain an attendance sheet so we know how many class members are there.

I would like us to win the class action motion.

I will be fairly busy. You can contact Rena in our office for any issues.

P.S. I will check only this thread over the next two weeks. So post here whatever you want to contribute folks.
RE: Wishing YOU the very Best !!

Mr. Khanna:

We wish YOU the very best and our good wishes and prayers are with you, what you are doing for the immigration community cannot be expressed in words, your simply awesome.

Go Mr. Khanna !!!!!!


Rajiv Thank You for doing this!

I think this is good enough to show INS\CIS\BCIS that because of their slow progress so many folks are suffering and they are asking courts to do something about it.

This community based on educated folks and they all have degrees and expertise United States is looking for so then why this community has to suffer?

I think this fight will do a lot to speed up the process.

GO Rajiv !!!!

Wish you Good Luck....
Dear Rajiv,

I am crossing my hands to pray we will win!!

Just a friendly reminder -- did we tell AILA this lawsuit? maybe it is a good time to let it know if we didn't, AILA is going to have a conferrence on May 4 for servere backlog problem.
Our best wishes

Dear Rajiv,
We all sincerely appreciate the efforts you are taking on our behalf. This is wishing you and your team all the best.
Whatever the outcome - there is no doubt that this will result in some sincere efforts to reduce the backlog. So I guess it is a win- win situation for us all.

Thank you.
Originally posted by getit
Dear Rajiv,

I am crossing my hands to pray we will win!!

Just a friendly reminder -- did we tell AILA this lawsuit? maybe it is a good time to let it know if we didn't, AILA is going to have a conferrence on May 4 for servere backlog problem.

I have not informed AILA officially but several members know.

I did notify AILF. Their response was negative. Their opinion was this case should "never have been filed." So, I let them be. In my opinion, win or lose, an effort must be made. This we did and will continue to do - opinions to the contrary notwithstanding.
Re: ****Hearing date fixed for 14 May, 10 AM****

This is a great news and wonderful effort of Mr. Rajiv!!!

Untill now, Mr. Rajiv and core team was doing every thing alone for our casue for a free!!!

Now, we all members also have to show strength and support to Mr. Rajiv not only by nice words but going to Washignton D.C. whenever he needs us..now it's our time to show our strengths and willingness to fight for our own cause!!!

Mr. Rajiv, I am ready to come to D.C. on 05/14/2004 at 10.00 AM from Atlanta.

Let's show our strengths to every one!!!.

All the best!!!!

Originally posted by operations
See below:
U.S. District Court

District of Columbia
Case Number: 1:03-cv-2606
Docket Text:
Initial Scheduling Conference set for 5/14/2004 at 10:00 AM. The Court will also hear the motion on class certification. These hearings will go forward in courtroom 16 before Judge James Robertson.

Now here is what may be helpful. If 50-60 potential plaintiffs (people whose I-485 are pending) were to show up in court. No slogans or public display. Just quiet attendance. Form a list of who can come. The hearing is on a Friday at 10 AM. I am not sure the court will have enough room for all, but I would like to be able to tell the court that the Class is solidly behind this lawsuit. I would like some volunteers to maintain an attendance sheet so we know how many class members are there.

I would like us to win the class action motion.

I will be fairly busy. You can contact Rena in our office for any issues.

P.S. I will check only this thread over the next two weeks. So post here whatever you want to contribute folks.
Re: Re: ****Hearing date fixed for 14 May, 10 AM****

Also, first impression is the last impression..so let's every one come down to D.C. on 05/14/2004 at 10.00 to create 1st impression on every one!!

Originally posted by feb6361
This is a great news and wonderful effort of Mr. Rajiv!!!

Untill now, Mr. Rajiv and core team was doing every thing alone for our casue for a free!!!

Now, we all members also have to show strength and support to Mr. Rajiv not only by nice words but going to Washignton D.C. whenever he needs us..now it's our time to show our strengths and willingness to fight for our own cause!!!

Mr. Rajiv, I am ready to come to D.C. on 05/14/2004 at 10.00 AM from Atlanta.

Let's show our strengths to every one!!!.

All the best!!!!
address of the court

Can someone please post the address to the court. I am 100% sure that I will attend the court on that day.

And also I have never been court before in this country so would like to know how to get in like any procedure or any admission registration kind of instructions.

Re: Re: Re: ****Hearing date fixed for 14 May, 10 AM****

Dear Mr. Rajiv,

I would like to bring one more point in front of Judge during hearing (I don't know it's a good idea or no):

We have read from the news article that the terriost aim attacking on 9/11 was to distrube the normal life of U.S. resident..and USICS had not made any effort to improve life of well educated/qualified U.S. resident like us who came to this country during crisis of year 2000 to resovle major issue nation faced. Now, it time to help this individual who successfully resolved Y2K issue.

Some thing nice in above reference need be bring in front of judge..

Thank you!!
Most likely i will be there in DC on 5/14 (subject to leave sanction).
Could you please elaborate on what will normally be the proceedings on a opening day ? Will there be detailed hearing or just preliminary introductions and nothing else ? If it were to be mere exchange of formalities then it may not be worth for people to come there. People can attend a more important hearing in future. Please remember that it needs a lot of sacrifice(applying for leave, loss of pay, travel etc) and extreme commitment from people for making it to the hearing. I agree that this sacrifice or commitment is nothing compared to the sevice you are doing for our community. I hope that people will keep that in mind.
Also can some one who is not going to be plaintiff, also come for the hearing (or) only the potential plaintiffs need to come ?

Please clarify. I am talking more for the people than myself. So please do not misunderstand.
Naah, we need no publicity at this time

Originally posted by Ray S.
Rajiv, if you need any print publicity for this cause I have contacts with reporters at The Washington Post (District of Columbia based reporters) to vent displeasure at the present state of affairs at USCIS.

Check this out: (may be we need their help)

US Senate launches India caucus

Good luck 'n may the force be with you!

Let me know
email: utharay@yahoo.com

If we win the class action motion, we may need publicity Ray. Thanks.
Does this hearing mean that the court is not going to simply dismiss the case as being without merit as alleged by CIS in their response to the original complaint ? In that case, that's great.

Thanks Rajiv for you selfless service.
This is an important hearing

Originally posted by dsatish
Most likely i will be there in DC on 5/14 (subject to leave sanction).
Could you please elaborate on what will normally be the proceedings on a opening day ? Will there be detailed hearing or just preliminary introductions and nothing else ? If it were to be mere exchange of formalities then it may not be worth for people to come there. People can attend a more important hearing in future. Please remember that it needs a lot of sacrifice(applying for leave, loss of pay, travel etc) and extreme commitment from people for making it to the hearing. I agree that this sacrifice or commitment is nothing compared to the sevice you are doing for our community. I hope that people will keep that in mind.
Also can some one who is not going to be plaintiff, also come for the hearing (or) only the potential plaintiffs need to come ?

Please clarify. I am talking more for the people than myself. So please do not misunderstand.

Usually, scheduling conferences just address issues of procedure, but they even are themselves important.

But this hearing is about the class action motion ALSO. Thus, probably one of the most important milestones in our case.

I expect the govt. to fight mostly on two issues: that three plaintiffs are employeees of our firm (our response, so what?) and second that the class members have conflicting interests and disparate legal situations (our response - irrelevant variations).

Usually, when a hearing is scheduled, it could be mixed news for both sides. This means the court does not consider the case to be clear cut, one way or another.

The Courts will have limited seating. So, not everyone may be able to make it (if a lot of people come). I will go by and see the capacity of Court 16 and let you folks know next week.

I see no reason for people other than potential plaintiffs to attend. But, this is a public hearing. So long as people are orderly, anyone can come.
Is this related


Thanks for taking up this task on all our behalf.

I had heard that there is a new procedure taking effect from today 30th April 2004 to speed up the Green Card Approval process. Looks like that all I140 and I485 concurrent applications applied from 30th April onwards fall into a special category and will be processed in priority while the pending applications will be looked into at a pace which probably even God cannot estimate.

I am not sure if the events happening over the last month may be pure coincidence or may be I am reading too much between the lines. It appears that the beneficiaries of the new process if true will exclude all prior applications which fall under the class. If you see some hidden agenda (indirectly penalizing the petitioners) in the new process, may be that can be a point to be brought in front of the Honorable Judge.

I may be wrong but am curious to know.

Also I will come to the court pending leave approval.
Congratulations and some info

Ok guys I have just joined this forum a few minutes ago. Couldn't resist to get in to the mess. Had been reading a lot about passively. Alot of confusion on the I-140/485 concurrent file and processing. Well the good or the bad news is I fall in this category. EAD received in April 2004, also FP done 1 week back 140 and 485 pending. Receipt date in Feb 2004 for both applications.

Now out of curiosity I called USCIS today to ask about whats going on. And well this could be totally false but this is what the lady who picked up the phone told me.

You are a concurrent filer for 140 and 485 so your application will be processed together BUT hear this " The processing date will be that of the 485 application" ??????????????? and I was like OK. And well you can imagine what that means she told me in my case they we processing Dec 2001. Now if what she said is true all the best concurrent filers because it looks like we wont even see a 140 approval and I dont know what that means in concern to the 180 days waiting rule.

Rajiv all my wishes and luck is with you and hope we get something out of this litigation but well please make sure you clarify during the hearing what the USCIS is up to because as of now what I see and heard from them today morning concurrent files are in much deep than they think.