After contacted the GA DDS about years of driver license, I was told the law has changed in 2009. All none citizen is issued 3 or less years of driver license. Here is the new law that the GA DDS relies on.
O.C.G.A. § 40-5-21.1
Copyright 2008 by The State of Georgia
All rights reserved.
*** Current through the 2008 Regular Session ***
O.C.G.A. § 40-5-21.1 (2008)
§ 40-5-21.1. (For effective date, see note.) Temporary licenses, permits, or special identification cards; foreign licenses or identification cards as evidence of legal presence in the United States
(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, an applicant who presents in person valid documentary evidence of:
(1) Admission to the United States in a valid, unexpired nonimmigrant status;
(2) A pending or approved application for asylum in the United States;
(3) Admission into the United States in refugee status;
(4) An approved application for temporary protected status in the United States;
(5) Approved deferred action status;
(6) Other federal documentation verified by the United States Department of Homeland Security to be valid documentary evidence of lawful presence in the United States under federal immigration law; or
(7) Verification of lawful presence as provided by Code Section 40-5-21.2
may be issued a temporary license, permit, or special identification card. Such temporary license, permit, or special identification card shall be valid only during the period of time of the applicant's authorized stay in the United States or three years, whichever occurs first.
(b) A driver's license or identification card issued by any state or territory which, on or after July 1, 2006, authorized such driver's license or identification card to be issued to persons not lawfully present in the United States may not be accepted as evidence of legal presence in the United States.
The Statute states “…may be issued a temporary license, permit, or special identification card. Such temporary license, permit, or special identification card shall be valid only during the period of time of the applicant's authorized stay in the United States or three years, whichever occurs first."
Apparently, the Georgia DDS has applied the law wrongly to the Lawful Permanent Resident because the LPR has no period of time of the applicant's authorized stay in the United States. Since “the period of time of the applicant's authorized stay in the United States” never occurs to the LPR, how can the Lawful Permanent Resident be issued a temporary license, permit, or special identification card? This is same to the other States that they have applied the law wrongly imposing additional limitations to the US lawful Permanent Resident, which is not provided for by the said Code.
After the issue was raised with the GA DDS, they ducked. They do not understand the PR card is just a proof of LPR status. It has nothing to do with the LPR residency in the USA. Even if the PR Card has expired, the LPR still can reside in the US. The DDS has been informed the issue will be raised with the Authority. If you want, you can file a complaint. The GA DDS is wrong. If someone reads the law differently, please provide your comments.