Have anyone requested for an interview to be rescheduled?


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Has anyone requested for their interview to be reschedules? when should i expect the new interview date to be. My lawyer requested the interview to be rescheduled because he wanted to be present in the interview (2nd interview that is :p ). and my wife would be temporarily be based in another city for a few weeks.

In case the interview gets rescheduled during the time she is out in the camp (my wife is a counsellor and she is good at it), can we reschedule it again? :)

Just a side note he knows the IO who interviewed us the first time and said that he is a nice guy but he have mood swings and when he is on a bad mood he really is... :)
In case the interview gets rescheduled during the time she is out in the camp (my wife is a counsellor and she is good at it), can we reschedule it again?
well, you need to decide whether it's a GC that is important to you, or a great day at the camp.
Don't worry about it. I rescheduled and they did not care. I was given another interview within 3 months. It just delays your time. If you don't mind, go for it. You'll have to have a valid reason, such a doctor's notice. Or a sick relative, don't just reschedule for a party, that's not a good idea.

..considering the fact that your "first interview went bad" ....for whatever reason. and now you have been blessed with a 2nd interview....which u want to reschedule....I would say...unless it's a do-or-die emergency, pls , for the love of GOD, go attend it. Even a baseball batter does not like to bat on 3rd strike...it's iffy !
well, you need to decide whether it's a GC that is important to you, or a great day at the camp.
I thought that "being at a camp" in this case referred to the nature of his wife's job. No?

I would never reschedule an interview for any reason. Camster, do you think it's really necessary? Can you avoid doing it?
My lawyer told us that the only excusable absence (that may be a cause for us to reschedule) would be if my husband was in a war zone (he's in the service) and could not make it home. So let's put things in perspective...camp...war zone. Needless to say, my husband will be flying in from a decidedly far away, however not war-zone-like land for our interview. If you are on the same continent, keep your appointment and get it over with if you can.
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I thought that "being at a camp" in this case referred to the nature of his wife's job. No?

I would never reschedule an interview for any reason. Camster, do you think it's really necessary? Can you avoid doing it?

Yes it a job not just to be there to be happy. Its actually a camp for special children :) Probably we wont reschedule it, she will talk with her boss to come home for the interview.

hey jewel! how are you? ts nice to hear from you :) hope you good and God Bless you :)