H1 Visa stamping experience- Canada

Thank you

Thanks for the response.. this helps..

bbindian said:
Even I had no US degrees at all but I was able to get the visa stamped from Toronto on January 19th.

Even my laboris in process but I havent yet got any response from the other side and so, I put "NO" to that question.

By looking at your conditions, all I can say is that you shouldn't have any problems in getting your visa done. Make sure to carry all of your documents though:
Employment Letter
Approval Notice
Copy of I-129 Petition
Recent Paystubs
W2 Tax Forms
Original Degrees

You should not have a problem in getting a Visa if you have all the above mentioned documents, but still, since I am not a lawyer, this is just from my own experience at Toronto.

Check the following site for more details about requirements:
H1B Visa Stamping - Paystub issue

I will be going for visa stamping to Canada very soon.

My situation is...
I came to US on F1... graduated and changed to H1 through employer A... changed from employer A to B to C.
I have W2 forms and few paystubs from employer A, W2 forms and all paystubs from employer C, but neither W2 forms nor paystubs from employer B. I was with employer A for a year, employer B for about 6 months and am still with employer C for almost a year now. I have all degree documents, H1-Transfer petition from current employer and all I-797s, in place. Only thing missing is, paystubs from employer B as I was not paid.

In this situation, are there any chances of my visa getting rejected pointing out to the fact of absence of no paystubs with employer B?

What could be an optimal answer if the Visa Officer asks for paystubs/W2 forms from employer B?

Is there anyone who faced an almost similar case as that of mine?

Please post your comments on this situation.

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ela6 said:
Hi there,
One of the reasons they ask for "recent" paystubs is to ensure that you are still working for the current company (did not get laid off and stuff). So, you don't need your old pay stubs (that is not going to prove anything).

You can take your tax documents from last year (again, I don't see that giving much info to them). They ask the tax docs to ensure that people were working through out the year (otherwise the total salary will be less indicating that they might have been possibly laid off or were in bench).

So, don't worry about your old pay slips. Just carry papers that will show that you were in status all through (date of graduation to H1). You can use I-20, offer letter, any letter that you got for CPT. That should be enough.

I have not heard of them asking for company pictures. If it is publically traded, you can take their annual report (just for your peace of mind - I don't think they ask for it).

Just have things that will show that you were in status all the time and you are currently working for the ABC company. That should do it.
Have you, by any chance, come across anyone similar to my situation who doesn't have paystubs from one of the previous employers?
From your previous posting, I believe, it might not be necessary to show previous payslips for someone who has been working for the same company since his/her last stamping.

Considering the worst case, how can I avoid my visa being rejected and return back to USA? Re-entering USA would give me ample time to settle things and fly back to India, if my Visa gets officially denied.

Since my situation is different, can someone guide me through the process?
Any recent experiences with H1B revalidation in Montreal / Ottawa ??

I am planning on getting my 8th year H1B revalidated in Montreal / Ottawa..

Would appreciate if any of you who have recent stamping experiences guide me on the following ??

1) Do U get the visa stamped passports same day, if visa is approved?

2) Any one who has experience with both consulates, which is a more safer and easier bet ?

3) Is it mandatory that you can go only 10 days before the validity date on I-797 ?

Please share your thoughts... Thanks in advance for your help..

bbindian please update

bbindian can you please tell me more about how you drove your car to Toronto and what happend at the border because i also want to drive to toronto from newjersey. Can you please share more details or refer back to any of your old posts
Vancouver H1b Visa


Does anyone know if we can get H1B visa appointments on any working day (Monday to Friday)? One of my friends said that they are open for H1B visas only on Monday or friday.

I appreciate your reply.

Hi All,

I have the following questions :

(1) I am planning to go to TORONTO or OTTAWA for visa stamping, would you please tell me which place is better for visa stamping.

(2) I-94, I am planning to go by flight just for visa revalidation, Should I handover all the I-94 (i.e. including which came along with latest Notice of action which I will be using for visa stamping in TORONTO/OTTAWA)

(3) How is the transportation to go and come back for TORONTO and OTTAWA US consulates from Hotel, since they are not allowing to take the cell phone, How I can call the taxi service when returning back?

I am much worried, please let me know if you have any idea.

arun_gc_waiting said:
Hi All,

I have the following questions :

(3) How is the transportation to go and come back for TORONTO and OTTAWA US consulates from Hotel, since they are not allowing to take the cell phone, How I can call the taxi service when returning back?

I am much worried, please let me know if you have any idea.


Dear Arun:
you have some really tricky questions to ask and to be worried about especially your concern about US consulate not allowing to carry cell phones. I am glad to see your far sightedness about this issue. Alot of people do not think about this issue in advance and they end up standing outside the consulate in -30C freezing temperature, unable to call the taxi just because they dont have a cell phone and can not call the cab. Alot of visa candidates froze to death last month outside the US consulates in Ottawa and toronto. Unfortunatly the consultes in toronto/ottawa are far from the urban areas and the nearest human settlement is about 40 miles.
moderator: should we open a forum about this particular question ? may be filing a petetion to UCIS to allow the cell phones is not a bad idea. :D
Thanks arm5262

What to do ? (Unnecessary expenses and unnecessary hassles)

Atleast some day here people will recognize and reopen the revalidation centre within US.

Would anybody share the experience about mode of transportation used to get the consulate and return back ?

It will be very useful for planning for revalidation in canada.

v7461558 said:

has anyone been through multiple background checks with H-1B? I went through a check in 2002 in the home country as I'm on the TAL, mantis, the full cavity. It took 7 weeks and it wasn't that bad as I was ready.

Soon, it's time for the first 3-year extension of the H-1B status. Has anyone been through yet another background check, or heard of anyone going through multiple checks, after applying for a new visa stamp in conjunction with the extended status, in Canada/Mexico or in the home country? For the purposes of this question, assume I have been on H-1B since 2002 and received the first visa stamp (background-checked) along with the status in the home country.

Thanks, V

What is the TAL and where can one find it?
Chicago Desi said:

I just wanted to thank every one who posted their h1 stamping experiences on this website. I got a successful h1 stamping this week at Toronto. I am from Pakistan and have Canadian PR.

Some important things are:

  • Long lines at each and every point, from airports/POEs to consulate
  • If you wear glasses make sure that your photo is WITHOUT glasses otherwise you'll have to use a photo machine inside the consulate that takes 4 crappy pictures for CAN $5 (under exposed, grainy and blurry)
  • All forms (DS-156/DS-157/DS-158) must be filled in before hand. If something is not relevant to you just write N/A, dont leave it blank. They get easily annoyed if forms are not filled in properly.
  • Be confident, honest and keep an eye contact while speaking with the interviewer
  • Keep all important documents handy
  • Dont try to over smart the interviewer (if you know what I mean). They handle hundreds of applications daily so they've got no time for BS

Good luck.
Thanks for your post. you mention taking pics without glasses? is it applicable to all applicants (regardless which country their passport is from)?
ela6 said:
Hi there,
You look like a potential canditate for a back ground check. I think there are couple of people who are from Pakistan and they have posted their experience in the forum. Background checks are requested based on 2 criteria. First one is that if you belong to the occupations mentioned in Technology Alert List (some chance that you get checked). the second criteria is based on the country you come from (even if you have degree from here). I am not sure if Isreal is one of the countries that they monitor (most likely). I don't mean to scare you. But, there is a good possibility.

What it means is that when you apply, you will not be stamped (visa) for another 3-6 weeks. You will have to check other postings to see how people get back into the country (without visa - after applying) from Canada.

The "scary message" that was mentioned in the posting... does it not appear for every applicant that makes appointment online through the nvars.com???
ravishankar20 said:
I have an appointment in mid-dec in Toronto. I received their confirmation letter a week ago, but haven't yet heard anything about any background check.
As far as i know, it's not routine for them to call folks to confirm their appointment, i guess yours is a special case for whatever reason.


when you scheduled appt at nvars.com did you get bunch of messages saying that "if your education is predominantly from country other than US.........etc. etc. 221(g) may be used". I mean are such messages given to everyone just as a means to caution?
also how long after your appt scheduling had you got your conf letter?
bbindian said:
Even I had no US degrees at all but I was able to get the visa stamped from Toronto on January 19th.

Even my laboris in process but I havent yet got any response from the other side and so, I put "NO" to that question.

By looking at your conditions, all I can say is that you shouldn't have any problems in getting your visa done. Make sure to carry all of your documents though:
Employment Letter
Approval Notice
Copy of I-129 Petition
Recent Paystubs
W2 Tax Forms
Original Degrees

You should not have a problem in getting a Visa if you have all the above mentioned documents, but still, since I am not a lawyer, this is just from my own experience at Toronto.

Check the following site for more details about requirements:


did you get the message similar to that when making your appointment on nvars.com?

did you have any past US visas on your passport? did they stamp cancelled without prejudice when you got the h1b stamping at toronto?
tusharvk said:

did you get the message similar to that when making your appointment on nvars.com?

did you have any past US visas on your passport? did they stamp cancelled without prejudice when you got the h1b stamping at toronto?

Yes I did get similar messages and those messages are just for everyone in general.
I had two visas stamped earlier in my passport. One H1B from Bombay, another one from St. Louis.
Yes, they did put "Cancelled Without Prejudice".
DS156, 158 queries

planning to go to toronto for visa stamping. I am Indian national and previous visa f1 obtained from India. status changed to h1b. did not leave the US since the status change.

How do I respond to the following?
DS 156 queries

22. when do you intend to arrive in the US?

25. who you will be staying with or visiting for business?

28. who will pay for the trip?

DS 158 queries
7. List at least two contacts in applicant's country of residence who can verify about applicant?
I am in the US; should I give contacts in this country? or in India?

Thank you for responses.
DS 157 queries

I would be going to Canada for my h1b visa stamping.
F1 (stamp from India)-> status change to H1b.

In form DS 157, for item 12. do we list the employers from home country or just the US? also can one list university as employer (as I was graduate assistant when on F1 visa)?

Thank you for the responses.
when do you intend to arrive in the US?

Approximate date you return to US after you get your visa stamping.

who you will be staying with or visiting for business?

Just put name of any person who resides with you.

who will pay for the trip?

Temporary Employment in USA

DS 158 queries
7. List at least two contacts in applicant's country of residence who can verify about applicant?
I am in the US; should I give contacts in this country? or in India

I don`t think you need to fill DS158 if you are changing status from F1 to H1b

Above answers are based on the application that I filled for myself. I got my visa Jan 28 from ottawa.
H1 Stamping Experience Ottawa Canada

Hello Folks:

Just sharing my stamping experience at Ottawa Canada:

a.) Drove by car to Canada and stayed at a downtown hotel close by to the embassy.

b.) 10 am appointment - Good queue at the entrance. It was very cold-please get dressed properly. (9.45am)

c.) You could leave your keys and cellphone at the entrance and pick it up later.

d.) Once you enter, first you need to pay $100 app.fee (10.10am)

e.) If your app is fine you would be called for interview. It will be take approx 20-30 minutes. (10.45am). Everyone is interviewed appox 2-5min. The people at the embassy appeared to be nice and cordial. Even the interviews tjhat I observed were fun and there was occassional laughter going around the room.

f) My name was called and the interviewing person was a young guy. He was cool and asked some questions about my job and my previous experiences. He was very friendly and was always smiling. (10.48am)

g) Asked for my employment letter and paystubs.Asked me to pay the reciprocity fee of $50 and return the receipt. (10.52am)

h) He gave back my I-797 and asked me to collect the passport at 3pm at the front entrance (11am done)

i) Collected the passport at 3pm drove back. Got the new I-94 stamping at the border .. reached home safely.

Don`t worry too much. have all your documents with you. You can get it.
