H1 Visa Revalidation Experiences - Mumbai Consulate

help regarding a prev lay off experience & H1-B revalidation


I am due for my 2nd term H1-B revalidation. I changed my job about 2 years ago. I was laid of from my previous job but got my new job in about 4 weeks time. if the severance period was taken in account it comes down to 2 weeks.

The important question is....
1. Whats the chances of my revalidation being denied because of this 3 weeks or 5 weeks laid off period....
2. is their a better way of putting things in front of the consulate (any reasoning or any speciifc documents..). I have all my W2, and paychecks uptodate other than for that 1 month period.
3. I have entered and exited US about 4-5 times during the past 2-3 years since i had a valid H1-B already stamped through prev employee.

Any advice would be appreciated.
Recent experience in Mumbai Consulate

Hi Guys

I wanted to share my recent H1B stamping experience in Mumbai consulate.It was in last week of Nov.

As soon as I saw the lady, she was like good morning, After that she asked me how long I have been working for this company, the date when I started working, she asked the dates when I worked for previous 2 employers.Finally asked about tax papers for last 2 years.She looked at the W-2's.She also asked how many people worked in my current company

After all this said , that Visa is granted & will be delivered by courier.On the whole everything went pretty smooth.


Did you have any GAPS between the dates of employement for you 3 jobs. I have a gap of 4-5 weeks...

Any idea what should i say when it comes to GAP. I am trying to get as much info i can about my situation...



I did'nt have any GAPS in my jobs , in last 3 years.I would suggest you that even if you have GAPS , tell the correct dates & say that you took some time-off ( vacation ) in that time.

This explanation will satisfy the interviewer

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I had a 4 -5 week GAP but it was not due to bench but due to lay off.

Also once i accepted my new offer and did my H1 transfer, my prev employer did go and inform INS that i was no longer their employer as from XYZ date



You can tell that you were on vacation in that period.If asked in details then you can say that you were told about the lay-off after you came back from vacation.

Anyways its possible that you won't be asked about the dates at all,So just be confident & cool at the same time.I'm sure you will get your job done

All the best

scheduling appointment

Am I missing something with respect to scheduling appointment in a consulate in India?
The earliest dates available are around feb-march'06. It says that one should have their I797 approved before getting the appointment. Is a receipt # ok? This is in regards to obtaining visa stamp for extension of H1B visa.

Also, it says that candidates working in US on H\L would qualify for emergency appointment. When pressed continue, the same dates as are available for non-emergency apts pop up.

What is being missed here?
Emergency Appointment

It appears that the dates for the regular appointment and emergency appointment are the same.

Has anyone actually gone to Mumbai and got an appointment in say 2 weeks time? Because from the website, the earliest dates seem to be middle of march.

I mean, what's the point of emergency appointment if one can't get it in a few days time?
exact same question from me. if you get an answer, please let me know.
dabuk said:
It appears that the dates for the regular appointment and emergency appointment are the same.

Has anyone actually gone to Mumbai and got an appointment in say 2 weeks time? Because from the website, the earliest dates seem to be middle of march.

I mean, what's the point of emergency appointment if one can't get it in a few days time?
H1 Stamping, no W2 for the year 2004


Here is our situation:

My wife is on H1 and in US right now. She came to US on H4 then we applied for her H1 and got approved on October 2004. She started working from March 2005 even though her H1 got approved on October 2004. She does not have W2 for the year 2004 and pay slips till Feb 2005 as she started working from March 2005. She has H4 stamp on her passport but no H1 stamp. She is going to visit her home country (India) in March 2006. By that time she will be having W2 for the year 2005 and all the pay slips from March 2005 till Feb 2006. As she is not having H1 Stamped on her passport, She has to visit Mumbai consulate for H1 Visa stamping.

Do you guys see any risk because she started working from March 2005? What reason should we give if asked why you did not start working from October 2004?
If her H1 gets on hold or gets rejected then we are planning to apply for H4 and when she comes back we are planning to apply H1 again. Can we do so? If yes, do we have to wait for new H1 visa quota or we can just file H1 as she was already counted once in quota of 2004?

Thanks for your replies.
GCcomesoon said:
Hi Guys

I wanted to share my recent H1B stamping experience in Mumbai consulate.It was in last week of Nov.

As soon as I saw the lady, she was like good morning, After that she asked me how long I have been working for this company, the date when I started working, she asked the dates when I worked for previous 2 employers.Finally asked about tax papers for last 2 years.She looked at the W-2's.She also asked how many people worked in my current company

After all this said , that Visa is granted & will be delivered by courier.On the whole everything went pretty smooth.


Hi GCComesoon,
When you send your documents to mumbai consulate before interview, what did you send? all supporting documents or just 797. Do you need to send mark sheets, degrees etc or you can carry that while going for interview?

Thanks a lot.
Please help

hi i got h1 paper from my employee US, went for stamping interview at delhi ambessy, but after several questioneries they gave me the form of 221g, it requires some more papers from us employee, and asked me to come with all those paper in any working days without taking a appointment. My employee send all those papers they asked for and i went for visa stamping again at delhi embessy they don't look at my papers and they didn't ask me any question they just keep my papers and asked me for to wait until they will do further enquiry and after that they will call me so i am waiting for their call. now my question is that
A) is there any possibilities to get the visa?
B) Or there is more chance to refusing my visa stamping?
C) and what the procedure (or with what preparation) to go there to get the visa?
D) Also they kept my origianal degrees.
E)Shall i call them or please tell me what is the next procedure.
Experiene Certificates - For Visa Revalidations

I have a consular appointment in March at Mumbai. Myself and my wife appearing for H1 and H4 Visa Stampings.
I have few questions, I appreciate if you could send me your response ASAP.

1) I am here in US since last more than 5 years, my Stamped Visa was alredy expired in March -04. I have a new approval I 797 and I 94 valid untill Nov -06. unfortunately could not collect my Experience Certificates from last two companies.
Question is What happens if a Visa Officer asks about these certificates ?

I have all my Paystubs and W2, will it be okay ?

2) Since I dont have those previous company Experience Certificates, is there any otherway to create them ? I mean obtaining a letter from CO-Employees ? Pls suggest me any other way which is legally approved.

3) Anything we need to be carefull when we go for Revalidation at MUMBAI.
I mean any specific documentations, info need to be aware with the latest changes ?
Stamping at the Mumbai consulate

I had the stamping done at the Mumbai consulate - end of December. It was a smooth ride. I had to wait in line outside despite an appt, but not too bad. Went in and waited for a few more mins till I was called. They did not ask for any documents (Initially they take the copy of LCA and I-129 and orig I 797). Asked me questions like how long have I been with the employer, what are my plans for future, etc.

Got the passport the next day.

All the best guys. Have faith in God.
H4 stamping docs

Can someone post documents required for h4 visa stamping in mumbai consulate for spouse to go for the stamping alone (the principal will not be attending the interview)?
Emergency appointment for spouse on H4

I am on the 7th year visa extension and planning to get the stamp this April. Since I am working in US, I believe I qualify for the emergency appointment but will my wife who is on H4 and will accompany me qualify for emergency appointment as well?
Do we schedule one appointment for both of us? or how does the process work for the spouse of H4?

Visa Appt in India


Can anyone advise me what is the process to get the visa appt for emergency? Can a person from south india who is working in US get visa appt at any consulate or it has to be only chennai? Please reply as soon as possible. I appreciate your help. THANKS.