H1 Visa Experience Chennai Consulate

Recent experience in Chennai Consulate


My friend in Chennai went to Consulate for stamping today and came back with 221(g) document. He said, he did first round interview good, but at the Documents verifications, they asked many other information regarding the company details, Photos, etc.. The old lady checking the documents giving 221 for each applicant. As per my friend saying, almost every one got 221 which many of them are from Satyam, Wipro, TCS employees.

Be prepared before you go to Chennai consulate

Received Documents (AFU).

A friend of mine had applied for an H1 visa at Chennai about 2-3 years ago, they stamped his passport "received documents (AFU)", and he never got his visa, neither had he heard from them. He has masters in Public Administration and an LLB.. Yes! he has no computer related degree.

My question is how good are his chances to get an H1 if he reapplies from a different company. I would appreciate your take on this, and if anyone is in similar situation and would like to post a message here that would be a tremendous help for us.

Thanks in advance.
pipedream said:
A friend of mine had applied for an H1 visa at Chennai about 2-3 years ago, they stamped his passport "received documents (AFU)", and he never got his visa, neither had he heard from them. He has masters in Public Administration and an LLB.. Yes! he has no computer related degree.

My question is how good are his chances to get an H1 if he reapplies from a different company. I would appreciate your take on this, and if anyone is in similar situation and would like to post a message here that would be a tremendous help for us.
What is his H1B job position last time & this time.

Thanks in advance.
My H1 visa got refused with 221(g)

I attended interview for new H1 on 9th Nov in Chennai and my visa got refused under 221(g) clause. Consulate asked me to get the following
1) Interior and exterior photos of the employer and the premises where worker will be deployed.
2) w2 forms of all the employees
3) provide details of specific of how worker will be employed for next 12 months and
4) A list of candidates petitioned in Chennai consulate.

Its really frustrating. I guess Chennai consulate is little bit strict. My friend from the same employer of mine got the visa in Delhi consulate.

Dont know whether I will get visa if I submit all the required documents again. :confused:
The details they asked are related to the employer only. So contact your US employer and get the details and re-submit them. They will mail you these details (Tax details and all) which you shouldn't open it. You submit it, stating additional details as per their request.
221(g) clause

Any one has information regarding stamping, if some one recieves 221(g) rejection and if he re-submits the required documents again then how long it takes for getting stamped.

Also how long can we take for re-submitting the documents after 221(g) rejection.
Sucessful H1B stamping at Chennai

Hello All,
Thanks for everyone in the forum, It helped me a lot to get prepared for the VISA process.
I had my interview in the last week of November, process was very staright farword.
I kept all my documents in the order they mentioned on the notice board.
Interviewer asked me couple of questions

1. What was my Undergard degree ( My undergrad is not computers)
2. How is it related to computers.
3. Asked me about my Job duties.

Thats pretty much it.

Let me know if any one has any questions. I will be more than happy to answer if I can.

Once again I would like to thank everyone in the Forum.

New H1B visa stamping


Has any one changed their visa status from L to H in USA and then got a new H1B visa stamping in chennai consulate. If yes please let me know your experiences.


chennai embassy appt. for h1


i am currently in o.p.t, i have scheduled embassy appt. for h1 stamping in chennai embassy-i read in the bulletin board here that- in the interview we have to prove that v r not potential immigrants- i wonder how do students like me convince that- friends who faced this situation recently kindly throw some light

personal experiences and advices will be appreciated
Visa interview questions at Chennai

I have got my H1B visa few days back.
Here are the questions and answers :)

Me: Hello Sir, Very good morning to you
Officer Hi, Very good morning. So howz today?
Me It is fantastic for me sir. How is it going for you?
Officer So for so good. So why do you want to goto US?
Me It is my client's requirement. So I have to go.
Officer Please put your left hand index finger on the scanner....
(putting the left index finger)
Now the right hand index finger (doing)
Looks better
Officer Oh.. You are working for XXX?
Me Yes sir.
Officer How long are you working with XXX?
Me One year and three months sir.
Officer What is your pay at US?
Me XXX US Dollars per month sir.
Officer You mean XXX per year
Me Yes sir
Officer We always use to say interms of yearly.
Me Sorry sir.
Officer You are having master degree in computer science. Is it?
Me Yes sir.
Officer Can I see that?
Me Sure sir. (giving the marksheet and degree certificate)
Officer No need to give it to me.
Just show your degree certificate from there
Me Sure sir. (showing the degree certificate)
Officer By the way, who is your client?
Officer Are you working for a internal project?
Me Yes sir.
Officer Please go ahead and work in US.
Also pay your bill at the first counter :)
Me Thank you sir.
Officer Please take these originals too
(giving back everything expect Passport)
Me Thank you sir.
Officer You are welcome.

Hope this helps.

are u working in a consulting company ?
if yes .. then how is the project an internal project of ur consulting company?.
pls let us know or i am not understanding that part.
Revalidation 7th year extension @ Chennai

Hello everyone,
I am planning to do a revalidation @ Chennai consulate next month.
I have booked an appoinment for myself & my spouse through TTSVISA web site last month.
I have received a final confirmation page with receipt number,which I have printed out.However I haven't received any email confirmation.Will there be any issue with appoinment?
I read WAC number in this forum.What is that number?.How do we get it?
SHould I take photograph of employer building still?
Will there any question asked about GC processing during H1visa revalidation?

Thanks for your reply in advance!
Please help

I have booked for H1b and H4 visa appointments for me and my wife.I made 2 different appointments on different days.

Did i do it right?

Can i combine both into 1 appointment?ie my H1b and my wife's H4 combined into one and attend interview at the same time?

Please advice.

Thanks in advance
Hi Krshna,
I think what you have done is ok. Going on seperate appointments would be better if you both are applying for H1. You can club appointments if your H1 petitioner is same for both H1's. Since yours is H1 and your wife's is H4 i think you can go for single appointment. But anyway since you have already taken seperate appointments you can go ahead with your current plan. Recently me and my wife applied for H1's in single appointment. We got a query (221-g). We have been asked to get some photographs and tax forms of employer and re-appear for interview. We are waiting for these documents from my employer.
prasad,thanks for the info

mine is H1b and my wife's is H4.

Is it to good to combine both or go as different cases?

If i want to combine both,will the TTS visa web appointment system allow that?Which option will let me do that?There is something like number of visa applicants..is that the one?

Let me know.

You need to put 2 in "Max number of applicants" field if you are clubbing into one appointment. Also you need to fill out your wife's details in the same appointment similar to yours except that visa type will be H4 and passport details will be different. Hope this is clear.
Successful H1 and H4 stamping on Dec14th

Hello everyone,
It is time for me thank everyone in the forum. I had a successful H1 and H4 stamping for my wife at the chennai consulate on Dec14th Here are the details.
Im from an F1 to H1 trasfer and first time multiple stamping. Had appointment at 11:15 and went into the consulate at 10:30AM
It took around hour or so for the inital processing to complete. Finally after some wait i was called by the consulate along with my wife. here is how the interview went.
Consular: Is your name abc
Yes sir
Con: So did u graduate from univ of xyz
Yes sir
Con: When did you graduate
May 2003
Con: What have you been doing after graduating
Started working in Company A and then moved to company B and now working in Company C
Con: For how long have you been working in company C
Six months
Con: How many employees does your company have
Around 20 - 25 sir
Con: Why is that there is so much variation in your pay every month
It is because of the over time sir, the client has asked me to finish up some work before leaving for vacation so is the variation but my actual pay is 123
Con: Pay your fees in the next counter.

The consular returned me all the documents. He did not ask even a single question to my wife. Nor did he check any of the marriage certificates or photographs.
The general trend i have observed there is that the consular was issuing visas very easily to all who did their masters in US. For first time H1 people (directly from india) the consular was very harsh and was asking lot of questoins and also asking the people to wait for some time until he will call them back.
I was never in out of job situation or less pay situation.
The consular hardly glanced at my documents. He was a bit focussing on the pay stubs.
He did check the web site of the company during the time he was asking me the questions.
Thanks a lot again to everyone in this forum
H1 Stamping at Chennai Dec 16

I got my H1 stamped on my passport.
Date: Dec 16 morning
I work for a University, and I had my MS degree from the same University.
The issues I had... I did not check if the bank official signed the DDs I took. Unluckly, the guy (Desi), at the counter asked me to go get a new one from outside and changed my appt to 9am.
Another issue was with the lady who checked my documents, to make sure I am eligible, before I was sent to the main guy.
I did not have my papers in order and I was told to wait and make sure I have all those things in order before I go to the counter again (My advice.. check the wall posted list of things u should have before you go to the counter for your type of visa, you might be doing that already but I didnt.. and thought maybe there are some who might miss that).
After I cleared that part. I was sent to the main person for an interview.. I was called in just few minutes..
The conversation went this way. might not be exact but is close
1. So you are working after you completed you MS ?
Ans Yes
2. Whats your MS in ?
Ans XXX Engg
3. Tell me your job description ..
Ans. My job is related to this .. and the University is doing research in this area and that is what I am helping them with.
4. So dod you do any courses related to this field ?
Ans. Yes, actually I did some inter department courses and also the field is part of the degree that I did.. that way I got the experience required for the job.
Took my finger print and asked me to pay ther est of the money..

I got the passport the next day (NEXT DAY.. I was shocked and surprised. Everything on the passport looked ok.)

Hope this helps
Successful Chennai consulate Interview Experience, 20-Dec-2004

Hi All,

Firstly thanks to all members who posted their experiences. It has helped me to have an overview of the procedure.

My interview was in the afternoon at 2.15. Visa type was new H1 and H4. My opinion is, there is nothing to worry much or scared about the Officer questions. If you have prepared the standard questions (available in this thread by different users) well in a clear and precise way, there is no question of getting rejected. Definitely, reputed companines like Wipro, Infosys have advantage as the officers know about that company. Other companines, it is advisable to elevate your company details and have photographs of your company, its clients, annaul revenue, no. of employees etc., Also one should clear what role he is going to play at onsite for the project.

Ok, coming to my questions, they are :

Why you want to go to US?
What's your present salary?
Show me your original degree certificate?
What's the degree in?
How long you are working in present company?
What's yr previous company b4 the present company and how long you worked there?
Is yr marriage arranged and when do u get married?
Show me the marriage photos?
Is this the original marriage certificate?
Do you have kids?
Why u did not bring yr kid ? (We told, the passport is not ready and left at relative house)
U r processed for UK work permit, did u travel to UK? Why did u not travel to UK? ( this question was not in my preparation list, I answered the correct reply spontaneously --> saying that project got over and I did not get an opportunity to travel. I feel some better answer should have been given)
When are u planning to travel to US? I said tentatively 1st week of Feb.

All originials were returned except passports and asked to pay last DD at counter no.1

My other suggestions:
I see lot of people wearing unimpressive dresss (especially males). Too much dressing also will not help. I observed people who dressed moderately got their visa. Preferably, blue dress will help. Blue pant and light blue shirt with stripes. Wear yr company ID if u have one.

Do not observe other peoples interviews very keenly, do not count the number of rejections and approvals, it will affect your performance on your turn. Just relax and be prepared for yr turn. Answer the officer taking yr own time (not tool long).

Once the officer decided not to give visa, do not argue or request him or try to convice him. It will not help, say thank you and come back. Otherwise he may put more remarks in your file recorded in their systems and may affect next time.

Do not try to move ahead in the line, follow the instructions given by the guide available there. I noticed one guy move ahead and he was sent back to where he should be.

Important thing, know your visa type and different forms like I129, I797 etc., One officer asked for I129 form to a candidate and applicant gave some other form. Officer on applicant face itself offended him and rejected him after asking few questions.

Properly arrange your forms in the folder if not done by the Document collections counter (2nd counter). It may embarass the Officer to search the forms.

I would advise to have appointment in the afternoon slot, especially if falls after 2pm, your chances of getting approved is more. Because, I find officers are in a mood to clear the candidates as early as possible. therefore, you will get less questions asking.

Ok guys and gals, that's all. If you any other questions pls mail me to oottss@mail.com. If it is available I will reply u back.

Best wishes