==> AUGUST 2001 thread for I-485 Mailers to CSC (from 02/19/2002)

GBHAR- can you find out when it\'s being approved?


I think if you can find out when exactly his approval date, that would be very helpful also. I noticed that WAC number below WAC-01-270 was being approved. Thanks.


AVM has been updated

Hi Guys, i checked with the AVM today morning, (as the access to IIO was totally impossible.) the message has been updated to "FP results obtained from FBI......Process resumed on Feb 8 blah blah"
No Title

I aslo found another meaasge in another thread that a person with RD Aug 2 was approved sometime last week.

May be you can try and get the RD and other dates from your friend.

Another FP done - PCee please update

Post this message again (under August thread). thx for reminding, "saab".

FP notices (original) received by lawyer on 2/5/02.
Scheduled for 03/12/2002, San Jose.
Done 2/26/02, San Jose.

Stepped in at 9:35am and finished by 10:00am. No additional questions
asked for earlier FP. It is really pleasant experience. Other info as:

WAC-01-266, EB1
RD, 08/02/01
ND, 08/27/01
AP, 09/07/01
EAD, 11/09/01
gcwaiter -- not yet (what is your WAC#)

Mine not yet updated, checked today. My RD is one day later than yours (though ND is same). I am hoping it will get updated soon...

Can you share your WAC#? Mine is WAC-01-286-58xxx. Becaus eI heard things move based on WAC#


WAC 01-292-xxxxx
RD - 08/28/2001
ND - 09/24/2001
AP - 11/29/2001
EAD - 12/11/2001
FP Scd - 12/07/2001
FP done - 11/24/2001

AVM changed to "...Pending review ... " on 12/16/2001
AVM changed to "...process resumed ..." on 01/12/2002

Keeping fingers crossed.

Good luck.
My Status (August ND)

wac# 01-271-x;
RD 07/20/01; ND 08/30/01
AP rcvd 10/24/01
EAD apvd/rcvd 12/02/01
FP sched : 02/19/2002
FP Done : 02/02/2002

On 03/01/2002, AVM changed to processing resumed...
Has anybody with a WAC # of 270+ been approved ?

Please share
Talked to IIO

RD Aug 16, ND Sept. 16.
FP done Feb6, Sanjose

IIO says FP recieved and are fine for my wife and myself. She says background check pending.

Any one knows what to make out of this? My AVM message has not been updated after FP yet. But I do not know if the response from IIO means there has been any progress.

My friend doesn\'t have info about his own application except WAC #. I guess if you don\'t worry about the application then it gets approved quicker.
So my theory about approvals being random still hold true.
No Title

I would tend to think that your friend was lucky and that it was a random approval. From all the postings that i have been following i think the approvals are based more on the WAC# and less on the RD/ND.
If you follow it closely you may arrive at the same conclusion. At present, the WAC#s being approved are in the range of 260-270. it may be possible that they have already started approving cases beyond that but i don\'t know. My wac# also carries 286 somewhere in between and i am guessing that it would be a couple of weeks when we\'ll see approvals with #s such as mine beginning to get attention..(ofcourse if everything goes well..)..
Take it easy guys !...
Pcee vs PceeTmp

There must be something wrong with this software. I logged
on as myself (monalisa), but the post came out as from

Let me see how this post comes out. I am "monalisa" and not

- monalisa
WAC 01-289-xxxxx

RD = 08/20/2001
ND = 09/20/2001
FP done = 11/23/2001
FP rcvd = 12/06/2001
AVM says = \'Pending review\'