Greenland Summary Report

Greenland report for lin02-207

ND : June 11, 02

Total lin : 706
Approved : 99
Received/Resumed : 546
RFE sent/Recd : 10
Misc : 45
Transferred : 6

This status is as of 1/2/04.
Summary Update

Attached is another update.

Mugdha, it seems that you are running your update from scratch instead of using the list you have compiled as the basis for your update. If you do it this way, you can do the whole LIN 02-220 in a single run. Let me know if I can help.
Yeah, can you please send me the details to run the sript that way... .I guess, you have my e-mail address.


Hi funky:

In your last update of greenland report, I found you covered the lin02-159 information with lin02-157 because they are identical. I am now sending you a newer version of lin02-159 update for your reference. Thank you for your hard work and great job.
Mr. zm38

You are absolutely correct - always useful to have another person giving a report the evil eye.

I have added your info and will post another update as soon as I have made a few more runs.

Thanks for your input. I suspect there are a few more bugs out there - I don't call myself funky for nothing.
Status for 02-168 on 1/12/04

Approved/Completed Count 121
Misc Count 41
Received Count 290
RFE recvd Count 11
RFE sent Count 14
Transferred Count 19
Grand Count 496

Funky Junky, Please update this in your report.
Summary Update

Jogil - I cannot update the statistics without the underlying data for the graphs etc. If you send me the complete list with all the LIN numbers, then the Summary report compiles those statistics automatically.
Status for Lin 02-207 ND 6/11/02

There is good movement. Update as of 1/20/04.

1/2/2004 1/8/2004 1/20/2004
Total 706 706 706
Approved 99 117 188
Misc 45 45 43
RFE sent 5 10 17
RFE Recd 5 3 4
Received 544 519 437
Resumed 2 2 2
Transfer 6 10 15

You are not wrong sir!

My case was approved after the interview in Detroit this morning. The effeciency of the guy and his willingness to work through some difficulties we encountered was awesome. I did not expect that from the BCIS given their track record.

It is sad that competent guys like the one who help me get a bad wrap because of poor management and backoffice operations.

At least we know that there is at least one competent professional that works at the BCIS. Now if only they would put him in charge....

But then who would do the real work?....
Congratulations, FunkyJunky

Congratulations on your recent approval. Enjoy it and hope we all get the kind of treatment you got at Detroit (well, at least by the NSC adjudicators when they review our paperwork).

I am happy for you

You did great job of organising the list here, Please continue if you have time. We all appreciate your contributions.

Hi Funkyjunky,

CONGRATULATIONS to you for your frredom. But can U to tell me or give me directions, if i want to see for my LIN number in Greenland summary Report how to do it.

Please reply soon because I did my FP in FEB 2002, since then nothing so far. No 2ndFP nor RFE.
