Greenland Summary Report


If you can compile the portions of LIN numbers as outlined above, that would help. Once we have those LINs that are a)valid and b)485 LINs, then it is much easier to run them.

I am assuming you have the Greenland script
For 220, it will take another couple of days to run the script up to 56000. Rebooting did not work for me either. I tried to renew the IP address "ipconfig /renew all" on the command prompt, also /release.

Web gurus; please let us know how we can get new IP address. I have cable modem at home.

Once I have valid 485 Lin numbers, how do I run the script just for those numbers?

Pardon me if I am asking very basic questions. But it will surely expedite the process.


Try running it using dial up on Mozilla from a Linux box. They just announced the release of a fresh production version of the kernel.


................Sorry I missed to attach here, please see below posting..............

I have captured the data for LIN-02-228 (July 6th, 2002) from 50001 to 51021. I could not do more for today. Access Denied.

Lot of Approvals in this sheet:

Here is the Data
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................Sorry I missed to attach before..............

I have captured the data for LIN-02-228 (July 6th, 2002) from 50001 to 51021. I could not do more for today. Access Denied.

Lot of Approvals in this sheet:

Here is the Data
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On second thoughts, does anyone know if VB scripts will run on Linux? I believe there is a Java program (Kashmir?) that may run on Linux. If you set this up as a dual boot arrangement, you may be able to double the permissible limit for a given IP address.:confused:
Summary Update

Lot of activity on LIN190. Why have they neglected LIN030 and LIN085? Does anyone have an explanation?

I was looking at another site and the lawyer in question(I can't mention his name here since that would be against the rules of the board, which I accept and adhere to) said the following. The problems at the USCIS are related to Management and throwing more money at the problem will not address the issues until the serious and obvious management problems are addressed. he suggested that they need outside (professional) help. I don't personally know the inner workings of USCIS management but the evidence does seem to support his conclusions.

Here is the list again for:

.........................................LIN-02-228(July 6th, 2002) from:.........................................

.......................................LIN-02-228-50000 till LIN-02-228-53026.......................................
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02-105 Update

Funky please update for 02-105

Approved/Completed Count 72
Denied/Withdrawn Count 1
FP sent Count 17
Misc Count 21
Received Count 122
Resumed/FP recvd Count 19
RFE recvd Count 38
RFE sent Count 26
Transferred Count 20
Grand Count 336

*25 approval since last update
Please add Lin02-220 update to your greenland summary.

How do I use only valid Lins for the next run?


He has some data but not good enough

Originally posted by cyberwalker
BTW, you may get the full list on

I checked,

First website has only FY 03 data and nothing about 02.
Second, doesn't seem to have full data, in his recent approval for NSC, LIN 03 002 he has only one approval, but from Greenland script I ran on this LIN I see 4 approvals.

I am just wondering what is his source of data, I think he is using something similar to Greenland script or Kashmir's java script....

I checked out this site and did not find any info that a 2002 LIN prisoner can use. I reached the same conclusions that CustomCat did.
Summary Update

A few sheets updated.

I have noticed that the USCIS is now basically ignoring anything before LIN02060. If you are a member of this infortunate subset then I think that the only way you are going to get any performance out of the USCIS, is to light a senator-induced fire under the USCIS tail. Ask your senator to ask the USCIS why LIN02030 is LESS processed (%-wise) than LIN02180 which is 5 months later. Also ask why LIN02180 has been processed AT ALL since there are a number of completely untouched cases in LIN02030.

I would love to hear the explanations.
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