green card resignation


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I was authorized to have the green card(by dvlottery), I had one in my passport ,

I've been in USA for 2 months, I got my green card + SSN

I got sick and I had to follow a medical treatment in my native country (Because I do not have enough money to follow my treatment in usa)

I decided to go back in my country and I don't need my green card and my ssn anymore.

I want to know how can i resign for both my green card and ssn ?

Do i lose my Social Security if i abandon my green card (permanent resident) status ?

Can somebody help me?
Surrender your GC at your local US embassy/consulate.
Your SSN is yours for life. Or are you asking about any social security benefits here?

I decided to go back in my country and I don't need my green card and my ssn anymore.

I want to know how can i resign for both my green card and ssn ?
Your SSN is yours for life. Or are you asking about any social security benefits here?
no, just want to know if it's posible to return the ssn card to the embassy, because i plan to stay here in my country(for medical treatment, and i don't have enough money to return to us again)
So i don't need to this card yet!

thank you for your response
You might want to apply for reentry permit. It would give you 2 years of time to decide you really want to give up your residency or not. You might regret it later. In a couple years you can be done with treatment and ready to come back. With that reentry permit you are allowed to be out of the country up to 2 years without losing any status.

I hope you will get well soon.
You might regret it later.
why i regret it ??!! my family and my friends say the same thing!! really i didn't understand why ???
i've been in the usa for maybe 2 months, and i consider that like a finished dream, so i've to forget it for ever to start my life again for that i want to return cards to the embassy to be relax.

I hope you will get well soon.

thank you very much

thanks for your response!
Your SSN and the card belongs to you for life. Keep the SS card, as the consulate probably won't accept the card if you try to return it. Even if you returned the SS card, your SS records would remain alive.

But the green card is different. If you're not going to use it again, print form I-407 (the form for surrendering green cards) and visit the consulate to hand in the I-407 and green card. If you want, you can apply for a tourist visa in the same visit.
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why i regret it ??!! my family and my friends say the same thing!! really i didn't understand why ???
i've been in the usa for maybe 2 months, and i consider that like a finished dream, so i've to forget it for ever to start my life again for that i want to return cards to the embassy to be relax.

I do not know how old are you but you might see the things differently in a couple years. Obtaining residency is a very difficult and long process. You already have it so you can as well preserve it for another 2 years.

If you are sure 100% you do not want the privileges of a Green Card then by all means surrender it now.
print form I-407 (the form for surrendering green cards) and visit the consulate to hand in the I-407 and green card.
i've downloaded the form i-407 (
i've some quesions about:
1-"A" file number
4-name of vessel , Airline
6(a). I voluntarily, willingly and affirmatively am abandoning or have abandoned my status as a lawful permanent resident of the US (what i've to choose ?)
6(b). Date of abondment of status as a LPR of the US
If you want, you can apply for a tourist visa in the same visit.
i'm abandoning my status as a lawful permanent resident of the US to apply for a toursit visa ??? i didn't understand what do you mean exactly ?

thank you for your response
I do not know how old are you but you might see the things differently in a couple years.
i'm 31 years old, and I do not need to lose another two years dreaming

If you are sure 100% you do not want the privileges of a Green Card then by all means surrender it now.
the privileges of a Green Card when you live in the USA not in my native country

anyway thank you for your responses
1-"A" file number
The A-number is on your green card.

4-name of vessel , Airline
That's for the flight or boat you used to exit the US.

6(a). I voluntarily, willingly and affirmatively am abandoning or have abandoned my status as a lawful permanent resident of the US (what i've to choose ?)
Choose "have abandoned" if you've been outside the US for over a year. After a year outside the US without a reentry permit it is presumed you already abandoned your status as a permanent resident.

6(b). Date of abondment of status as a LPR of the US
If you chose "am abandoning", this date would be the same date you sign the I-407. If you chose "have abandoned", write some date in the past that is indicative of when you fully decided to stop being a permanent resident.

i'm abandoning my status as a lawful permanent resident of the US to apply for a toursit visa ???
No. I only mean that if you want to visit the US in the future, and you're from a country whose citizens need a tourist visa to visit the US, you can choose to apply for the tourist visa in the same visit to the consulate when you surrender the green card, so you don't need to make a separate appointment to apply for the visa.
What do you mean you fulfilled your dream of a 2 month visit? Why would you play the GC lottery just for that experience? It seems like a ridiculous waste of time and money, not to mention another person's chance at a GC. You ought to have got a visa and went for an actual visit instead. I don't get it.
What do you mean you fulfilled your dream of a 2 month visit? Why would you play the GC lottery just for that experience?
My dream was to create a company in the usa, that's why I play the lottery
Once there, I was a little disappointed by the reality: I do not know any person over there
except my third cousin who sponsored me to him but he really scared me by false stories

It seems like a ridiculous waste of time and money, not to mention another person's chance at a GC. You ought to have got a visa and went for an actual visit instead. I don't get it.
that's true, I have lost a year and a half of my life, but I think I was lucky to be selected for the U.S. visa but unlucky to pass my new life there, the reality is different from what the appearance suggests (so hard if you don't know any person there)
have a visa to live in the usa that does not mean it is the visa to paradise!

thank you for your reply
seems like you had very unrealistic expectations of the usa. you are in your thirties, you should have known better. it's sad that you wasted a green card because someone out there has been waiting for his or her chance for years, just like I did. someone who wouldn't give up on his dream in 2 months! I'm sorry for being harsh, but seriously, you gave up on your dream after 2 months? I don't know what were your expectations here, but sometimes it takes time and a lot of hard work to achieve your dreams.

I had met quite a few people who wasted their green cards and they never thought about it as a big deal. it always left me feeling angry because I'd been trying for years, unsuccessfully, having my chances diminished by people who treated green cards as tourist visas! then I finally managed to get here, stayed illegally because I had no money for college, I've been dealing with immigration court for years and now finally, over 8 years later I'm close to getting my green card. now that is a dream! I've never given up, despite all hardships. 8 years spent working not on my dream but just to set a foundation for my dream! yes, getting green card will be only my first step, my jumping board towards making my dream come true.

so while I'm technically bashing you, I'm also hoping to help you. because you still have a chance to change your mind and not give up on your dream. you have to work hard on your dreams and never give up. otherwise you're destined to fail, I can guarantee you!
seems like you had very unrealistic expectations of the usa.
I am very realistic, and I do not expect gifts from people!
I'm going to the usa is to work hard, but for a new immigrant I think it would be easy if you know somebody(you trust him) to help you in the begining.
In my situation, my third cousin(who sponsored me) have told me false stories that really scared me (like you will spend 5 years in jail for pirated softwares on my computer)...

the first step is soooo important!

it's sad that you wasted a green card because someone out there has been waiting for his or her chance for years, just like I did.
Diversity lottery program, as its name would suggest, only through luck !
That's the rule!

someone who wouldn't give up on his dream in 2 months! I'm sorry for being harsh, but seriously, you gave up on your dream after 2 months? I don't know what were your expectations here, but sometimes it takes time and a lot of hard work to achieve your dreams.
for a new immigrant who don't know any person there the dream can becomes a nightmare
that's what happen to me, when he said me you will get years for jail i can't sleep.. imagine you hear it just after 10 days in USA!
so my situation is some exceptional
I looked forward to the day when I return to my native country !!

I'd been trying for years, unsuccessfully, having my chances diminished by people who treated green cards as tourist visas!
nooo, i've never treated my green card as a tourist, in my situation only the facts were different!
simply i was unlucky in my new life!

now finally, over 8 years later I'm close to getting my green card. now that is a dream!
congratulations you deserve it :)

so while I'm technically bashing you, I'm also hoping to help you.
I would be very grateful, i've send you a friend request

because you still have a chance to change your mind and not give up on your dream. you have to work hard on your dreams and never give up. otherwise you're destined to fail, I can guarantee you!
thanks for all your advices
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ok my friend, I'm glad you accept constructive criticism :)
your decision to stay or leave here is ultimately yours but please, don't listen to your cousin, try to meet some new people and draw a conclusion for yourself. I'm not sure what's your country of origin but I've noticed in some immigrants that they're secretly hoping for newcomers to fail, maybe because they didn't make it so they don't want you to succeed or whatever, but my advice to you is, if you feel that your own countrymen are impeding you in any way, stay away from them! I did and I never regretted my decision.

now, this country does have some pretty serious laws and I'm sure you COULD end up in jail for pirated software but the reality is, you most likely won't! here and there they will try to make examples of some people and give them draconian sentences for minor crimes, but you probably have better chances winning a lottery than ending up in jail for simply having pirated software on your (personal) computer. If you start a business you need to be more careful because they will try to extort lots of money from you for minor violations. I'm not trying to encourage you to break the law but this country is NOT a police state (yet).

if you're still willing to give it a chance, don't turn in your green card just yet, you can always do it. go home, take a break, then come back, get a job, get to know people, learn the ropes of the system and business you want to get in (or whatever your dream is) and decide for yourself. maybe you're in the wrong city/state? don't let that discourage you, move somewhere else.

I've noticed that many immigrants hate this country for some reason, yet they still live here, complain and contend how everything is better "back home". in my experience, this country can be anything you want it to be! for me, it's my home, there are some great people living here, there are opportunities for everyone and despite all the issues it's a great place to live!

if you need any help, PM me. it might take a while for me to answer though as I don't frequent forums anymore but I'll answer whenever I get a chance.

good luck!
i hav a problem....during my second letter form i wrote the adderss of californina now i'm staying here in texas now where is my green card available....i've submit the pacakge given by embassy here in dallus airport...and what might be it's solution guys....?
My dream was to create a company in the usa, that's why I play the lottery
Once there, I was a little disappointed by the reality: I do not know any person over there
except my third cousin who sponsored me to him but he really scared me by false stories

Hi Lordtn,
I completely understand what you are saying. I came to the US five years ago to pursue studies and I was completely alone. For a while I thought it was the worst mistake because I had no support. However, I soon found folks in school to be very friendly and helfpul (most americans are). after a year or so I even made friends. now I in the place where I have my own apartment and car and have 2 degrees. maybe you are expecting everything to happen too quickly?
I understand its hard and it does take a while to get settled and independent enough to start generating wealth. I am glad you realize your cousin was not being very honest with you and things are not as bad as he wants you to believe. US is not the paradise everyone makes it out to be - but it is still one of the greatest countries in the world and affords us opportunities we would otherwise not have. and to be honest, the US is for people like you - people with big dreams - thats how it was built. maybe your cousin is threatened by your ambition and is trying to sabbotage you?

anyway, that beign said, i would advise you not to surrender your GC but file for exended leave. Go home and regroup - you may find that once back there you realize how much the US had to offer. or you may realize your home country is the best place in the world and that is where you want to be - and thats when you surrender the GC. I think you should not close the US door before you go back and regroup a bit, with more family to advise you than just your cousin. its a big decision and, once you surrender I doubt you will get this opportunity again.
Good luck my firend - i hope you find your place in this world, and happiness.
hello Spice2013
To be realistic, Spice2013 can you support me at my first step in USA (how to rent, how to get a job if i don't know anybody?)

Anyway I would like to say thanks for all the support and friendship you've given me.