Got laid off received Interview letter.

srbose said:
Today I received my attorney letter which states the required fees
for attending the interview in Dallas INS is $3150.00. Presently
I do not have job and do not know what to do. Do you all think he can play any mischief if I do not take him to INS interview?

In my opinion the attorney is a waste of space and money at the interview. Usually Attorneys charge between $200 to $400 to attend an interview. People(expecially EB category) prefer to take them for the peace of mind. I have no idea what the heck this attorney of your's is thinking and why in the world is he asking this much. If I was you, I would dump him and go alone or hire another one for $200. Given your job situation, if this guy can guarantee you a card for this amout, you could consider it. Otherwise it is a waste. Other option is to pay him after approval only.
Oh my friend sbrose,

You have two option - Take poon..... suggestion
Someone suggested that you go and attend the interview and if the officer asks for pay stubs, tell him you happen to forget that and would send that later.
Go and take your chance.
If the attorney is from out of town from where the interview is, I think you have to pay the legal fee, travel costs and boarding costs. I don't know if they add up to $3,100 or not. Usually the legal fee would be between $600 to 1,000 itself.
The Attorney is from Colorado

Attorney asked me $2500 for attending the Dallas interview and $650 for
Airfare and hotel. He is taking undue advantage because I do not have job.
I requested INS via 1-800 number to postpone my interview to next month.
I said I have flu as there is no employment letter and the exorbitant fees
from attorney.
Just curious ...

You are in Rajeev Khanna's supported site. Have you explored his services, fees etc. ?

My humble opinion


Do not worry about what the Lawyer is asking; go ahead and pay. The real problem here is that you do not have a job offer.

Get on your feet and look harder for a job offer... it does not matter from which part of the country it is comming from.

... and remember... prayer is powerful....

i totally agree with rolando68. The need of the hour is a job offer . Just see if u can fit yourself into parttime contract with some body shopper or staff augmentation companies.That will help a great deal .


Can help you

If you are still looking for help , please reply to this post. We may be able to help you.
Yes all and rk1975

Really I am looking hardly for job, my attorney made me worry too much as he knows this is the last chance for making money. He used to charge me $300 for EAD each time. Most of the Placement Agency used to give advertisement on Monster and Dice, based on my skill sets I used to apply. Their only job used to collect my word resume,references and want to know about my background about an hour over the phone. After that agency says Client is sick or holiday or temporary holding the position. But agency keep on giving advertisement just to collect resume in side hard disk. It is really bad experience.
Dear Poongunranar,POJ and all great members

How are you all? I made typing mistake in my last post which is "Really I am looking hardly for job", in fact I wanted to write "Really I am looking urgently for job or offer letter based on my approved LC". I do apologize for my typing mistake. My mind is not properly working after my attorney asked me the big amount. My attorney has requested for postponement of my GC interview to INS. I am not going for interview on Jan 31st, 2005 as I do not have employment letter. I am very worried after laid off as I am not aware so soon Interview letter will arrive.
srbose, we all keep our fingers crossed for you to get a postion soon.

at a worst case senarion, if your wife has H1B and I 485 application, surely you could get your application denied based on last of job- this is not your fault, just unfortunate, then reapply as her dependent? At least you will not be denied from applying for this as it is not fraud etc.
I found some options from attorney Murthy for you!


Chat User : For GC, if the previous employer's employment letter is not available, what are the other options?

Attorney Murthy : It depends on the person's circumstances. For example, one may be able to submit the employer's offer letter with the copies of the pay stubs or regular bank deposits showing the exact bank deposits matching the bi-weekly salary which show that one worked for that employer from a certain date until a certain date. Or that company's supervisor, who is now with another company, may be able to verify the prior employment. Or colleagues working for the former employer may be able to submit affidavits with other independent evidence. The least weight is given to a personal affidavit signed under penalty of perjury, but that is possibly acceptable with other evidence like the offer letter, etc.

Hope this will help!

I just felt that you shouldn't have postponed your interview.
Thanks all for your prompt response

I postponed my interview as there is no employment letter with me.
Feeling very deepressed. My job luck is very bad after laid off. I feel
this forum is great that is why I have written the above line. I like to
relocate if I get job other than California.
How did you go about postponing the interview? I mean, did you go see them at the local office, or just send a fax, or did you call the 1-800 number?
srbose, Did you talk to your current employer.

I understand you immediately need a job. But, why don't you talk your employer and ask him to help you thru this process.

Why don't you post the message in "After GC forum" so that there could be some employers who can help.
Good Luck ...

Dude, u need to relax first and understand GC is not life. You are in a beter position than lots of others.

Now here is a place where u can try for a job. This is a considerable size desi firm. Try your luck.
Look under carrers.

Good luck.