Getting married while filing for B-2 extension


New Member
I am currently on a B-2 visitor visa. After 5 months into my visit, I met someone. As we both love each other, we are looking to get married in a couple of months. As my 6-month stay will come to an end in 20 days, I am looking to file for an extension via I-539.

Our relationship is genuine and we are both looking for true life partners. I read about the 30/60 rule for future green card sponsorship. I wanted to clarify the following:
1) Would it be a problem to file for an extension and get married while the I-539 is pending?
2) Are there are special considerations I need to be aware of in my case?
An I-539 for B2 requires a statement that includes the reasons why your stay would be temporary, and what plans you have made to depart. What are you going to write?
The reason would be to explore places in the US. Do you see any issues with the whole process and anything that needs to be considered?
And you expect them to believe that is a genuine reason for wanting an extension? You don’t think they will wonder how come the initial six months granted wasn’t enough to explore places in the US? Outside of stating the reason is to explore places in the US, how do you intend to demonstrate the plans you’ve made to return back home?