Great feedback!
This is excellent folks... exactly the kind of thought process churning we need!
gcby2020 said:
I managed to speak with Mr Eric Thomas of Competeamerica today. Very fruitful and encouraging conversation. They are our best allies and unbeknownst to us (to me atleast) they have been lobbying on our behalf. They belong to a preofessional lobbying group and seem to have access to lot of senators. Here are the excerpts. I will try to be brief.
1) He also agreed that our target should be Senators and likewise we should target them specifically. Putting Ads in big newspapers like NY times and WSJ will be very costly with limited impact. He instead suggested focusing on DC area newspapers like Washington post, Laheigh post, National Journal etc
Based on feedbacks from
Compete America,
TiE, and of course
all of us on this forum, we can all work towards getting the maximum bang for our buck, in the most effective MEDIA.
gcby2020 said:
One very important newspaper is Roll Call which is read by all senators ( I didnt even know such a newspaper existed). I have already emailed them as to how much would they charge for a full page ad. It should be less than $10K. He does believe putting ads will have impact
As gcby2020 says there exists a very important newspaper
Roll Call which I had not known about (pardon my ignorance; I live up in the hills in the NE), Seems like this publication is read by ALL SENATORS, & aren't these Senators our DIRECT AUDIENCE?
gcby2020- I am sure I speak for all of us here;
Pls get us the details on what it takes to advertise in Roll Call That is imperative, especially since Mr. Thomas at Compete America agrees ADs have an impact....
That being said this effort should not be exclusive of all of us pitching in at an individual level talking to our local Congressmen & our Senators, as both
nozdam &
vellore99 suggest.
From my interaction with them (paricularly my Congressman Charles Bass of the 2nd Congressional District, NH) they has been amazingly helpful & understanding of our needs; way much more cooperation than I have ever had/expected from politicans in my life (I have lived in 3 other countries apart from US in my life), to the extent of having their staff calling up the Regional as well as the District offices of USCIS multiple times per week & even every day in instances...
nozdam said:
I am a little confused here. I am not being negative, i just want some kind of explanation about this ad effort.
We plan on putting an AD in lets say the NY times, highlighting these difficulties. Now what is the plan? That the Citizens here read that news and do what? Now please dont get me wrong i am ALL for media awareness and alleviating this Retrogression possible as SOON as possible. What i am confused about is, that how is this media awareness going to help us?
Also from whatever i have seen so far, most Citizens seem to be against the H1B program, since it is taking jobs away from citizens.
Let me take the liberty of narrating a true-life instance here. I work for a top 5 wholesaler in the country (right alongside Wal-mart & Kroger), I started here in the organization more than 4.5 yrs ago, (BTW I am not in the IT/MIS function) Since then we have built up on our IT group (that is our core diffrentiating offering; automated fulfillment within 24 hrs) and 50% of our IT group is made up of internationals/"legal" immigrants...
We had one of our Sr software engineers giving in his 2 weeks notice couple weeks ago (he is going to Chicago to pursue an MBA-got his GC earlier this yr) So tommorow we are going to all take off at 4:00pm & go have a last drink with him & I am talking many executives & other staff (Most of them American citizens) taking off to wish him luck....
None of these folks I am talking abt are against "legal" immigration, because they do not percieve that the international employees in my organization took any jobs away from anyone... We all value what this particular person brought to the table...
AND they empathise with us when we suffer because of USCIS's ham-handedness & stupidity....
AND this is excatly what this AD would accomplish, educate the common American public as well as the politicians, about our true worth, we do NOT take jobs away from anyone (hopefully NOT...)
Unlike some other countries/societies the US politicians HAVE to listen to their people... (Just keep an ear out tommorow morning on how the Oil companies get lynched)
An AD in a well read publication like e.g. Washington Post would not only provide visibilty to the senators & congressmen, but also go a long way towards rallying "SOME" of the public opinion in our favor....