Full time job and Starting a Hedge Fund on Green Card


New Member
I have a EB Green Card that I got in 2004. I work full time in software field. I have been doing trading on personal level in currencies, stocks etc and have been reasonably well. Now I want to start my own hedge fund and employ some 2-3 people and do trading/investing. This I want to do while continuing my full time job.

From citizenship/green card perspective, is that perfectly OK ?

If you don't already know the answer to that question, you probably don't have the knowledge and skill to run a successful hedge fund in this economic environment.
Sure perhaps I will loose money if i cant run a hedge fund...but if you do know the answer, would you like to answer in 1 word rather than waste time writing a whole line to upset me.
I have a EB Green Card that I got in 2004. I work full time in software field. I have been doing trading on personal level in currencies, stocks etc and have been reasonably well. Now I want to start my own hedge fund and employ some 2-3 people and do trading/investing. This I want to do while continuing my full time job.

From citizenship/green card perspective, is that perfectly OK ?


With GC you are like a US citizen in training with almost 100% freedom to do any type of work or even do not work at all and stay watch TV, stay with sponsoring employer or leave him, do self employment or work with someone else (with few exceptions mentioned in the posts above). Obviously, the success or failure in what you decided to do could have positive or negative impact on your citizenship, respectively.