FP for New Hampshire people, please post here

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Vow there is somebody from NH other than me...
RD 04/27 ND 07/11 still waiting..............................
No progress

Same status - RD 04/27 ND 07/11
Even though there are so few cases with NH. The state does not have time to schedule FP. Wait continues............
People who filed in March

People who filed in March are done with FP in July, I know few people, looks like ASC in Manchester is not scheduling well!
Yeah luck shined today

RD 27 Apr ND 11 July FP 11 Dec
March people did FP in Aug and April people are going to do it in December. Thanks to INS.
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It was not updated till day before yesterday. I did not check yesterday and today. I will check today and if it is changed I will let you know. But since I already received the notice, I do not think that it is going to update. Good luck.
looks like

NH people are left alone as many people from other states received FP notice with a ND much later than middle of August....................