FP Appointment


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I called for FP appointment like 6 times today hoping someone cancelled and i could fill the slot, but no luck. I was only asked for zipcode during the first 5 attempts. During the 6th attempt, after giving my zipcode, I was asked for my A# and other personal information and my face lit up as i thought i got lucky and will get an appointment soon. But my happiness was short lived as i was told there is no slot for the next 42 days and to call back later. What a bummer!! :mad:

So why was my information collected if i wasnt going to get an appointment? Anyone experienced this? Are they trying to see how desperate one is to get the FP done by keeping count of how many attempts were made to get an appointment? :rolleyes:
The 2 times I called the INS for FP appointment, they ask me for my A# as well. Did you try to ask if you could have an appointment in another ASC in a different state ? (Of course it depends on you if you can travel farther). They tell everyone 42 days when they don't have any opening in any of the ASC near you.

Welcome to my world Ari4u!

I had the same quantity of attemps, I even tried day and afternoon, after I started calling at 7.55am I stay calling on redial until the menu changes (you know at the beginning says we open from 8am to 6pm, but when is 7.59am that changes to we have 4 options and bla bla bla), I called before and I memorize the numbers so I didn't have to wait to listen the entire menu options. (if I am not wrong: 1 for English, then 2 if I filed already, then 2 or 3 to make an appointment)

Yes they asked you several things, at the beginning I remember they asked my zip code, and then no we don't have appt. The next attempts I got further they asked me my last name, first name I even had to spelled it, phone number!!! everything A number...agg for at the end no no appointment, call again early in the morning. The feeling was just overwhelming.

My worst case scenario was at the beginning I was trying to book in ATL and the ASC is close for further appointments, but nobody was explaining this to me and I thought that I was too late to book which then I starting asking what happen if I can't make an appointment when is not my fault!!! They said that sooner or later I will book , yeah right. Later my husband called and he ask what happen if ATL is closed then they said that I can book in another state if I want to travel, WHY NOBODY TOLD US BEFORE!!!

Then in a forum on FP appointments I read that a person book in another state! So I made a list to the several places around ATL and called again and booked for AL on August. I tried again to see if ATL is open but not is still blocked for further appts. But it worked!

My case even don't appear on the status online at the website I called yesterday about it, cause is the second time and they office made a recall so they update and that my case should appear within 30 days in the website, even he said don't worry cause nothing really changes as far as I appear in their system I should not worry. That everything goes right after my FP & bio I should have my EAD in 2 weeks. I hope that is true cause I am cutting my vains on waiting and patience is not my strenght but I am developing it soo good!

good luck,
The person who explained about the 42 days, after several attemps was that their system just book for the "42 day" they can book further or before, except when there is an opening before because a cancellation or there is not too much people before.

good luck,

GUESS WHAT????????

Just got off the phone with the rep and i got an appointment for July 21 at 8AM at SJC!!!!!!!!

Woohooooo..... Cant believe its true. It definitely has to be my lucky day :) :)
ari4u said:

GUESS WHAT????????

Just got off the phone with the rep and i got an appointment for July 21 at 8AM at SJC!!!!!!!!

Woohooooo..... Cant believe its true. It definitely has to be my lucky day :) :)

YEAHHHHH GREAT!!! that is this week! Which place is that: San Jose?

good luck, I am in the other side of the south... :( ATL
cherr1980 said:
YEAHHHHH GREAT!!! that is this week! Which place is that: San Jose?

good luck, I am in the other side of the south... :( ATL

Yep. San Jose. When i got appt for July 21, i sarcastically asked if it was for 2005 or 2006. The lady laughed and told me it is in 2 days and i was lucky as it was the last for San Jose today unless someone cancels. :D

Good Luck!
haha great, just post your experience in 2 days. I am getting frustrated! I will call tomorrow morning, I called several times today after 10am and "due to high volume of callings we estimated that you will have to wait more than 30 minutes, good bye" I don't care! I always wait more than 30 min!!!...I will see if somebody cancels or what!

In your case things has been very quickly! I even have to wait 20 days from my forms mailed to received my NOA's. But well, patience patience.

good luck :)
I had my FP done an hour ago and it wasn't bad at all as i imagined. Started off on the wrong foot though. My GPS took me to a warehouse when I asked it to take me to the ASC. :D But i found the small and inconspicuos ASC after driving around for 10 mins. Reached there around 7:45 and waited. There was no crowd at all, hardly like 10 people in line. I caught up a chat with some people there and one person told me he has been waiting for his GC for like 20 years and he is turning 55 nexth month. :eek: Another one told me its his 3rd FP in 5 years...

The process itself was pretty painless and took no more than 15 mins. Though i had to retake the FP on my right hand coupla times as the technician did not seem to be satisifed with the prints he saw. I did not know they take widescreen fingerprints of index fingers. My finger was rolled on the scanner and the whole fingerprint area from one side of the finger to another was captured. Then i had to put my signature on an electronic scanner and my signature was rejected twice as it touched the sides of the box. The process finished after my picture was taken. They put a seal and signed on my NOAs that FP was completed. phew

Now starts the dreaded FBI name check. :rolleyes:
My records showed up online today. Not all, just the I-485 and I-765. The LUD is 07-22-05 for both. I guess the FP really bumped it up. The status still says the application was received, so i guess it will take more time for the FP to be accepted. Hope 130 and 131 show up online soon.

Good luck to you all.
cher, what date is your FP appt in AL? I only got FP appt in ATL in September, but it's too late for me. ANd I mean - tooooo late.
I was just wondering I sent my documents to the chicago lockbox on June 10th and have since RCVD my NOA that asked me to call the 1800 number for FP and Biometrics and i was given a date at the end of August,that makes it almost 2 months of waiting, Do I really have to wait that long for Fps???? I noticed that some people here said they did there FPs by Walk in..does that mean I can just walk in with my NOAs and ask them about the FPs???? Will someone please help me out??? :confused:
ledel said:
I was just wondering I sent my documents to the chicago lockbox on June 10th and have since RCVD my NOA that asked me to call the 1800 number for FP and Biometrics and i was given a date at the end of August,that makes it almost 2 months of waiting, Do I really have to wait that long for Fps???? I noticed that some people here said they did there FPs by Walk in..does that mean I can just walk in with my NOAs and ask them about the FPs???? Will someone please help me out??? :confused:

When i went for my FP, i asked the officer who checked my documents if that ASC allows walk-ins. He told me that walk-ins are not allowed at any ASC and only people with appointments are let in. So i asked him if walkins are allowed when there is no one at the ASC waiting for a fingerprint. He told me its hard to tell when the ASC would be free, but he did not stress on the appointment factor. He indirectly mentioned that you could try.

A lot of people here have had success by walk-ins before their appointment date. Others had success after they kept calling the 1800# and got an earlier date than they got at first.

You can try to walk-in to an ASC at a time when there is not much crowd. or you can try calling the 1800# everyday from 755 AM to see if you can get a date earlier than what you already got.

good Luck!
One more thing... when i got in, the officer checked my NOAs and also checked if my name was in that day's appointment list and then cross checked with my drivers license. Not sure how it works for a walk-in, other people here who had a walk-in can clarify?
ari4u said:
One more thing... when i got in, the officer checked my NOAs and also checked if my name was in that day's appointment list and then cross checked with my drivers license. Not sure how it works for a walk-in, other people here who had a walk-in can clarify?

Me either I don't know how it works! I think if you can make the silly face of "upss what a silly I thought my appt was todayyyy :eek: " hehehe. But you must have an appointment already I think :rolleyes:

LucyMO, my Appt date is for Aug10. Few weeks now...
Yes I called too again and said they just have appts until Sept! I said that before I was trying to make appts for ATL but it was impossible because they had all blocked for the "moving" whatever, the woman told me that the days before my calling the ASC made the openings to book and they book for the entire month of August...what grrrrr :mad: oufff!
Try in Charlotte, NC is almost the same timing or 4 hours..try to in Nashville or JAcksonville, FL. I can give you the list of places around ATL and hours of traveling if you are interested :D Did you try walk in in ATL? I think is the busiest place in the South!

good luck,
Loooong wait for finger prints

I just got the NOA for my wifes AOS and EAD. It had a number to call for the finger prints (1 - 800 number).

I got a date Sept 20 -- so far away. Do I call the individual ASC to find out a better appointment or call the 1-800 number and ask them specifically for some other spot?.


New Jersey

Any ASC that anyone knows around the area .. NJ, NY where the appointment times seem to be better than 1 1/2 mths?.


manojimm said:
Any ASC that anyone knows around the area .. NJ, NY where the appointment times seem to be better than 1 1/2 mths?.



You just can call the 800 number and hope the best. There is no phone number for ASC.

good luck,
ari4u said:
One more thing... when i got in, the officer checked my NOAs and also checked if my name was in that day's appointment list and then cross checked with my drivers license. Not sure how it works for a walk-in, other people here who had a walk-in can clarify?

Thanks ari4u
I just couldnt understand why they would make me wait for 2 months just to get the FPs, my LUD has not changed since June 6. It just drives me crazy that I have to wait this long. I am tempted to just walk in there and act like I confused Aug 29th with July 29th...maybe ill be lucky.
Thank again
ledel said:
Thanks ari4u
I just couldnt understand why they would make me wait for 2 months just to get the FPs, my LUD has not changed since June 6. It just drives me crazy that I have to wait this long. I am tempted to just walk in there and act like I confused Aug 29th with July 29th...maybe ill be lucky.
Thank again

:). good luck with that. Its not just you, every who calls gets a wait period of atleast 42 days. you might get lucky if you keep calling every morning and get someone's cancelled slot or your walk-in attempt might prove lucky