for OCT and NOV filers who pass 540 days

here is my suggestion:

anybody who wants Mr. Rajiv S. Khanna to open a new I485 petition to VSC can send a request to him, you can find out the contact informationat the top right corner of this page. I don't know if Mr. Rajiv will do it or not.

in the mean time, I think it does no hurt for us to copy this letter and send it to VSC director to express our concerns of this looooooooooog delay.
>540 no rfe appr...its not a bad idea to voice our concern. RD:11/23/2001,FP:4/5/2002,APPR:GOD KNOWS

I saw a lot of posts of contacting senators, most of them no help at all, senators office just get the same crap from BCIS. I think pouring our concerns directly to the service director may make effective pressure, otherwise we are not on the high priority list of processing, because BCIS is just simply waiting for FBI sending back the security clear report, while FBI is busy searching terrerists.
Great Idea!

This is a great idea! Do we need to sign the letter?

We need to push the BCIS supervisor to set October
cases as high priority. Please let me know how I can
sign this letter.

RD 10/09/2001
ND 11/24/2001
FP 01/22/2002
2nd FP 06/06/2003
I wrote an email to Mr. Khanna's office for a petition similar
to CSC for VSC. I got an answer that they had already done something like that. I asked them to send me alink to that petition.
Did no receive back any answer?
Any more ideas?
We need propose a petition that make 800 number more useful. Right now, there's no way to know the status of your case any more. Things like where is your case, what stage, if background check has completed. Right now it's totally black box.

I'm glad to see more people joining in, but we still need more to make it happens. So please email Mr. Rajiv your request for setting up such petetion and let your friends do this also.

here is more bad news for us:


06/20/2003 (Report from New Orleans): No Noticeable EB-485 Processing Time Change in Sight

The BCIS has adopted a policy of reduction of processing times through the following means:
Acceleration of automation of processing
Reengineering of the process
Priority of processing
When it comes to the priority, it will focus on certain forms which the statute mandates to complete in a fixed period of time such as EAD and Green Card Replacement. With reference to the automation, they have already selected the forms which they will focus in the future. None of the new policy standards fit into the EB-485 applications. The BCIS is considering automation of name check. Once the name check automation is in place, it may help when it comes to processing times, because the name check is causing a tremendous delay. But nothing is solid at this point. It is thus obvious, unfortunately indeed, that EB-485 cases will continue to experience delays and frustrations.


if we don't unite to push VSC, we could be easily stuck at the security check for additional several months. I think something is wrong with this security database and nobody cares right now.

image the worst situation:

VSC is only approving cases that passed this security check, that's why we're seeing Jan, Feb cases coming. But those unlucky cases like ours were left behind and nobody is paying attention now.

VSC might come back to our cases do a review after couple of months, if still no pass, then let cases sit several months and repeat this useless process. They are not going to spend time on investegating why our names failed to pass. We end up waiting forever!

We need to do something to push VSC go further for our cases.
I think the best way to let VSC hear our concern is to ask Mr. Khanna set up a petetion for us to sigh up, and he is considering this.

Please email your request to Mr. Rajiv S. Khanna:

Once Mr. Khanna agrees to set up an online petetion, we can sign on. I think this petetion will be more effective than the individal inquiry we sent to VSC. I sent several written inquiries to VSC, no response at all. VSC doesn't care!

Guys, let's make this petetion real.
Draft Petition for Delayed Cases Filed in October, 2001

Only God knows what the secuirty check is!!

According to the Senator who contacted the BCIS on my behalf,
my case has not been approved because I haven't passed
the security check.

I did a second fingerprint, and still don't know when I can
get approval.

So I called the FBI this morning, they told me they had already
screened my second fingerprint and sent the result back to BCIS.
There are other goverment agencies who conduct security
check upon request by BCIS.

I asked what these government agencies were so that I could
contact them. The FBI said I needed to call BCIS to get the

But, the VSC has cancelled their 802 phone number. I can't talk
to them directly any more. I have to call that 800 number, so
as I did. They said they would forward my inquiry to VSC.

I will fight for this unfair treatment. I've contacted Rajiv's law
firm and send him a draft petition. Please take a look and
forward your related concerns to Rajiv. He's willing to help us.

------------------------Begin Draft Letter to BCIS------------------------
Vermont Service Center

Subject: Backlog in the I-485 application processing

Dear Director:

We are writing on behalf of the individuals who have signed
the attached petition and countless others affected by
the interminable delays in the I-485 petition process.

These individuals filed their I-485 applications as early as
October, 2001. However, their cases have not been processed
while cases filed as late as January, 2002, have been processed.

The unreasonable delays in processing of the Adjustment of
Status applications are a cause of grave concern to these individuals.
People have no security or predictability as to the outcome of
their cases.

We invite your attention to this most urgent and pressing problem - the severe delays in I-485 cases filed in October, 2001.
Please help these people attain speedier adjudications in the
interest of fairness, justice and good conscience. We as a
community stand ready to assist in any manner we can.

We would appreciate a response back from your office about
the steps that have been taken to deal with this most
pressing problem. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.


Respectfully Submitted:
Law Offices of Rajiv S. Khanna, PC
On behalf of individuals signing the attached petition as well as
numerous clients and presently unknown persons affected by the backlog.

------------------------End Draft Letter to BCIS------------------------

RD 10/09/2001
ND 11/24/2001
FP 01/22/2002
2nd FP 06/06/2003

The draft petition is very good! Thank you.
I hope Mr. Khanna could create a link for us to sign soon.
About Time !!

I think it will help all of us who filed 485 in Oct-Nov 2001 and end our anxiety for our good!

Though BCIS is not obligated to answer us or justify the delay - I think immigrant issues do need a voice. Highly appreciate Rajiv khanna doing whatever he can!

Will someone be taking the lead to set the ball rolling in this effort ? I am ready to volunteer for any help required.


RD - OCT-2001