First attempt of TN1 for Financial Analyst


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I am a first timer for TN1 and I recently received a job offer for a Financial Analyst position primarily Derivatives/Fixed income securities operations and reporting. The job requires a bachelor in Accounting, Finance or business.

Financial analyst is not listed under the NAFTA job list nor can it fall under "Accountant", but can it fall under " Economist" ?

Also I'm a Canadian who recently married to a GC holder and currently visiting my husband, should I mention that I'm married at the TN1 interview? or will it hamper my chance at TN1 visa? as I know that for a TN1 there should be no "intent of living" in the US although once my husband becomes a USC in a year, he will apply for my GC immediately.

Replies will be much appreciated!!!

As long as your husband can't get your a GC imediately, you are pretty safe getting TN. But I would not mention the marriage anywhere near the border.

As to your actual TN, you are going to have to make it fit accountant or economist.
I know people who got into trouble for using the title "Financial Analyst" and "Business Manager". Both were rejected at the Toronto border. The best thing to do is to use the exact description they have on the NAFTA job lists.
Thanks for the advices, I really appreciate it.

It's funny how different lawyers have their own interpretation of the NAFTA job list. I've been told by a lawyer who even wrote a book about TN visas in california that he has done many TN visas for people who had nailed "financial analyst" jobs and are seeking for TNs under "economist". And other lawyers who say it is not possible.

Is it better to mail in TN app. and change status from visitor to non-imm work instead of going through the nerve-racking interview at a POE? And is it true that if you do mail in the app. and change status through mail, I won't be able to cross border to visit Canada?
And is it true that if you do mail in the app. and change status through mail, I won't be able to cross border to visit Canada?
No. You can go to canada anytime you want. What it may mean is that when you get your approval, you may have to return to the border to activate it (ie. the chnge from B2 tourist to TN would not occur until then). But if the approval comes with an I-94, that's it.

No action YOU take can damage the I-129 that the sponsor would submit. It's their petition, you cannot abandon it for them (by leaving US).
From the digging I've done in regards to TN, as a Canadian, an I-129 is not required correct? So only the I-94 is to be filled?

What is the process time if someone is to mail a regular TN versus a premium TN?
You can get a TN without filing I-129: It's called going to the border and getting an I-94 from the POE.

You can't simply self fill-in an I-94.