Feb 2003 Tracker


Send a FAX to FBI for name check inquiry 202-324-3367.
They will take about a month to reply.. either email you or call you.
In my case they sent me an email after one month

Here is the format, which could be of help...


Name check department

Subject: Name check for Adjustment of Status (Green card)

Dear Sir/Madam

I applied for our adjustment of status at Nebraska Service Center on ........ and I want to know the result of our name check. Here is my family information:

First Name: xxxxxxxx
Last Name: xxxxxxxxx
Date of Birth :xx/xx/xxxx
A#. xxx-xxx-xxxx

You can email me the results at ...... or can call me at .......

Thanks a lot for your help.

As you might see at immigrationwatch.com..... lots of Feb'03 cases have been approved e.g
LIN031065**** 02/13/03 APPROVED 07/02/04

I am not sure what this LIN03-1065xxx stands for, I used to know, but cant recall any more, I think 03 is year, then no. of days from Oct etc.

Can some one throw some light on this?


Personally I do not depend in immigrationwatch.com statistics. Because the LIN031065**** may be a spouse of the applicant who filed the after the case. RUPNET is more reliable and is a trend setter. If you see lots of approval or RFEs for the same month then you will be sure of the month in progress eventhough the data is a miniscule of the actual data.

Urgent..pls respond


I had changed my addr, about 1 yr back, filed AR-11, and also asked to change the addr on pending 485 apps for me and my wife.My I-140 got approved during that time and my lawyer got the copy.

BUt, I recently checked 140 status on web and it said, that "post office returned the notice that v sent on July'03"

Last, week I checked with customer service rep regarding that and found that they still had my OLD addr on my 140 and 485. BUT, had recent addr for my wife's 485. I requested them to change the sme on my 485 and approved 140.

NOW, today, the status on my 485 and 140 has been updated as

"On September 29, 2004, we responded to your request for more information concerning your case. If you have not received our response within 30 days from this date, please call customer service at 1-800-375-5283"

Can anyone pls, throw some light abt what this might be?

Thanks much in adv,

This is a standard message


This is just a standard message for your query. Do not panic. Did you try to change or update your address when you call the service center? Call them couple of times to make sure that they have the updated address.

I do not have any updates! Still my fingers are crossed and still waiting to hear someone's approval from Feb 2003 filers. Now NSC is very slow. Today is the end of the year for USCIS. Tomorrow they will start processing new H1Bs. I do not know the impact of that on our EB 485s. But I am concerned as I am not hearing any Dec 2002 and Jan 2003 approvals.


:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
My details are as follows - LIN0311650---. Received date Feb 27th. I140 approved on 30 June 2003. 2 EAD's and 2 AP's. 2nd EAD was approved a months back.
Although my ND is Mar 2003 I hope I can join in this thread

I140(EB1-OR)/485/EAD/AP concurrent filing
RD27th Mar 2003
ND 29th Mar 2003
140 AD 12th Sept 2003
EAD1 AD 16th Sept 2003
AP AD 17thSept 2003
EAD2 AD 27th Aug 2004

Thanks for the info. Has anyone seen much activity even in Oct-Nov'02 - 485 cases? I am not seeing even that.

NSC seems like the slowest in processing 485, whereas CSC is literally processing 140 and 485 together(Dec'03)
FP2 notice

Seems like this thread is getting dormant...pls post activities related to Feb'03 cases.

I just received my FP2 notice today...
Mar 03 - FP2 notice

Couldnt find the March 03 tracker, so decided to post here.

Just got my FP2 notice. Havent received FP2 for spouse though

Hopefully things are moving a bit at N(auesatingly) S(low) C(enter)

same here, I received the FP2 just for me NOT for spouse yet!!! lets see...again does anyone know how long does it take for approval after FP2?
FP2 notice received

On Saturday I received my FP2 notice. The appointment is for 11/30.

My i-485 rd is 02-06-03

Any idea how long it will take for the i-485 approval after they receive the 2nd fp?
vik999-Please help

vik999 said:
same here, I received the FP2 just for me NOT for spouse yet!!! lets see...again does anyone know how long does it take for approval after FP2?

Hello vik999,
I read about your change of address issues. We prompty reported by AR11 our change of address (about 1 year ago). Our lawyer also informed NSC via a registered mail and has a postal acknowledgement card. Is that sufficient or should I ask the lawyer to call NSC to check if the address has been updated?
Also, could you please inform your RD?
Thank you very much.
RD 01/28/03. No FP2 yet!
2nd FP received!

Hi all,
I and my wife received the notice for 2nd FP (Appt is on 23rd).

RD: 02/18/03

Its a good idea to call NSC and make sure they have ur new addr on the application(140,485), bcoz filing AR11 doesnt chg the addr on ur app.

MY RD - Feb'03
vik999 said:

Its a good idea to call NSC and make sure they have ur new addr on the application(140,485), bcoz filing AR11 doesnt chg the addr on ur app.

MY RD - Feb'03

When I call the 800 number it seems to allow only those with pending N400 or Asylees. 485 etc are supposed to notify the USCIS by mail only, which my lawyer did and has an acknowledgement card to support that. I checked a previous notice from NSC which says that there are no backlogs for change of address. Any suggestions?
Thanks a lot!
No updates so far!!


I have no updates so far. I have emailed FBI about my Namecheck and have heard nothing on this yet. My FP2 will not be issued now as my FP1 was done in Aug'03. But it is almost due now. I have seen no approval for any Jan'03 filers yet in Rupnet.

