FBI Name Check

Just for the record, my husband's name is still pending... I guess France must be a risk country! :p Sorry, had to say it in response to the previous postings on this thread.

I have written to my congressman in regard to the bill sitting in the house.

One thing I have noticed is that if you look at the "Senator Obama" petition, most of the names are Chinese, Russian or Arabic names. I am assuming this is because the computer checks in such a way that anything that isn't roman letters, confuses it. Who knows, just a theory though...

My husband has a fairly common name in France so I am sure that has been an issue.

<sigh>... so frustrating:rolleyes:
No I had no LUD whasoever before infopass, not even after the interview.
My DO is Philadelphia, I went to the infopass on time. I forgot to print my confirmation e-mail, so I had to explain to the guard for a couple of minutes that I did that online, etc, then he checked the list and saw my name on it. Then I was chastised on the first window for not printing the confirmation, but nevertheless I was given a number, and waited for about 15 minutes, I was called to the window, showed my license number and my AP which has A# number on it, I asked if my NC had cleared, the officer checked the computer for a couple of minutes and then said that NC had come back and asked me to fill a form, I went back to the chairs, filled the form (name, address, etc a very simple form it had no number or anything on it) and came back to give it to the officer, at that point I asked if I could still travel, and I mentioned that my I-94 had been removed, she asked me to show my passport and then she said that she would have somebody talk to me.
I waited probably another 15 minutes, and was called to another window, this time the office asked me to show her the AP, and she said that even if my NC came back I should still be able to use it, I said that I had already had the interview and that the interviewer officer had warned me not to use the AP, but then she had noticed that my NC was not clear, consequently, now that the NC was cleared, my AP was probably not valid since I was for a lack of a better term "pre-aproved", she then asked me to wait, went upstairs, and then came back with a smile in her face telling me that they were going to put a stamp on my passport, which they did several minutes later.

Congrats JMG! I wonder how long it would have been until they told you had you not made an infopass?:confused:

Anyway.. either way.. CONGRATS
Hi guys,
How do I get a human being on the phone when I call the 1800 number, USCIS customer line?!! :confused: I tried all sorts of option but still could not get hold of a person. I want to find out when my name was sent to FBI to begin the name check process. If I can talk to an IO through the customer rep, I suspect I might get the info I need. Please share. Thanks a lot.
K ambrose , after dialing the 800 number dial 1,2 and then 6 this will connect u with cust service then u really have to convince the rep to connect u to an IO
Thank you,franticsky.
About the bill earlier, I don't know much about it myself other than the sponsor is Yvette Clark from NY. I first read about it in the name-check thread in Visajourney.com.
Hope we get cleared soon. I don't see why it's taking the FBI so long to run our names, law-abiding innocent persons, against a database - how time-consuming can that be in this time and age?
few remarks

don't frustrate yourself... u have not been waiting for long (i feel ashamed to even say that) but seriously, if u keep waiting for it to happen every day it will wear u out.. and u don't want that to happen... in the mean time, i suggest to you and all those who have been waiting to start sending letters to white house, congressmen, senators, ombudsman, FBI by certified mail.. also call USCIS and request reference number... even though none of the above works, you need to start building your case NOW in case u decide to file a law suit in the future... filing a law suit does not happen over night.. u need to build your case... and the key point is please don't stress out otherwise you will lose focus ! start building your case now... 18 months into waiting go ahead and file that baby and sue them then kick back and watch them work on your case...
don't lose hope so early !
Call 1-800-375-5283
Press 1->2->2->6->1

Enter your receipt number
press 1 (now listen to the case update info....)
press 3
Press 3
Press 1

press 4
(If you hear a male voice prompting you to hold the call, that means the
call will be answered by an IO. But if it says no IO is available, it will
redirect you to NSC and you can hang-up and try again
This POJ does not work , it directly places you with a cut service rep who does the usual blah blah blah :(
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don't frustrate yourself... u have not been waiting for long (i feel ashamed to even say that) but seriously, if u keep waiting for it to happen every day it will wear u out.. and u don't want that to happen... in the mean time, i suggest to you and all those who have been waiting to start sending letters to white house, congressmen, senators, ombudsman, FBI by certified mail.. also call USCIS and request reference number... even though none of the above works, you need to start building your case NOW in case u decide to file a law suit in the future... filing a law suit does not happen over night.. u need to build your case... and the key point is please don't stress out otherwise you will lose focus ! start building your case now... 18 months into waiting go ahead and file that baby and sue them then kick back and watch them work on your case...
don't lose hope so early !

Thanks Hiram , I have been writing to the Congressman , senators , sending letters to first lady , uscis , IO , FBI and everyone else , and yes you are right nothing seems to work
Thank you,franticsky.
About the bill earlier, I don't know much about it myself other than the sponsor is Yvette Clark from NY. I first read about it in the name-check thread in Visajourney.com.
Hope we get cleared soon. I don't see why it's taking the FBI so long to run our names, law-abiding innocent persons, against a database - how time-consuming can that be in this time and age?

well thats what it is , they just want us to pay taxes , social security , medicare and what not , but we cannot claim benefits , they want to suck up everything from you but when it comes to something that needs them to work the whole system grinds to a halt
some updates on the CJS bill

1. What is the CJS bill?

CJS is short for the Commerce, Justice, and Science appropriations
bill. This bill authorizes the budget for the FBI, and that is why
legislation to address name check delays has been included.

2. What is the conference?

The CJS appropriations bill has already been passed in both the House
and the Senate. The conference is where differences are worked out.
See step 8 in the following guide for how a bill becomes a law (the
guide is for kids, but it is still useful for adults):

3. What is going on with the conference, and why was it not held on

We had been hearing from staff in Congress and the Senate that the
bill would likely be on Monday. The delay could be because there are
discussions going on behind the scenes or the delay could be because
of simple scheduling conflicts.

4. When do we expect the conference?

Later this week, maybe.

5. Your asking us to say that national security requires that the FBI
should actually look at name check files. What do you mean?

While your case is delayed, it means that the FBI is not looking at
the file. If people were looking at the files, the files would be
processed in a timely fashion. If name checks are not being processed
in a timely fashion, it is a national security issue.

6. Are we calling in too much?

No. Groups made tens of thousands of calls during the debate earlier
this year on the comprehensive immigration reform bill. We are not
calling too much.

7. What phone number do I call?

Go to www.house.gov and enter your zip code in the top left corner.
After you enter your full zip code, the web site will identify your
Congressman (if you do not know your full zip code, you can look it up
at www.usps.com). You can then go to your Congressman's website and
look for the contact information of the nearest office.

8. How is the lobbying effort going?

We are finding broad support among both Democrats and Republicans. We
are not encountering any opposition. This is very good news.
However, there are some procedural hurdles to pass. Whether the
solution will be addressed in this bill or not is too close to call
right now.

9. What else can I do to help?

First, spread the word. Other groups and even the president of a
University have called in to support this effort. This outreach has
made a tremendous difference. Anybody you know could be a potential
person to call in and to support you -- your boss, the people at your
church, etc.

Second, help out with the cost of the lobbying effort. There is
intense lobbying going on in Washington, DC, beyond what would be
logistically possible for any of us on a volunteer basis. Both
American Families United and Legal Immigrant Association are funding
the lobbying effort. Both groups are 100% volunteer, and all
donations have come from people directly affected (and people we
know personally). To donate:


I am waiting for my NC clearance since last 2 years and in the meantime have explored all the options i.e. contacted district director, congressman, FOIPA request, Ombudsman. I am planning to file my WOM next week , but yesterday I received the second notice of Fingerprinting(I-485) scheduled for 12/08/07.

Is it a positive sign? Shall I go ahead and file WOM next week or wait for few more days?

ND I-485 - 05/09/05
Fingerprinting - 07/15/05
Interview- 01/09/06 Cleared but pending NC
Second notice of finger printing- 12/08/07

wait a few days.. it is a good sign...
u can call USCIS and insist on talking to immigration officer.. they will tell u if ur name check cleared or not...

Thanks for your reply. I tried customer service number but no success.
I have an infopass appointment for 26th Nov.,will try my luck over there.
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-Filed I-485 in Oct 2005 in New Jersey
-FP Dec 2005
-1st EAD Jan 2006
-Interview for GC April 2006 - i was informed that name check has been pending since Oct 2005!!!!
-2nd EAD received Jan 2007
-sent letters to 1st lady, senators, congressmen, received letter from FBI that name check is still pending
-Filed a WOM pro-se law suit April 2007 thanks to this message board
-2 extensions by AUSA
-AUSA filed MTD in Aug 2007
-I filed Opposition to MTD Aug 2007
-Submitted application for 3rd EAD in Aug 2007 and finger prints were taken the same month
-Order from judge dismissing my WOM law suit (NJ) for lack of jurisdiction Sept 2007
-Received a letter to re-do finger prints for I-485 (for the 2nd time) in Oct 2007
- went to do finger prints for Green card but found that the building was closed for maintenance. sent a letter requesting to reschedule but did not hear back
- October 20, 2007, filed a letter to appeal judge order in the 2nd circuit
- October 30, 2007 and 10 days later, I recived an email from AUSA informing me that my name check has been completed and that USCIS will reschedule me to have my biometrics taken again.
- October 31, 2007, Biometrics given to USCIS
- November 2, 2007: Email notifying me that Green Cards have been ordered
- November 16, 2007: received the Green Card by mail (valid for 10 years) with the welcome note

good luck everyone ... you must sue... regardless whether your jurisdiction/judge ir immigrant friendly or not... even if you lose your law suit, once u sue, they start working on your case... the more u push, the faster they work!
Hiram, what's the date on your green card

Hi Hiram,

I am curious what is the effective date printed on your green card? Is it your interview date of 04/2006 or the current date?

green cards are never back dated... the green card shows "Permenent Resident Since November 1, 2007" (which was the date of approval, not the date of the interview)
however, i got the permenent one automatically for 10 years (instead of the conditional one which is for 2 year) because I have been married for more than 2 years....
Hi Hiram,

I am curious what is the effective date printed on your green card? Is it your interview date of 04/2006 or the current date?



You and me almost have the same time line I was also interviewed on august 22nd , at Garden City NY , have you received anything ? any updates ??