Family based GC Sponsorship


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Quick questions for all you experts out there -

I recently became US citizen and would like to sponsor my parents and siblings.

I do not hava a birth certificate so have been using non availability certificate and affidavits by parents/uncle all along for all the documentation. I have following questions.

1) When I apply for my mother, father, siblings, can I send the copies of these affidavits and the copy of non availability certificate or does USCIS need original affidavits and I need to get multiple affidavits prepared?

2) My brother doesn't have a birth certificate either so for him we are getting affidavtis done and getting Non-availability certificate. Can I send the copies of these or do I need to send originals of these documents while filing for I-130?

3) For my father's application since my parent's marriage was not registered, we are getting affidavits of marriage prepared and getting the non availability certificate for the marriage. Again for these documents, do I have to send originals or are the copies fine.

4) For my sister, the birth certificate is available. So, when I attach the copy of her birth certificate, does it have to be notarized in India or is it OK to just send normal copy?

5) My parents already have 10 year visitor visa and have visited US twice before. Once I apply for their GC are they at risk of being denied entry into US until their GC application is processed? If so, doest it happen frequently?

Thanks a lot for all the help.
Firstly, congratulations on becoming a US citizen.
Secondly, here are my answers to your questions

(1) I would go with multiple original affidavits
(2) Since it is not an original BC, I would go with an original affidavit
(3) Stick with originals
(4) A notorised copy would be fine
(5) Your parents will indeed risk getting turned away from a POE. Frequency depends on citizenship. For certain citizenships, the frequency is higher than others.
Thank you so much for your responses. My parents are from India, has there been many cases for Indian parents in such scenarios?

One more QUESTION:
Is it better to apply for my whole family - mother, father, brother, sister at the same time or one after the other with some gap in-between? If so, does it help to follow any sequence in applying for their GC?

Thanks again everyone.
Is it better to apply for my whole family - mother, father, brother, sister at the same time or one after the other with some gap in-between?
it doesn't matter.

If so, does it help to follow any sequence in applying for their GC?
help in what way?
I actually have a slightly similar problem - I just became a citizen and am filing 485 to upgrade my husband's status (as we had already applied for his GC based on my GC).I am doing it on my own and guessing that I need forms 485 , 131 , G325 and 765 .Any additional forms that you would know about ??