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USC petitions for son unmarried.
Later son gets married.
does his F-1 transfer automatically to F-3 or does the petition gets revoked/canceled ?

Nothing happens to the petition. Marriage doesn't automatically kills the petition. I have seen people being advised to move it to the category of married children. Send Jack or the fake Canadian, who goes by the name "The Real Canadian for a better guidance, it seems those guys swim in the huge rivers of those visa categories.
Cool, thanks!
I know some case the petition gets revoked and needs to be re-filed, do you remember which one?
Please elaborate. Since I am Canadian too, I want to know what exactly is a Canadian sleep pattern? :)

You need to be have been born in Canada to develop this sleeping pattern...lol!!! Since you stopped by in Canada while collecting your passport, you need another 10 years to develop this pattern...lol!!!