Expedite Fbi Name Check

Well, I spoke with our congressmans office today, and the guy handling our case said he was going to contact USCIS to push the FBI to move on our case. He said he's going to push them to push the FBI because FBI is taking way toooo long. I am a little skeptical though, because USCIS seems to like to just sit on their keester and do nothing. Rahul, do you think they will do anything?
It's a good thing I wrote to Mr.Hooton, I can only hope that he helps!
FBI accepts expedite requests from USCIS. It works. Just the congressman calling the FBI won't make a big difference. If the USCIS is in on it and if they can send something to support you then it may make a difference.

Writing to AD Hooton should have some effect. Did your congressman write to AD Kalisch?
Oh, Okay. Well, hopefully USCIS gets the ball moving. I faxed a copy of the "no records" letter I received from the FBI so hopefully that helps. I don't think they wrote to AD Kalish no, I better mention that when I call him tomorrow. Thanks Rahul.

You have IBIS/Name Check and FP. If you are from certain countries like Pakistan they also have a check to done by your home police.
Swani said:
First of all thanks to Rahul for a prompt reply.
Could someone shed some light on the scenario where someone violates the Physical Presence Requirement (stays more than 30 months out of USA during last five years) or the Continuous Residence Requirement (stays more than continuous six months out of USA) during eternal wait for the Oath after passing the Naturalization Interview.
The reason I am asking this is because I am getting married in my native country in the near future, since I won’t be able to bring my spouse in a short period of time to USA as very long processing time is involved for Permanent Residents, so I have decided to stay in my native country after getting married.
Luck is not really on my side since I have been outside of USA on extended trips during the last five years and disruption in the status is highly likely the way things look as people have been waiting for as far as year 2000 to get this Name Check taken care of.
Any comments or suggestions on my situation are welcome
Well according to the INS web site, one of the first requirements includes: a period of continuous residence and physical presence in the United States; therefore if you are not in the U.S you may be denied citizenship until you are in the U.S for the required period, and about your next question while waiting for the Oath, I suggest that you should not leave the country, the USCIS officer that interviewed me had told me that I should stay in the country while waiting for the Oath.
About your spouse if you become American, you can apply for K3 visa which only takes 3-6 month to be approved, and about the people that have been waiting for name check since 2000, the only reason the name check will take that long is if they have done something wrong ex. Got in fight where police and court was involved or sell illegal drug or had a felony on their record…ect, or simply their file was lost, and by the way the name check for N-400 started some times in 2002, so if some one is still waiting for the name check it would be because they applied for a visa to enter the U.S or had applied for a federal job, I hope that answered your question, and here is some of the requirement that you ought to have to become a U.S citizen
• a period of continuous residence and physical presence in the United States;
• residence in a particular USCIS District prior to filing;
• an ability to read, write, and speak English;
• a knowledge and understanding of U.S. history and government;
• good moral character;
• attachment to the principles of the U.S. Constitution; and,
• Favorable disposition toward the United States.
fiopa and expedite name check

i was told no to file fiopa nad expedite request at the same time because it will affect things because the database is the same, and they do not want to run one name few times at once.
anybody that got similar answer.
No Record :)

Rahul :)
It seems like you are more familiar than all of us with this security check, so I need your help on this one if you don’t mind please, I got a no record latter today from the FBI from the same man and same department that told me a month earlier that my name is still pending, do you think that I should go to the INS and give them my letter, will that be worth a shot? because a man in the FBI told me today if I get that letter that mean my name was run against the database therefore there should be no more delays, do you think he was B.S... me? Because I sure think so, and what advises can you give me about how to go from here, thanks man

Congrats on no results. Its a good step forward. You now need to take this info to your congressman and ask him/her to request an expedite. I doubt very seriously if CIS will entertain this letter. Though namecheck/foia access similar (and somtimes the same sets of info) they are not the same, but they are related!! CIS needs a certain flag to be displayed(name check completed with a certain result code) on their system and only then will your case proceed.

I dont remember how long your check is pending but if its pending for a LONG time you know who to write to....

Best of luck :)
Mr. Rahul :)

Thank you for the reply, you’ve been so much help to all of us, I really appreciate that, it’s good to have some one that is going through the same situation, well I went to the INS center this morning and they actually made a copy of that letter, and they told me that I was all set!!!!
All set for what? That is a good question
I find it very confusing how this system works , because my brother who applied 3-4 month after me and had an interview after me, his name was cleared and mine is still in the system since 8/5/2003, I really don’t know how they go about that name check, but I will wait for a week or so and see if my Oath comes, you never know may be the INS office will decide that letter is good enough, I know that my chances are slim at this one but I’ll give it a shot, I mean after all the FBI will not take any orders from any one, not even the congressman, but thanks man you really helped me on this one. I’ll pray for you and myself to go to oath soon.
You are welcome :)

So you took your FOIA results to the INS and they told you , that you were all set ? Strange. If I were you, I'd be critical of this. I doubt if INS will move on with your case, with just FOIA results - very much at that!

Name Checks completion times have less rhyme and no reason .For some people the checks are completed within 48 hrs, and for some it takes years . Most people with protracted name checks have common names (F/L - either one).

The FBI won't take orders but congressional officials play the part of being Legislative Overseers. They have the duty and right to ask questions, but cannot demand implicit action. For such, only the executive branch of Government will do.

Do not rest on the laurels of FOIA results. Follow up with the FBI (via your congressman and individually).

While I doubt if the INS will dispatch an oath letter just based on FOIA results (though you are on track to get your name check cleared soon) , I pray too you get your Oath soon. :)
Rahul, quick question, how long did it take for you to get a response from the FBI in regards to your expedite request? I wrote to Hooton and mailed the letter on monday of last week, so Im quite sure they received it, although Im still waiting on the return receipt. Im trying to get an idea of how long it takes to respond. My congressman hasnt contacted me yet, so i assume he hasnt heard anything either.
They never officially got back to me. Approx 2 weeks after letter was signed for by the FBI my name check was cleared.

Your postal mail WILL take time to reach the respective person as they screen every letter for security hazards.

Now comes the hard part. Patience. Give them 30 days or so to respond. Then you can follow up
Add 1-3 weeks for irradiation (according to some congressional sites). FBI also mentiones that paper mail will be delayed.

Rahul is right. Patience is the hard part.
Thanks Rahul,
Is there any way you can tell me what did you say in your letter to the congressman? How did they clear your name? By the way, congratulations on your name being cleared, I didn't know that you got your name cleared, I'm really happy for you, I thank god that you got that taking care of, I just hope you get your oath soon. Hopefully I’ll get that name check taking care of, I really need to go back home, well I’ll keep praying. Thanks again.
How are you? I need a favor from you! Can you please tell me what you said in your letter to the congressman, about the expedite thing, thank you in advance :)
Hey lbusch. I basically said that fiance had been waiting since march 2003 for his name check to clear and that this was taking way too long. That he needed his citizenship because his father is ill and he hasnt seen his family since 1991. Just basically pleading for them to help expedite his name check. Also said that we did an FOIPA and it came back as a No Records so it shouldnt be taking that long to finish. Just basically begging to finish the name check.