Expedite Fbi Name Check

Rahul... yes... i have put in inquiry for name check status on july 20th but no responce yet... and i also filed for FIOPA request on august 9th no responce yet. keep in mind that my FBI name check was done already for previous application... filed may 2002 and fbi name check cleared on dec 2002.

i have no clue if uscis will submit my name again knowing it was cleared previously, or even if they did maybe this time it should clear faster since it has been cleared before. i guess i will find out.
Rahul, can you provide the address for Assistant Director Eleni Kalisch. Along with contacting my senators office about our case, I am writing to Assistant Director William Hooton and Eleni Kalisch. Actually, can you also include William Hootons address as well if you can. I would really appreciate it. Thank you . :)
Your senator/congressman should have AD Kalisch's address for sure. I will post AD Hooton's address in my original thread just so there is continuity...

Send any mails to them via certified mail to highlight them as important
update on name/background check

I just received a phone call from my congressman's office saying that the record check has been completed in my case. I also received an email (dated August 14th) from David M. Hardy confirming that the checks have been completed and forwarded to USCIS on August 9th. Now the ball is in Philidelphia DO's court.......hopefully I will get the oath letter soon. :D

In my opinion, personal request to FBI, FOIPA results, and more importantly intervention from Congressman's office helped expedite the process. The congressman's office also contacted FBI via their congressional liaison (I don't know what exactly this means, but this was mentioned by Rahul Kumar in one of his million responses). I must add that the information/guidance provided by Rahul Kumar was very critical in speeding up the name/background check and I really appreciate RK's help :)

Here is my timeline (Philadelphia DO jurisdiction):

Application Date:October 31, 2002
Priority Date: November 4, 2002
Fingerprinting Date: January 31, 2003
Interview Date: August 26, 2003
Interview Results: Application recommended for approval
Faxed FBI to expedite the name check: July 7, 2004
Contacted congressman from my district: July 20, 2004
First response received from USCIS about pending checks: July 24, 2004
Congressman's office contacted FBI: July 29, 2004
FOIPA filed: August 2, 2004
FOIPA "no record" results: August 3, 2004; letter received on August 6th
Email from FBI (dated August 14th) received that the checks have been forwarded to USCIS on August 9th: August 16, 2004
Congressman's office confirmed the completed checks: August 16, 2004
Oath Date:Waiting for the letter :)
redkarr1 said:
I must add that the information/guidance provided by Rahul Kumar was very critical in speeding up the name/background check and I really appreciate RK's help :)



I am very glad my misadventures were of use to someone!! Go for it. Wish you a very speedy Oath Ceremony :)
I am curious to see weather more people that get a "No-Records" response from FOIPA are able to clear their name checks within 30-60 days. This is the usual timeframe things take to turn around.

Yup, follow the 3 step magic formula
FOIPA->Involve Congressman (present congressional testimony/foipa results)->Followup with FBI (make your strongest case!)
name check clearance

Rahul Kumar,

Thanks for your good wishes. It is nice to have you lurking around....for guidance and friendly advice.

I have faxed a request to the District Director of the Philadelphia USCIS office to issue the oath letter since they have the required clearance. I will have the congressman's office contact USCIS if I don't receive anything in the next 1-2 weeks.
Rahul when you wrote to Mr.Hooton did you receive a response back from him? Also, after you wrote to Mr.Hooton and involved your congressman how did you check the status of the name check? Did you fax another inquiry or did your congressman contact the FBI to find out the status often? Thanks.
redkarr1 said:
Rahul Kumar,

Thanks for your good wishes. It is nice to have you lurking around....for guidance and friendly advice.

I have faxed a request to the District Director of the Philadelphia USCIS office to issue the oath letter since they have the required clearance. I will have the congressman's office contact USCIS if I don't receive anything in the next 1-2 weeks.

Great to see your proactivity! You should recieve something soon enough. Yes its very very important to remind your Phila DO as if left to themselves they will take many months to notice your name check as completed
Well, I am actually going to fax a letter for help to our local congressman, because I think it would be quicker since the senators office does deal with the whole state. I just spoke with someone from our local congressmans office and he was so nice. Rahul, should I ask them to foward my plea to Eleni Kalisch? Or do you think thats what they will do anyway? Thanks again Rahul. Also mailing the letter to Mr Hooton today certified mail.
Oh one more thing, did you include the FOIPA "no records" letter with the letter to Mr.Hooton?
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When AD hooton replied it was signed by someone else (he replied to the post that AD Kalisch fwd to him). You can ask your congressman to write to AD Kalisch. no harm. But you may need to write a letter that he can endorse....

I wrote to AD Hooton at the same time I filed FOIPA. So I did not get a chance to enclose it.

I was calling the FBI almost daily and my congressional liaision was calling weekly.
Oh okay. Well, I just got off the phone with the congressmans office and he said hopefully we can get this all cleared up. I really hope so. If we can just get over this hurdle then it would be a big step towards citizenship. Again, I can't thank you enough Rahul, you have been the biggest help and that is priceless. Thank you thank you thank you!!! :p

why dont we manage a party after we all get this process done, make Rahul cheif guest. ??? what say you.

Rahul whats ur favorite dish???? Biriyani??? samber???

how about maharaja hotel in London. it would be great to travel all over the world with that precious blue thing.i love to travel.
LOL :p Yes, its the "Name Check" Party!!!!! Hoorah! How bout some yummy spicy indian food!!!!!!! Oh man, Im sooo hungry for some indian rice with spicy chicken yummyyy...
what is FOIPA

Hello everyone
You know guys I have the same problem as all of you my name check is been pending since 8/5/03, and my husband is been waiting for me in Iraq for a little over 4 years, I have sent letters to the FBI, USCIS, congressman, 2 senators, and even the president I never got any results is there any one who can tell me what is FOIPA? and how do you file for that! I will truly apprecaite your respond, and good luck every one.
lbusch28 said:
Hello everyone
You know guys I have the same problem as all of you my name check is been pending since 8/5/03, and my husband is been waiting for me in Iraq for a little over 4 years, I have sent letters to the FBI, USCIS, congressman, 2 senators, and even the president I never got any results is there any one who can tell me what is FOIPA? and how do you file for that! I will truly apprecaite your respond, and good luck every one.

If i try to answer ur question i might complicate it for you... there is all the info in this thread, and it is in detail from step 1 to step unknown.
Please be quick to get knowledge from that Rahul/s post. because i am sure Rahul will have to delete that post, because now FBI is backloged on namecheck status inquiries for 3 months , and before his post it was less than a month. lol
Rahul Kumar said:
LOL. Catering by FBI (Food and Beverage from India)!!!


I got responce from FBI for FIOPA.

but i didnt get answer yet from name check inquiry,which i sent in last month on 16th july, they said they are way too backlogged recently. i said in my mind, u should thank Rahul ;)

anyways... here is the responce i got. tell me if u will call it " no record".
request sent in on last monday and got answer on this monday.

Request No:----------000
Subject : My name.

Dear mr My name

This is in reponce to your FIOPA yada yada yada yada.

A search of automated indices to our central records systems files located no records at FBI headquarters responsive to your FIOPA request.

what say you.?
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