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Originally posted by 140_takes_4ever
Yes! And I haven't seen any from yours!So I guess we are quits. Interestingly, I haven't even seen you work towards anything other than a few posts here and there bitching about your human rights being abused. And sending an email or two to AILA.
I don't think there is any futher point in continuing this conversation, so wake me up when you do something concrete or achieve something. I will be the first to congratulate you if you succeed. But if I do, then obviously I expect you to do the same.
Originally posted by 140_takes_4ever
You are kidding me! You don't really believe that do you? Otherwise every anti-war activist would have filed a lawsuit in court claiming the federal budget is misappropriated by the Pentagon in Iraq!
The Administration derives its powers of governance from the PEOPLE! (read voters). They are supposed to reflect the will of the people. And its handling of the budget is absolutely inviolate!
Dictation of the Judiciary to the Administration branch to the extant of writing the budget is called interference and will never fly. They only thing the judiciary can do is enforce laws that are passed by the legislative branch. And that too only to the extant of resources available to the adminstration at that time.
It is not a case of the courts believing there is no money. It is a case of the courts believing that there is only 'X' amount of money, for which there are some projects that have high priority and others that don't. It is our badluck that we are on a low priority queue right now.
You guys are smoking something jolly good if you expect anything else.
Originally posted by hidden_dragon
This is holiday season, be cool!
The real question, when is Rajiv planning to file the suit, time is running fast
Originally posted by operations
I have attached a full copy of the complaint. I am VERY proud of our community. This is our Xmas gift to ourselves. Win or lose - we are doing SOMETHING!!!
Originally posted by 140_takes_4ever
Don't think the problems of the INS are not known to all. Congress itself has commented on the INS as being the worst run, worst managed government organization tied up in red tape, a long time ago.
And for the last time, I DO NOT BUY what they are saying about security being a main cause of delays. All I was doing was pointing out to their standard mantra. And why it is believable to most Americans, judges included. More importantly, I was cautioning on fighting the right fight and NOT one based upon pipe dreams. We have a number of highly plausible points which we should raise. We shouldn't get bogged by self destructive beliefs because, the bottom line is approvals, and we must have them. We must use arguments that will win, not crappy philosophical bullshit that sounds very good when seen from the bottom of a wine bottle. That is what this argument with cinta has been all about. Fight for approvals, but with good arguments, fight but with something the INS/Federal government can swallow without hindering their agenda. Because our bottom line is, achievement of our goals and not a job as a Hollywood script writer.
And for the last time, no one can dictate the budget, all you can do is draw attention to the merits of your case for approval, and hope that negative publicity and strong opinion from the court takes over.
It is very easy to come here and post incendiary statements, but the statements that work on a community that is hungry for them are not necessarily those that will work for others, that don't care about the same things.
And if Cinta is so sure about the outcome of his legal beliefs and so fervent about its success, why doesn't he file a law suit based on it? He can spout the same laws to the judge and let us see where it takes us. I don't mind contributing some money to that cause. Instead we have to hear these theatric lines and constant dose of bitter aggression. Any person who opposes his views gets a steady dose of pent up agro and flamed.
Again, the lawsuit against INS has been filed in the AM today, I hope Rajiv will update all of us on it, we will have some genuine legal guidance upon what counts of law we can stand on. So this entire conversation is moot unless Cinta stands up for his civil rights and sues the INS! Until then let us end this useless waste of bandwidth because it is definitely taking us no where!
Originally posted by operations
Let us back off. Focus, where we need to focus. We do not have to like or agree with each other's views. But we do need to work together. Please discontinue this discussion. Thanks.
Originally posted by cinta
Well said, well done so far. Congratulations!
It has been really an uphill battle from the beginning. I said it many times, we need a smart team, no sleeping cells, people with guts to do things. In this pursue, we will expose any inaccuracies, we will tell the truth, we will show the way by example. I am glad with your follow up guidelines. I have been pointing all these for a year and people were taking all different wise positions! Let the truth and justice SHINE!
Originally posted by sai-2367
Good!! We should now figure out ways to support Rajiv's endeavour . Now that the lawsuit has been filed, it makes sense to advertise this in the media and gather support from lawfirms and potential immigrants. Here is where you can lead, since you have been involved in the petition campaign from the beginning.
Originally posted by cinta
All are welcome for their views and action plans.
We have been patient to educate and explain and show the right way, because we lived it, we experienced it. Still some are unconvinced or have their own genetic fears I would say. Nothing we can do to change that but it is our obligation to stop it before it actually damages what we have been trying to do in a noble way. People like to resort to name calling instead! Maybe you should tell them that they have CIVIL RIGHTS, that it is the Government's responsibility to give us the GC, it is not a charity in anyway and that CA's economic problems have nothing to do with our campaign. Let Arnold handle that! Maybe you should tell them that the security checks are in fact unconstitutional with the FP repetition and the 35 days validity. A pre-requisite to a successful campaign is for the majority at least to know the facts and be on the same boat. By saying contact your Congressman is not enough. The content and the reaction are equally important. The process is simple: Post the action and the results. Follow up. No need for any name calling. Accept criticism when you are WRONG! Our problem and other immigration problems ARE NOT DUE to any bad luck or "carma" and the Covernment appropriations are NOT AN X amount of money to be allocated, with us being the last in the queue..speaking of smoking jolly stuff and spreading misinformation behind a forum name for bravery.
Originally posted by rajum
I think you are still suffering from the hangover of the heated arguments and its time to cool down. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and as you said that everyone opinions change as and when one experience it. May be your opinions change to what the other person is saying.
Lets move forward and I agree with you on many issues though I am still not convinced on civil rights violation charge. With the same breath, I also acknowledge I don't have much knowledge on civil rights issues and with your inspiration, I will collect and read material on civil rights movements in this country.
We are steadily progressing in our NJ . The progress is not as fast as I would love to but nevertheless we are making some good progress.
Originally posted by hidden_dragon
This hot debate shows exactly why we should file the lawsuit - it is causing so much pain, emotion, anger and eventually possible mental breakdown among us...
I agree, the cause is way more imporant than people's ego's.Originally posted by operations
Let us back off. Focus, where we need to focus. We do not have to like or agree with each other's views. But we do need to work together. Please discontinue this discussion. Thanks.