Employment based immigration backlog petition

very good. let us call on every one available on this and other portals to go ahead and sign this petition in any way even if they are not in 485 stage . They will need this any day in future and let us give BCIS a united immigrant move
re: backlog petition

the submit button seems to be not working, after I filled up the appl. Where are you guys signing this petition ?
Other immigration sites

Originally posted by Edison
Let's start collecting signature here.
Also later this week or early next week, we should plan for signature drives (chain mails, ads on other sites, message boards, mailing lists,.............)


how can we post the petition on other immigration sites? Send it to the Host, the Editor and ask them to post/host it?

Note: Some sites they do not want us to mention other immigration site, etc.
1) Let us find out all immigration forum on internet and post a thread
shihab, oh-law, murthy, shusterman, imminfo, usvisanews.

2) Let us contact famous company law firms (our own) and ask them to post on their website.
for example, mine is appleman.

3) Let's make a cover letter with the URL and brief introduction. Each of us print it out and
send to local universities, grocery stores and apartment complex. We need volunteers for each big

4) Let's find chinese, indian..... newspaper and ask them to post the news. Chinese newspaper: shi jie ri bao. Indian? Dsatish?

Let's use these days to find volunteers to work in each category and each state.
I was traveling, and I am back

I can devote the next 4 days to finalize this matter. So tell me what you need from me folks.
SUBMIT btn was not functioning!!

the submit button seems to be not working, after I filled up the appl. How to submit this petition in this website
Re: SUBMIT btn was not functioning!!

Originally posted by peekayem
the submit button seems to be not working, after I filled up the appl. How to submit this petition in this website

Please wait. You can sign when Rajiv host this petition.
Re: I was traveling, and I am back

Please post the petition for signatures ASAP. Correct the minor typos people have spotted if you wish.


Originally posted by operations
I can devote the next 4 days to finalize this matter. So tell me what you need from me folks.
Re: I was traveling, and I am back

Originally posted by operations
I can devote the next 4 days to finalize this matter. So tell me what you need from me folks.

We would like to gather more signatures for this petition. To accomplish that we planned to advertise on various places. I understand that we have to get the permisssion of the owner where we advertise but before we approach them we would like to get your permission to post the link of our petition there.

Rajiv, can you explain the FP policy? in your petition, you said BCIS HQ send out a memo that FP no longer expires? Is it true?
No that was an error

Originally posted by dengdeng
Rajiv, can you explain the FP policy? in your petition, you said BCIS HQ send out a memo that FP no longer expires? Is it true?

But i am double checking. I had given a quick dictation for the first draft, so some the matters were still left loose. Sorry about that.
Hardships Paragraph

Hi Rajiv,
Every body liked the final draft that you have prepared for us. I personally had one request. Is it possible for you to add 2 or 3 additional points(from initial drafts submitted by us) under "Our Hardships" paragraph ? This is very important paragraph but it looks small.
If you think that any addition to this paragraph will increase the overall length, you may delete the last sentence(appears separately) in "The Processing Delays" paragraph. Just my thoughts.
rajiv, I collected some personal stories of frustration from this board, do you need that for the petition?

Originally posted by dengdeng
rajiv, I collected some personal stories of frustration from this board, do you need that for the petition?

Once we start the petition, let us see how we can use those. Maybe those people (whose stories these are) will sign the petition and tell their own story.
Re: Hardships Paragraph

Originally posted by dsatish
Hi Rajiv,
Every body liked the final draft that you have prepared for us. I personally had one request. Is it possible for you to add 2 or 3 additional points(from initial drafts submitted by us) under "Our Hardships" paragraph ? This is very important paragraph but it looks small.
If you think that any addition to this paragraph will increase the overall length, you may delete the last sentence(appears separately) in "The Processing Delays" paragraph. Just my thoughts.

Do it. E-mail to me once final from your side. I will take another look.
Updated Letter

Hi Rajiv,
I have sent the updated copy by Email. Added 2 sentenses to "Our Hardships" paragraph and removed one sentence from "The Processing Delays" section. The copy is attached here.
Originally posted by dengdeng
Rajiv, you haven't answered my question of submitting personal stories to BCIS. I have collected several stories. Don't know if it's appropriate to append those stories.


He answered it, see his post dated '27th August 2003 12:52 PM'.


Originally posted by dengdeng
rajiv, I collected some personal stories of frustration from this board, do you need that for the petition?

Once we start the petition, let us see how we can use those. Maybe those people (whose stories these are) will sign the petition and tell their own story.