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economical situation in USA

I am a good person and I don't care what others said. any way it doesn't matter from where I am, and really I never think about this subject because in the DV program they make search about my history I think, and there is nothing to hide, well if they don't like us to come they wont let us win lottery, is I am right ???!!!
I am a good person and I don't care what others said. any way it doesn't matter from where I am, and really I never think about this subject because in the DV program they make search about my history I think, and there is nothing to hide, well if they don't like us to come they wont let us win lottery, is I am right ???!!!

don't worry ... all this has nothing to do with you.
don't worry ... all this has nothing to do with you.


I quite appreciate your last post. firo has the desire and passion to come to America, i also believe that one day --- yes --- one day he will become a naturalise US citizen--- something is also telling me that in this great country called America, firo will excel. firo go get it.

One love.
Joequi, Thanks brother :)

I feel that you understand me very well. any way I will do my best to get it, no matter from where I am, I have a big dream and I will do my best with god help to make it true
Joequi, Thanks brother :)

I feel that you understand me very well. any way I will do my best to get it, no matter from where I am, I have a big dream and I will do my best with god help to make it true


Don't worry, we are together in it, no body can stop us.
Overall inflation over the past year has been unacceptably high. But, the prognosis going forward is favorable. Inflation expectations remain relatively well contained, reducing the chance that a wage-price spiral will develop. Moreover, if new lower commodity prices hold, even at today's high levels, we are likely to see improvements in overall and core consumer inflation coming through the pipeline soon.
hm soon ??? when exactly ?? I used to employ 7 people at one point now its only me and my younger son working ,friend of mine who had about 30 employees is down to 4 of them ... last contact I had was 5 months ago and I mentioned that companies who went bankrupt owe me about 80 000 dollars ,
this country is down for 13 TRILLION dollars debt and result of that that there is no money coming from anywhere and no jobs ,I had enough of people who are telling me that "economy is just about pick up" well it is not and spending is down and going down
hm soon ??? when exactly ?? I used to employ 7 people at one point now its only me and my younger son working ,friend of mine who had about 30 employees is down to 4 of them ... last contact I had was 5 months ago and I mentioned that companies who went bankrupt owe me about 80 000 dollars ,
this country is down for 13 TRILLION dollars debt and result of that that there is no money coming from anywhere and no jobs ,I had enough of people who are telling me that "economy is just about pick up" well it is not and spending is down and going down

kolja, i'm disappointed. i took you for an honest man and yet here you are saying that your younger son is working with you. which not only implies that you have another son, but also contradicts this statement by you: "73 000 before the tax (married ,no children , wife is not working ); happy;;;; relax "cheap amber "". no children? are your sons not your children? what is going on here?

:shakes head in disbelief and hopelessness:
kolja, i'm disappointed. i took you for an honest man and yet here you are saying that your younger son is working with you. which not only implies that you have another son, but also contradicts this statement by you: "73 000 before the tax (married ,no children , wife is not working ); happy;;;; relax "cheap amber "". no children? are your sons not your children? what is going on here?

:shakes head in disbelief and hopelessness:

heheheh well if I'm dishonest that I got married twice then there you go (I have US wife -my first wife and 3 children with her if you must know -two sons and the daughter but they live with their mom and her new husband so they don't depend on me except that the oldest son works with me every summer ,with my second wife I have no children).. ;
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The number of unemployed persons was 15.0 million in May. The unemployment rate edged down to 9.7 percent, the same rate as in the first 3 months of 2010. Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rate for blacks (15.5percent) declined in May, while the rates for adult men (9.8 percent), adult women (8.1 percent), teenagers (26.4 percent), whites (8.8 per-cent), and Hispanics (12.4 percent) showed little change. The jobless rate for Asians was 7.5 percent, not seasonally adjusted.
missed the mark of about 5 million there (20 million jobless is more accurate )and unemployment is for sure 11% at least , statistic is bit late with reality (as always ) you also have about 8%-9% of part time workers working less then 25 hours per week (3 working days ) because they can't find other jobs or they got their working hours cut down ;so all in all at least 20% of working force is either out of job or working so they can barely survive ;
such a nice thread which was for people to post their experience in connection with the economical situation in USA has suddenly turn into a thread for attacking personalities. This is sad.
Keep the discussion clean and on topic people. Attacks against each other will not be tolerated and any such posts will be deleted without further notice.
Please fr and bmx refrain from attacking other forum members here
bmx why do you like to provoke and offend sick people (such as cheap amber)? I think its unfair to provoke someone who is ILL ,so lay off will you (this goes to bmx88)
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and bmx attacking me and make fun of me because I just support cheap amber, and I support cheap amber because he or she give us the hopes and the good side about USA, and that what we want at this lottery stage, I agree that in all the world ( not just in USA) you can make your dreams if you have the strengh and you can make what ever you want if you are talanted guy, and for me I am really happy to move to USA.
Please fr and bmx refrain from attacking other forum members here
bmx why do you like to provoke and offend sick people (such as cheap amber)? I think its unfair to provoke someone who is ILL ,so lay off will you (this goes to bmx88)

is this some kind of joke?? :confused:
and bmx attacking me and make fun of me because I just support cheap amber, and I support cheap amber because he or she give us the hopes and the good side about USA, and that what we want at this lottery stage, I agree that in all the world ( not just in USA) you can make your dreams if you have the strengh and you can make what ever you want if you are talanted guy, and for me I am really happy to move to USA.

yes sure buddy keep dreaming ... they are just waiting for your over there