i have been living here for a number of years and originally from asia. before i came here, i used to work for large american computer companies and travelled a lot, both within the asia pacific and america. i have experienced numerous cultures and have always been fascinated by the differences. however, in america, you have the hardworking and the lazy ones. the hardworking ones strive to make a living, even when times are so bad. they get creative and find ways to eke out a living. the lazy ones, they depend on welfare. welfare funds are taxpayers' money. when you see these people who have 2 hands and 2 feet, no major ailments, not working but living on welfare ... you will get upset. these are freeloaders who don't deserve to be helped. compare the 2 and you can see that the latter are the ones that milk the system and will prolong the malaise this wonderful country is in. the politicians are blind to these or they know but don't care. after all they are politicians ... they only want power, fame and fortune. the good ones, the real politicians who cares and are doing something or trying to do something are far and few in between. you do read about them but these are a small minority whose voices, even collectively, are so small that little or nothing will be done. people sleep in the streets, lose their homes, are jobless, bankrupt, commit crimes, suicides, the list goes on. the main cause? the leaders of the country, the people whom you chose or elected. obviously, many have chose the wrong person. choose wisely, choose the right person ... not the party not his affiliation not what he promises you in his campaign ... look at his track record. if he has a successful record in public management, honest, responsible, intelligent then vote him. you read about politicians who spend tens to hundreds of thousands renovating their offices. about government buying copy machines and equipment that costs hundreds of thousands. town councils that bought so many tax payer funded vehicles and not being used. people working overtime and making so much money it's obscene when they could have hired more people to cover the overtime - save money and relieve unemployment. and stop bailing out mega corporations! spend the money where the economy is most hurt - the backbone of the country - the small and medium businesses. let the mega corp fend for themselves.
i know i am rambling ... but i feel that things should not be so bad if the government places that emphasis on digging themselves out of the hole and not looking forward to the next primaries. we are not out of the woods yet, mr bernanke.
let me make a simple suggestion - get our folks back from afghanistan and iraq, that will save billions of dollars. use this money to revive the economy. i know you must protect yourself - please do .... defend the borders, the skies, so that americans are safe at home. but don't fight a war that's not yours. in the first place, should there even be a war.
i hope my venting of frustration does not sound politically inclined ... i had no intention to. and i certainly do not want to provoke any political discussions in this thread either. it's just an ordinary person's view of what's going on out there.