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economical situation in USA

my friend kolja I am from 3rd world country from midlle east country and I never saw people sleeps in streets back home or in there cars, I mean is it that bad USA are now? because now I am too much afraid of taking this step to USA
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my friend kolja I am from 3rd world country from midlle east country and I never saw people sleeps in streets back home or in there cars, I mean is it that bad USA are now? because now I am too much afraid of taking this step to USA

you have any degrees, firo? what do you do for living?
I am civil engineer and my wife she is designer and we are doing great jobs I hope we make it also in the US
I am civil engineer and my wife she is designer and we are doing great jobs I hope we make it also in the US

that's pretty good. the doom-crowd will disagree, of course, but if you're good at what you're doing, you'll make it anywhere. i wish you two the best of luck and so much money that one could get asthma counting it.
hahaahaha cheap amber, I really like you, at least the new guys like me will like you, any way if they don't like the states why they are stucking there? any way guys all of us has a native country, if you don't like the US just go back home, not hard
hahaahaha cheap amber, I really like you, at least the new guys like me will like you, any way if they don't like the states why they are stucking there? any way guys all of us has a native country, if you don't like the US just go back home, not hard

i fully agree, firo. thou speakest the truthe
i have been living here for a number of years and originally from asia. before i came here, i used to work for large american computer companies and travelled a lot, both within the asia pacific and america. i have experienced numerous cultures and have always been fascinated by the differences. however, in america, you have the hardworking and the lazy ones. the hardworking ones strive to make a living, even when times are so bad. they get creative and find ways to eke out a living. the lazy ones, they depend on welfare. welfare funds are taxpayers' money. when you see these people who have 2 hands and 2 feet, no major ailments, not working but living on welfare ... you will get upset. these are freeloaders who don't deserve to be helped. compare the 2 and you can see that the latter are the ones that milk the system and will prolong the malaise this wonderful country is in. the politicians are blind to these or they know but don't care. after all they are politicians ... they only want power, fame and fortune. the good ones, the real politicians who cares and are doing something or trying to do something are far and few in between. you do read about them but these are a small minority whose voices, even collectively, are so small that little or nothing will be done. people sleep in the streets, lose their homes, are jobless, bankrupt, commit crimes, suicides, the list goes on. the main cause? the leaders of the country, the people whom you chose or elected. obviously, many have chose the wrong person. choose wisely, choose the right person ... not the party not his affiliation not what he promises you in his campaign ... look at his track record. if he has a successful record in public management, honest, responsible, intelligent then vote him. you read about politicians who spend tens to hundreds of thousands renovating their offices. about government buying copy machines and equipment that costs hundreds of thousands. town councils that bought so many tax payer funded vehicles and not being used. people working overtime and making so much money it's obscene when they could have hired more people to cover the overtime - save money and relieve unemployment. and stop bailing out mega corporations! spend the money where the economy is most hurt - the backbone of the country - the small and medium businesses. let the mega corp fend for themselves.

i know i am rambling ... but i feel that things should not be so bad if the government places that emphasis on digging themselves out of the hole and not looking forward to the next primaries. we are not out of the woods yet, mr bernanke.

let me make a simple suggestion - get our folks back from afghanistan and iraq, that will save billions of dollars. use this money to revive the economy. i know you must protect yourself - please do .... defend the borders, the skies, so that americans are safe at home. but don't fight a war that's not yours. in the first place, should there even be a war.

i hope my venting of frustration does not sound politically inclined ... i had no intention to. and i certainly do not want to provoke any political discussions in this thread either. it's just an ordinary person's view of what's going on out there.
i have been living here for a number of years and originally from asia. before i came here, i used to work for large american computer companies and travelled a lot, both within the asia pacific and america. i have experienced numerous cultures and have always been fascinated by the differences. however, in america, you have the hardworking and the lazy ones. the hardworking ones strive to make a living, even when times are so bad. they get creative and find ways to eke out a living. the lazy ones, they depend on welfare. welfare funds are taxpayers' money. when you see these people who have 2 hands and 2 feet, no major ailments, not working but living on welfare ... you will get upset. these are freeloaders who don't deserve to be helped. compare the 2 and you can see that the latter are the ones that milk the system and will prolong the malaise this wonderful country is in. the politicians are blind to these or they know but don't care. after all they are politicians ... they only want power, fame and fortune. the good ones, the real politicians who cares and are doing something or trying to do something are far and few in between. you do read about them but these are a small minority whose voices, even collectively, are so small that little or nothing will be done. people sleep in the streets, lose their homes, are jobless, bankrupt, commit crimes, suicides, the list goes on. the main cause? the leaders of the country, the people whom you chose or elected. obviously, many have chose the wrong person. choose wisely, choose the right person ... not the party not his affiliation not what he promises you in his campaign ... look at his track record. if he has a successful record in public management, honest, responsible, intelligent then vote him. you read about politicians who spend tens to hundreds of thousands renovating their offices. about government buying copy machines and equipment that costs hundreds of thousands. town councils that bought so many tax payer funded vehicles and not being used. people working overtime and making so much money it's obscene when they could have hired more people to cover the overtime - save money and relieve unemployment. and stop bailing out mega corporations! spend the money where the economy is most hurt - the backbone of the country - the small and medium businesses. let the mega corp fend for themselves.

i know i am rambling ... but i feel that things should not be so bad if the government places that emphasis on digging themselves out of the hole and not looking forward to the next primaries. we are not out of the woods yet, mr bernanke.

let me make a simple suggestion - get our folks back from afghanistan and iraq, that will save billions of dollars. use this money to revive the economy. i know you must protect yourself - please do .... defend the borders, the skies, so that americans are safe at home. but don't fight a war that's not yours. in the first place, should there even be a war.

i hope my venting of frustration does not sound politically inclined ... i had no intention to. and i certainly do not want to provoke any political discussions in this thread either. it's just an ordinary person's view of what's going on out there.

your heart is in the right place but you are rambling, yes : ) America's "meddling" in other countries is what is sometimes called "enlightened self-interest". if they accomplish their mission in Iraq and Afghanistan, everyone will be better off. if they return now, it will be Fall of Saigon all over again.
your heart is in the right place but you are rambling, yes : ) America's "meddling" in other countries is what is sometimes called "enlightened self-interest". if they accomplish their mission in Iraq and Afghanistan, everyone will be better off. if they return now, it will be Fall of Saigon all over again.

hi cheap amber,
"enlightened self-interest" ... i like that ... how appropriate.
yes, IF they accomplish what they originally intend to do, or in other words, what we the ordinary person believes that they need to do ... then the world will be a much better place. but personally i think there will be no full proof way to rid of the terrorists. there will always be someone somewhere who subscribes to the terror ideal. i believe in defense ... a strong homeland defense. reduce the offensive forces, divert the money and efforts to building a robust defense force and i think everyone will be the better for it.
I am civil engineer and my wife she is designer and we are doing great jobs I hope we make it also in the US

US companies prefer engineers with US working experience or education .you might need to go back to school in order to get certified ,where did you study anyway ???
if you are from Europe maybe they would accept some credits from your UNI if not I think you would need to pass maybe all of them all over again (this is from experience someone I know and who is also civil engineer)... about you wife ? I don't know what to tell you .
there is thousands unemployed "designers" of all kinds in the US now but maybe she will be able to find the job faster then you since her profession is based on talent and not so much on education .
Here in the US unemployment is going up again and on top of it most employers these days are seeking people who ALREADY HAVE A JOB !so be prepared for some tough times ..not trying to scare you or something but its gonna be a wile before you lend a job in your filed of expertise (probably few years at best but by then you might have totally different career )
well thanks for the advise, I know it's hard these days, but I already work with American company in Gulf Area, I don't know if they accept my experience in the US, but any way I'll try to do my best, any way maybe if I am from Europe I won't make this step and move to the US, but I am Palestinian lives in Jordan and I think moving to the states it means a lot to me and my family, of having at least place I can at least have good life on it, we struggled and fight enough and we are already prepared for anything man, people like me will survive and make a good life anywhere in this world because I lived a taught life before and I felt what lake of money means, and I know that I'll make it in the US, because I don't think anything will shocked me anymore, because I am already shocked I saw people dies and I saw poor people mother killed in front of their children so I don't think that I'll see worst than that in the US, I told you maybe I'll see it like paradise lool and really that's true trust me, what do you think now???!!!
well thanks for the advise, I know it's hard these days, but I already work with American company in Gulf Area, I don't know if they accept my experience in the US, but any way I'll try to do my best, any way maybe if I am from Europe I won't make this step and move to the US, but I am Palestinian lives in Jordan and I think moving to the states it means a lot to me and my family, of having at least place I can at least have good life on it, we struggled and fight enough and we are already prepared for anything man, people like me will survive and make a good life anywhere in this world because I lived a taught life before and I felt what lake of money means, and I know that I'll make it in the US, because I don't think anything will shocked me anymore, because I am already shocked I saw people dies and I saw poor people mother killed in front of their children so I don't think that I'll see worst than that in the US, I told you maybe I'll see it like paradise lool and really that's true trust me, what do you think now???!!!

that's good .. with US company reference it might be much much easier ..to find the job ..only other issue you might have is security clearance ..i Don't need to tell you that I guess ..that might cloud your new beginning ..
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that's good .. with US company reference it might be much much easier ..to find the job ..only other issue you might have is security clearance ..i Don't need to tell you that I guess ..that might cloud your new beginning ..

he only needs clearance to work for federal government or federal contractors. even then it takes around 6 months. 1 year tops. not exactly a thundercloud.
what is the security clearnce? what you mean by that?

on certain jobs they need to make sure that you're not a spy, or a terrorist. they will run your info through their systems and it takes time. like, for example, if you wanted to work on the building of a civilian nuclear reactor you would have to get clearance. most government projects are like that.
Oh thanks cheap amber, I don't think that I have problem with that lol

not you .. that is not an issue ,its more of the problem of what other people think of you ,here people become more paranoid about anyone from Mid East that's the the problem you will need to deal with ;
why they become a paranoid? well If I am to much strict or something ok no problem to get paranoid, and any way I look like Europeans so they wont know that I am from middle east, and any way don't think that because I am Palestinian or Arabian I have to be suspected, I am very open minded and peaceful, and I work with Americans here and they are really nice people and so many of them offer me I - 134, please even we are not in the US, but I have a lot of info's from my American friends, and please we are not bad people as you think we are great people and I am proud of being Palestinian OK
why they become a paranoid? well If I am to much strict or something ok no problem to get paranoid, and any way I look like Europeans so they wont know that I am from middle east, and any way don't think that because I am Palestinian or Arabian I have to be suspected, I am very open minded and peaceful, and I work with Americans here and they are really nice people and so many of them offer me I - 134, please even we are not in the US, but I have a lot of info's from my American friends, and please we are not bad people as you think we are great people and I am proud of being Palestinian OK

firo my friend,
it's sad to say that 'one rotten apple spoiled the whole barrel'. in other words, the bad things that the terrorists have committed have given many people the impression that people of middle eastern origins are suspect terrorists. this is racial profiling but it's a fact of life everywhere today. you read of it in the news at customs. it is paranoia. so long as you know who you are and have good in your heart, you will have nothing to fear.