EB1 I485 approvals list

With an officer?

I called since it had been two weeks after my last call when the nice lady told me that she is gonna look at my file. A different person picked up and said "cleared"...:eek: I asked her "you mean approved"... She said "no, ur checks are clear". :pThe preivous lady did look at my file and forwarded to an officer. So, now it could be 3 days/3 weeks/3 months... Just have to wait!

I really wonder where these agents were a month back. May be they get nice once your checks are clear :D
I called since it had been two weeks after my last call when the nice lady told me that she is gonna look at my file. A different person picked up and said "cleared"...:eek: I asked her "you mean approved"... She said "no, ur checks are clear". :pThe preivous lady did look at my file and forwarded to an officer. So, now it could be 3 days/3 weeks/3 months... Just have to wait!

I really wonder where these agents were a month back. May be they get nice once your checks are clear :D
what is you PD?

Looks like in october a lot of eb1 cases have the NC cleared by FBI!

Yes, it does appear that my checks were cleared end of october. Only since early nov. '07, I am hearing "all clear" responses.

Case details: Concurrent filing Sept. 2006/ Receipted in Oct '06/ India/ EB1B/ 140 approved Apr. '07

And I am not really convinced about the officer part... I think she was more interested in conveying that my checks are clear.

Yes, it does appear that my checks were cleared end of october. Only since early nov. '07, I am hearing "all clear" responses.

Case details: Concurrent filing Sept. 2006/ Receipted in Oct '06/ India/ EB1B/ 140 approved Apr. '07

And I am not really convinced about the officer part... I think she was more interested in conveying that my checks are clear.

So your checks were cleared in last year that you know by yourself and its a old news. u must try calling again and see if ur NC has been cleared.

When I mentioned "checks" in my previous post, I meant "security checks". I was told my security checks are clear when I called early Nov. '07. And the agent said "she was not sure what was holding up my case" as her electronic database showed "all clear". She requested my file (hard copy) for her review and was to forward to an officer if everything else looked ok.
confirmed: with an officer

Got it confirmed today that my file is with an officer. She said could be 30 - 60 days. Now comes the tricky part... since my file has been moved to an officer by a non-regular route (since an agent moved it instead of going through the usual assignment, picking up etc process), dont know how the processing is going to be affected. Just have to wait...
Hi everyone - thought I would add to the growing list of perplexing experiences some of us Oct '06 filers are having. My lawyer had recently put in a service request - so, we hear today and the letter says we requested a check on why the case was outside processing time.

Now, here's the kicker...wait for it...

The status of this request is:

Thank you for updating your address. Please let us know when you move again.

Huh? I can't recall any change of address (ofcourse, none happened as the letter arrive at my home)! I think this is just another stall tactic, but points to NSC for creativity. So, does anyone have any ideas as to what works with NSC - clearly service requests don't!
It seems India and China EB1 will retrogress from January 2008 and later. This is a alert interpretation in the latest bulletin. I an assuming that retrogression may only push the dates 1 year back. The quota seems finished for EB1 due to heavy demand. Lot of EB1 was given to India and China EB2 recently and many people got approvals. If that happens everyone from India and China EB1 will be affected. Most people from last year are stuck due to name checks and so there is no way to predict if their name checks will be clear and they will get green card. So INS will play safe and push the dates 1 year back.

I am also thinking that June1 filers and later will also be stuck for a long time. This is because of lot of applications that came during that time. Processing dates will halt at June/July dates in service centers too. Some June July filers do get approved, but only those whose name checks are clear and their case is processed. Name checks for all July filers will surely be retrogressed for a long time. Of course all this can change if there is another July 2007 repeat or if organizations like immigrationvoice.org can pull a miracle and get more green card quota. It is time for at least EB1 Indians and Chinese to support http://www.Immigrationvoice.org
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It seems India and China EB1 will retrogress from January 2008 and later. This is a alert interpretation in the latest bulletin. I an assuming that retrogression may only push the dates 1 year back. The quota seems finished for EB1 due to heavy demand. Lot of EB1 was given to India and China EB2 recently and many people got approvals. If that happens everyone from India and China EB1 will be affected. Most people from last year are stuck due to name checks and so there is no way to predict if their name checks will be clear and they will get green card. So INS will play safe and push the dates 1 year back.

I am also thinking that June1 filers and later will also be stuck for a long time. This is because of lot of applications that came during that time. Processing dates will halt at June/July dates in service centers too. Some June July filers do get approved, but only those whose name checks are clear and their case is processed. Name checks for all July filers will surely be retrogressed for a long time. Of course all this can change if there is another July 2007 repeat or if organizations like immigrationvoice.org can pull a miracle and get more green card quota. It is time for at least EB1 Indians and Chinese to support http://www.Immigrationvoice.org
Looks like you are fascinated by retrogression for indians and chinese! You have posted this multiple times. If I recall correctly you had predicted that EB1 would be retrogressed in the Oct'07 VB to '06 without any facts. I know this time the VB has predicted retrogression 'at some point in the FY' but that does not mean it is going to be from Jan '08. And it says 'may require', nothing definite. how do you know how many years or months?
By the way what is your PD etc? You have never posted that....

PS: Although I support the fact that we should cast our vote for immigrationvoice just not for EB1 but for others as well since this NC process is very uncertain and stressful.
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My assessment on Oct bulletin was based on the fact that visa was used up as per INS in June/July. The fact that unused visas for the year were returned from the embassies abroad was news to everyone. Likewise there is an expectation that dates for EB1 will go back in second quarter. Second quarter starts in January. If it does not go back in January, then it maybe later. However traditionally late third quarter and forth quarter are better for India and China. You will also see some big law firms also speculating about it. While nobody except INS knows the true facts we all base our assumptions on the information we see around. I think name check issue is a big one too and a lot of EB1s are stuck in it even though they have been current for past one year or more. I know someone in EB1 who is stuck for 3 years in EB1. I also heard a theory that EB1C can get name check cleared faster than EB1OR. I don't know how much is true.
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I kind of agree with the fact that EB1C cases get NC cleared faster based on the approvals according to trackitt.com. Their short stay in the US and having shorter history here might be the reason.
Looks like quite a few EB1 approvals in the recent days esp. for Indian nationality (here and from trackitt). Consistent with the visa bulletin... Hopefully many more to come... including mine :D

Good luck, fellas!
Likewise there is an expectation that dates for EB1 will go back in second quarter. Second quarter starts in January. If it does not go back in January, then it maybe later. However traditionally late third quarter and forth quarter are better for India and China. You will also see some big law firms also speculating about it.

Would you tell/give us appropriate links of those big law firms speculating about EB1 dates going back?
Would you tell/give us appropriate links of those big law firms speculating about EB1 dates going back?

Lawyers will not post such speculations public because they are merely speculations and they do not want to be proven wrong. However if you talk to them you will know their views.
This is a link of a big lawfirm and they have been reliable and are considered very big. You should also see retrogression trends in EB1. There is a link I saw some time back to show dates archived for past 10 years.

"Beyond December, the State Department is projecting that immigrant visa numbers will remain immediately available for the EB-1 and EB-2 categories for most countries. However, if heavy demand continues for China and India, DOS could impose cut-off dates for the EB-1 category and further lengthen EB-2 waiting periods for those two countries."
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EB1-OR TSC Indian national
Concurrent Application (For I140- did premium processing - approval in 5 days)
RD 10/05/06
AP 11/21/07 (both me and Spouse)

EB1-OR TSC Indian national
Concurrent Application (For I140- did premium processing - approval in 5 days)
RD 10/05/06
AP 11/21/07 (both me and Spouse)


Congrats Rama. I see you had to wait for more than 1 year after filing I485 even though you were current all this while.
I do not understand why people need to wait beyond 180 days after I485. According to the rule they should get GC within 180 days. Especially EB1 folks who should be welcomed with open arms by the country and should be processed faster than others.
Hope we see more EB1 approvals this month. Last month it was mostly EB2. This month they have pushed EB2 dates back and have exhausted the quota for the quarter.

EB1 India and China should get some approvals before (if) retrogression kicks in from Jan/Feb.. onwards.
Hope we see more EB1 approvals this month. Last month it was mostly EB2. This month they have pushed EB2 dates back and have exhausted the quota for the quarter.

EB1 India and China should get some approvals before (if) retrogression kicks in from Jan/Feb.. onwards.

I think so. I have spoken to my lawyer about EB1 retrogression- As DOS mentioned in its dec visa bulletin, still its speculation and not predictable. Even AILA has not reported about this on their website. The link you (pswami) provided-fragmon does not say anything new other than the one mentioned in DOS visa bulletin.

Anyway Let us hope for the best. I am waiting for for my FP and interestingly my NC has been cleared within a week of Receipt Date (Confirmed with NSC IO's twice).

Good luck all EBI who are waiting for their GCs