I think I'm just very very very very bad luck. I hired d lawyer file an appeal for me, he sent a lady go with me to the appointment. (I didn't ask because I believe he suppose know what he's doing) but after we arrived to the IO office, I just find out she's not a lawyer at all because when the IO ask her about the license, she said she doesn't have one!!!!!!!
So the IO asked her out, left me alone for appeal. Of course like what you said an appeal without any legal lawyer is pointless. I got denied again!!! After all, I call the lawyer, asked for my money back, (he ask extra money for sending this useless lady go with me.) but he never answer the phone. email. I was even thinking sue this lawyer for misleading me to miss a opportunity. Things seems getting more complicated after the denial. Finally I listen to my friend then decide apply later again. because i didn't know when it would be end and how much it will finally cost. I was undergo some finance difficulty.