• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV2014 Entrants

You are too early. It won't accept it because it has the numbers 2014 in it, and the current checking is still for 2013. You have about 7 hours and 15 minutes to go :)

Here on the East Coast of Australia, we're trying to figure out if we just STAY up until 2 a.m., or if we go to bed and GET up to check our status. I'm one of those early-to-bedders, so I might just have to set an alarm.

I hate the fact that I'm so excited. I've hated to get our hopes dashed for three years now (plus two second chances).

But I can't help myself!!! 9 1/2 hours to go...


I've been playing the same number of years as you, hopefully it's our turn this year! If you can't see the results until 2am I would recommend going to bed. I think it was 3 or 4 hours last year before I could actually get the website to load there were that many people checking at once. Good luck!

hi to everybody. i applied the same dv-2014 visa for the first time, so i´m waiting to know the result...good luck to all of you !( i'm romanian:) )
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Side note: Did anyone think to call kcc and ask how many people entered this year? I wish i knew what our chances are.
Hello friends...best of luck to all DV2014 applicants today. I hope you guys go through.

DV2013 first time entrant and selectee :)
I bet 90% of you people are either near your computers or keep looking at the clock lol

I know I was last year!
Hello, one more time, i want to wish the best luck, for all DV2014 applicants. It´s my first time, and i have some hope, but i know it´s very difficult, however, in 1 hour all doubts will dissapear...

Good luck :)
Bahamas!! So good to see you :)

Hope all is well with you and your family. Good luck to you :)

Hey Qwety, We're doing great. for the past couple months I've been post watching the Kenyan and Australia dv 2013 winners posts.
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well... you can check... is for the 2013 or 2014 also? Because you now check
and for the first time you can retrieve your confirmation number if you lost it
by the way it is a lottery... We should not make plans based on a lottery... The DV should be at least plan B (for me it is plan C). Best luck for everybody