• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV2014 Entrants

We didn't think we stood a chance at all, due to the fact my husband got selected in that botched DV2012 draw. We applied for the DV2013 one anyway and surprise, surprise, I got selected. The very next year. So never say never. And don't stop dreaming.

All the best to everyone.

This is an amazing story! I honestly think that your life path was destined to be in the US, obviously! I too pray that I am the same! Happy for your and your husband!

I guess everybody approaches the lottery differently, in reponse to the above, I know that I think about the DV14 every day multiple times. I have 100% faith in God to lead me in the right direction!
Good luck to all!
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@Sharm Thank you for your posts and good thoughts! And all the best for you too! I didn't understand if you are a GC pursuer or not but I believe you are since you're posting around here.
I am exploring possible job opportunities in the US and I do my best to have some options available.
About your questions with getting married and all : no worry, its quite a good question and I am fine with it.I am in a longstanding relation and we thought a little on getting married in order to double the opportunity of getting selected and getting the GC. And we will probably get married sometime in the future. But we have consider to not rush into things just because getting married is a bigger step than the GC and even that we love and respect each other,more time is need it to really feel that this step can be made. Maybe we will change this in a near future or maybe not.
p.s. : I didn't know that visa can be granted to a spouse after getting the visa printed but before entering the US...
@Sharm Thank you for your posts and good thoughts! And all the best for you too! I didn't understand if you are a GC pursuer or not but I believe you are since you're posting around here.
I am exploring possible job opportunities in the US and I do my best to have some options available.
About your questions with getting married and all : no worry, its quite a good question and I am fine with it.I am in a longstanding relation and we thought a little on getting married in order to double the opportunity of getting selected and getting the GC. And we will probably get married sometime in the future. But we have consider to not rush into things just because getting married is a bigger step than the GC and even that we love and respect each other,more time is need it to really feel that this step can be made. Maybe we will change this in a near future or maybe not.
p.s. : I didn't know that visa can be granted to a spouse after getting the visa printed but before entering the US...

what if your girlfriend get the GC and u dont get it, and after she decided to do not get married with u , what are u gonna do :p
But we have consider to not rush into things just because getting married is a bigger step than the GC and even that we love and respect each other,more time is need it to really feel that this step can be made.

You are gonna rush through that step pret-ty quickly once one of you wins the lottery! :D:D
I'm not sure about that aos13 but it is a possibility as I already said...
Thing is,like I already said,getting married is more than a GC: is about sentiments, security and confidence that one give to the other...this is how we see things (my girl & I) and we will consider marriage like a natural step to do not like a requirement for something else
I'm not sure about that aos13 but it is a possibility as I already said...
Thing is,like I already said,getting married is more than a GC: is about sentiments, security and confidence that one give to the other...this is how we see things (my girl & I) and we will consider marriage like a natural step to do not like a requirement for something else

Well it was meant to be a joke. But once you win the lottery, you'll have to make decisions. In general, people enter the DV lottery without giving much thought to it, because they don't really expect to win and they treat it like any other lottery where chances to win money is slim. But when they see the letter on the screen, things start to dawn on them.

This is not meant for alindragos only, but for everybody's benefit who might be reading this; you really need to think what you are going to do once you win, and start informing yourselves about the process as well as the life in US. Since you are already on this forum, it is reasonable to think that you already have adequate information, but there are people out there who think that GC is a free travel pass, or that they'll be directly mailed one once they win the lottery :) They don't realize that this is really meant to be for immigration, that is, starting a new life in a foreign country. They think they can get it now, and start using it 5 years down the road when they feel like it. Or they think that they are gonna be received with a Hawaiian lei once they arrive because they are oh so special :) I know people who get mad at customs officials at the airport because "nobody told them to fill a customs declaration" :)

Again these are not meant to be for the informed individual, I just felt like sharing it in case somebody reads it in the future.
I'm not sure about that aos13 but it is a possibility as I already said...
Thing is,like I already said,getting married is more than a GC: is about sentiments, security and confidence that one give to the other...this is how we see things (my girl & I) and we will consider marriage like a natural step to do not like a requirement for something else
Well, alindragos, I certainly agree with you on that aspect, however, I hope you are aware, that if any one of you wins the DV lottery, your partner can only be a beneficiary if you are married, otherwise she cannot travel with you as a green card lottery winner.
Just sayin'...
@aos13 No worry, no offense taken, I know that your words were a joke but a true thing as well. You're right, there are many who enter the DV not thinking what 'immigration' is all about and seeing this step as some kind of big prize with no strings attached. And is a prize because it offers you the possibilities of a particular new kind of life in a country like US which is, from my point of view, a big prize. But the strings of immigration are starting a whole new life, leaving more or less behind like maybe friends or part of the family that will never come to US with you (and you may see them in the future only as short visits). More to this, changing a state of residency thru immigration will change your way of living some 75% or more. And if we consider that most of the immigrants are EU or African citizens, I will say that the lifestyle will be in a dramatic change (good or bad, the change will be very big). Entering in a new state as a LPR will be a challenge to all of you taking into consideration that the move will mean searching for a new home to rent or buy, a new car, new bank accounts and credit cards and most important : NEW JOB.
So yes, you're right, some of those entering the DV are not considering everything. And they might start doing it because maybe immigration is not what they want to do in the end.
But we are trying to take all this things into consideration (my GF and I) and we are searching for possibilities and views to have a plan (and some back-ups as well)
@hzss12 You're right about the travel and immigration, if only one of us will win the GC. As said, we are taking into consideration many things. For example, if only I will get the GC, apart from getting married in order for her to come to US with me, she can also apply for a visa to do her medical internship and residency in US (as she is in her final stage of MD studies in a Spanish University accredited for exchange with the US programs and medical schools). From there, until finishing the residency years, she will have the further possibility to adjust status. And the other way around if she will get the GC but I will not, we also have some possibilities to solve.

Good post. That's the kind of thinking people should employ.

For example, if only I will get the GC, apart from getting married in order for her to come to US with me, she can also apply for a visa to do her medical internship and residency in US (as she is in her final stage of MD studies in a Spanish University accredited for exchange with the US programs and medical schools). From there, until finishing the residency years, she will have the further possibility to adjust status. And the other way around if she will get the GC but I will not, we also have some possibilities to solve.

Keep in mind that if you guys get married after one of you already went through the GC process, the spouse will not be able to get a nonimmigrant visa. She can come to US on B/F/J visa as your girlfriend (assuming CO won't question the relation), but NOT as your spouse. Maybe she can go for H1B or you can submit a petition for her, but a nonimmigrant visa will be pretty much out of question.
Yes, I know that as spouse, she will not be able to hold a non-immigrant visa if I'll have the GC.
But as I said, getting married will be a step that will take into consideration the GC but the GC will not be the only reason in any case, getting married should not be a solution for the GC for anyone, is that of a big step to consider and no person should rush into marriage for reasons like GC or any other non-sentimental reason
Is not about being a man or a woman...or not in my case and from my point of view...
I consider that marriage is a big and responsible step and there's no logic in making it for anything else than really strong feeling and the confidence and trust of a lifetime with the other person.
And of course that marriages are ok to be terminated if and when that feeling disapear. But in a old fashion thinking , I hope that my future spouse will be wirh me until the verry end so I (and we) have to be sure of the step before making it (not rush it)
Is not about being a man or a woman...or not in my case and from my point of view...
I consider that marriage is a big and responsible step and there's no logic in making it for anything else than really strong feeling and the confidence and trust of a lifetime with the other person.
And of course that marriages are ok to be terminated if and when that feeling disapear. But in a old fashion thinking , I hope that my future spouse will be wirh me until the verry end so I (and we) have to be sure of the step before making it (not rush it)

I completely agree with you about everything regarding marriage. I am a woman but still very considerate about marriage. And the green card is not a good reason to share your life with someone you might not know well enough or love enough. Unless there is a previous contract, and you respect and understand each other enough.
@macemk Verry nice to see people are giving good thoughts until getting married and I stand to my considerations : GC is not a reason to rush into marriage
Well it was meant to be a joke. But once you win the lottery, you'll have to make decisions. In general, people enter the DV lottery without giving much thought to it, because they don't really expect to win and they treat it like any other lottery where chances to win money is slim. But when they see the letter on the screen, things start to dawn on them.

This is not meant for alindragos only, but for everybody's benefit who might be reading this; you really need to think what you are going to do once you win, and start informing yourselves about the process as well as the life in US. Since you are already on this forum, it is reasonable to think that you canada already have adequate information, but there are people out there who think that GC is a free travel pass, or that they'll be directly mailed one once they win the lottery :) They don't realize usa that this is really meant to be for immigration, that is, usa starting a new life in a foreign country. They think they can get it now, and start using it 5 years down the road when they feel like it. Or they think that they are gonna be received with a Hawaiian lei once they arrive because they are oh so special :) I know people who get mad at customs officials at the airport because "nobody told them to fill a customs declaration" :)

Again these are not meant to be for the informed individual, I just felt like sharing it in case somebody reads it in the future.

Princedriss, every year people apply, they get excited, and they sometimes like to share their dreams on here. And that's ok. If none of us posted anything except after we won, it would indeed be a very quiet forum.
Princedriss, every year people apply, they get excited, and they sometimes like to share their dreams on here. And that's ok. If none of us posted anything except after we won, it would indeed be a very quiet forum.

Excuse Adamkiaa, but you have cut and paste my response from another thread altogether here! Could you please not do that, I consider it impolite. Thank you.
