• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV2009 from Indonesia, please kindly list here

Mungkin karena nomor CN Benz.leo belum current di February. Mungkin saja mereka belum bisa issue visanya karena nomor CN-nya belum boleh dijadiin visa. Jadi harus menunggu satu minggu.


Iya ya.. bener juga, make sense.. gua gak mikir sampe sana.. thanks..
Here's a TIP for those who will to do their CP process in the U.S Embassy in Jakarta.

The U.S Embassy in Jakarta has designated a special unit at the Embassy that handle DV related issues and cases. When I did my DV process, I have been corresponding with the Indonesian Lady at the "Diversity Visa Unit." She goes with an alias "C.R" since She is not allowed to reveal her real name.

For those who had done their CP in Jakarta, you will know who the person is. She handled all Diversity Visa applicants at the Embassy, including correspondence, answering questions, and document screening.

I had great experience with her. She is incredibly helpful and very nice. She speaks Indonesian and English so you can always correspond to her in any of the two languages. Every time I e-mailed her with questions or concerns about the DV process, She immediately repled in less than 10 minutes (during office hours at the Embassy). She will make sure that your DV process goes smoothly.

I highly recommend that you contact her if you need help with your DV process in Jakarta. As a reminder, She only will start correspond to you when KCC has sent your case file to the Embassy in Jakarta. Before that, She will be reluctant to help. Also, it will be very difficult to contact through the phone. The phone will rarely be answered unless you call on the right time. I recommend using e-mail.

Here is the contact info:

Diversity Visa Unit
Embassy of the United States of America
Medan Merdeka Selatan 5
Jakarta 10110

Email: jakdv@state.gov
Phone: +62 (21) 3435-9050
Fax +62 (21) 385-7189
internet: http://jakarta.usembassy.gov

Good Luck to all of future DV applicants!
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Gerindo, I am pretty sure I was being processed by her, too. I also had a very good experience with her, she was very kind, friendly and helpful.

I wish her a lifetime of health and happiness. :D
I was browsing around youtube and found this video. It was made last year (2008) and it is about the U.S giving hopes to the Indonesian youths that it is possible to come to the U.S as an immigrant.


What I want to show is that on time 1:17 in the video it shows a U.S Consular being interviewed. He was the Consular that I had my interview with. He look intimidating when I had the interview but he's actually a very nice person.

This is just to give you a picture of the person that might interview you when you do the interview in Jakarta. :)
Hi guys, Dr. IndoCool is checking in! I didn't know there are ton of Indonesians here. Cool man!

Anyway, first of congratulation to people who got their G.Cs last year....I'm still waiting for mine. This drives me insane. I hate it.

But you know some people who already got their damn G.C they don't care about it. I hate those people. Most of us here are probably agree USA is a great country (Again...I know...know there are lot bad stuff here too but for the opportunity U.S is awesome) What do you guys think? There are so many things you can do here if you're willing to work your *** off.

I know a few friends of mine geez they got their green cards through asylum but after that they don't care and they don't like to live in states at the first place. Man if they weren't my friend, i punch them on the nose. People are struggling to get the damn green cards and these people after they get it uhhh. they don't care. Have you seen this people?

Anyway, how is thing back home, Indonesia? Man I miss Bakmi Gajah Mada...Pecenongan...
Hi guys, Dr. IndoCool is checking in! I didn't know there are ton of Indonesians here. Cool man!

Anyway, first of congratulation to people who got their G.Cs last year....I'm still waiting for mine. This drives me insane. I hate it.

But you know some people who already got their damn G.C they don't care about it. I hate those people. Most of us here are probably agree USA is a great country (Again...I know...know there are lot bad stuff here too but for the opportunity U.S is awesome) What do you guys think? There are so many things you can do here if you're willing to work your *** off.

I know a few friends of mine geez they got their green cards through asylum but after that they don't care and they don't like to live in states at the first place. Man if they weren't my friend, i punch them on the nose. People are struggling to get the damn green cards and these people after they get it uhhh. they don't care. Have you seen this people?

Anyway, how is thing back home, Indonesia? Man I miss Bakmi Gajah Mada...Pecenongan...

Hi there,

Yeah, I also hate those people who win their GC and then waste the opportunity...
I had been playing DV Lottery for the fourth time now...
Hope this time I won,
but well it is a lottery after all...

and just like you,
the only thing I will miss from Indonesia if I won the GC is the Bakmi's

other then that, none will be missed :)

anyway, if you live in LA,
try Ramayani Restaurant.
Their Bakmi Jakarta, is the closest in taste to the Noodles in Jakarta :)

used to eat there a lot long time ago...
too bad, now still stuck in Jakarta :)
try Ramayani Restaurant.
Their Bakmi Jakarta, is the closest in taste to the Noodles in Jakarta :)

used to eat there a lot long time ago...
too bad, now still stuck in Jakarta :)

Ramayani Restaurant...where in LA? I know well you just have to keep trying. Why did you leave at the first place? You should just have stayed in States. I know it's tough sometime if you are out status or something. But we gotta survive you know what I mean.
Ramayani Restaurant...where in LA? I know well you just have to keep trying. Why did you leave at the first place? You should just have stayed in States. I know it's tough sometime if you are out status or something. But we gotta survive you know what I mean.

Dr. IndoCool, Please don't promote illegal immigration in here. I heard enough from many Indonesian who desperately want to live in the U.S by overstayed their visa/status and even applying for asylum with fake reasons . I just hope you're not one of them. Go to Kaskus forum, you'll get better respond there.

Not to be one of the people that you mentioned earlier, but sometimes live is not fair. Some people who never want a green card got theirs and some who wanted badly never got them. It is just the way it is. I can't agree with your Indonesian friends' behavior but I know what you mean. One of my friend told me, "Sombong ya mentang2 sudah dapet Green Card". I'm not cocky or anything but I think sometimes it is how you view others. You're jealous that person have what you want, so you view them as arrogant. Trust me, I know well how Indonesian think.

The U.S is a great country but it is not the best country in the world (some might think so). I always tell my Indonesian friends that you can get better live in Indonesia than in the U.S if you work hard for it. Over there, live is cheaper, everything can be done, and you can find most everything that they have in the U.S, in Indonesia. I'm saying this because I know how most Indonesian feel when they have lived in the U.S way too long (legally or illegally). They are afraid to go back because they think live will be miserable if they go back. It is not true..

Anyway... I miss Indonesian food too. Got to eat a lot of food when I went to Jakarta for the GC interview. Since I live in Kelapa Gading...food everywhere!! Nothing beat the food in Jakarta. I don't know about bakmi GM, never like it. There are better places to eat noodle in Jakarta. You should try
"La Mian", Chinese hand toss noodles. There are a lot of places who serve those. Once you tried it..can't really go back to Bakmi GM :D
Dr. IndoCool, Please don't promote illegal immigration in here. I heard enough from many Indonesian who desperately want to live in the U.S by overstayed their visa/status and even applying for asylum with fake reasons . I just hope you're not one of them. Go to Kaskus forum, you'll get better respond there.

Not to be one of the people that you mentioned earlier, but sometimes live is not fair. Some people who never want a green card got theirs and some who wanted badly never got them. It is just the way it is. I can't agree with your Indonesian friends' behavior but I know what you mean. One of my friend told me, "Sombong ya mentang2 sudah dapet Green Card". I'm not cocky or anything but I think sometimes it is how you view others. You're jealous that person have what you want, so you view them as arrogant. Trust me, I know well how Indonesian think.

The U.S is a great country but it is not the best country in the world (some might think so). I always tell my Indonesian friends that you can get better live in Indonesia than in the U.S if you work hard for it. Over there, live is cheaper, everything can be done, and you can find most everything that they have in the U.S, in Indonesia. I'm saying this because I know how most Indonesian feel when they have lived in the U.S way too long (legally or illegally). They are afraid to go back because they think live will be miserable if they go back. It is not true..

Anyway... I miss Indonesian food too. Got to eat a lot of food when I went to Jakarta for the GC interview. Since I live in Kelapa Gading...food everywhere!! Nothing beat the food in Jakarta. I don't know about bakmi GM, never like it. There are better places to eat noodle in Jakarta. You should try
"La Mian", Chinese hand toss noodles. There are a lot of places who serve those. Once you tried it..can't really go back to Bakmi GM :D


No...no I'm not suggesting to be illegal or anything here but sometime you just have to survive in this life. You're fortunate enough to get your GC and a lot people would die to get one because to be honest it's a great opportunity U.S. Well it's true what you said you can whatever you want back in Indonesia but again when you compare with their income it's not balance. In U.S say if you work in the restaurants or something like that you can still buy your favorite 'beer'. In Indonesia if you work in the office even you have a bachelor degree they can't to pay you maybe more than Rp3 juta and people are willing to get pay less as long as they have a job but after all the expenses it's hard to spend for other things you know what I mean.

"One of my friend told me, "Sombong ya mentang2 sudah dapet Green Card". I'm not cocky or anything but I think sometimes it is how you view others." Well about this I think you got me wrong I mean some people who got their GC they don't really appreciate what they have. See when you have your GC now you don't have to pay a higher tuition after you get your residency whenever you're staying but for the international students they have to pay a lot money. I'm just saying when we already get our GC we should appreciate it. That's all. Because I knew a few people they got their GC through asylum and it was totally bogus reason and they got their GC and after that they didn't want to stay here after all. Geez. Well I guess they have their own right...I don't know what to say.

"There are better places to eat noodle in Jakarta. You should try
"La Mian", Chinese hand toss noodles." Well I should try it next time when I go back to Indonesia. Thanks for the info. How was life in Miami right? I like Miami...it's kind of hot during summer time.
Ramayani Restaurant...where in LA? I know well you just have to keep trying. Why did you leave at the first place? You should just have stayed in States. I know it's tough sometime if you are out status or something. But we gotta survive you know what I mean.


Ramayani is in Westwood Boulevard West Los Angeles.
Between Wilshire and Santa Monica Blvd.

I study in LA from 1992 to 1996,
got my Bachelor of Science, and went back to Indonesia,
hoping I will be happy in Indonesia.

Turn out, after 13 years of doing business here,
I don't like the way things,especially LAW and ORDER here,
that is why I prefer to go back to US, if I ever won DV Lottery.

are you in LA ?
and are you a student or work there ?
Hi there,

the only thing I will miss from Indonesia if I won the GC is the Bakmi's

other then that, none will be missed :)

What? Really?? the ONLY thing you miss from Indonesia is bakmi? Well, for me.. there are lots of things I miss from Indonesia.. too many to be listed hahah..

I can start with nasi padang dan semua lauk pauknya.. soto dan sop aja ada belasan macam, soto medan, soto betawi, sop kambing, dll.. belum lagi seafood.. kerang, siput, kepiting saus padang, lada hitam.. bakmi udah gak usah dibahas lagi deh.. semua setuju.. macam2 sate, terus kwetiau goreng dsb.. sayur2an kayak pecel, gado2, lalap pake terasi.. terus cemilan kayak tahu goreng, batagor, martabak (asin dan manis).. habis itu buah2an.. mangga (harum manis, indramayu, udang..), salak, durian, manggis, duku, jambu.. itu semua hanya top of my head aja.. the list can go on and on.. hahaha..

memang sih ada beberapa yang bisa dicari di restoran indo di us.. tapi.. sorry to say.. tetap aja beda rasanya.. kalo di bay area ada restoran indo yang enak banget.. mirip 80% deh sama makanan indo asli.. namanya bay leaf di sunnyvale.. bosnya orang medan heheh..
Anyway... I miss Indonesian food too. Got to eat a lot of food when I went to Jakarta for the GC interview. Since I live in Kelapa Gading...food everywhere!! Nothing beat the food in Jakarta. I don't know about bakmi GM, never like it. There are better places to eat noodle in Jakarta. You should try
"La Mian", Chinese hand toss noodles. There are a lot of places who serve those. Once you tried it..can't really go back to Bakmi GM :D

Heheh Gerindo you live in Kelapa Gading too? What a small world! My mom still there.
Hi sinyo and boing,

selamat datang ke thread indo..

setau gua sih sampai sekarang belum ada..

tapi taon ini status dv2010 bisa dicek online mulai 1 juli 2009.. jadi, jauh lebih gampang buat yang tinggal di indo, gak usah kuatir pos indo yang gak terjamin..
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setau gua sih sampai sekarang belum ada..

tapi taon ini status dv2010 bisa dicek online mulai 1 juli 2009.. jadi, jauh lebih gampang buat yang tinggal di indo, gak usah kuatir pos indo yang gak terjamin..

Ngecek onlinenya ke mana ya? Makasih!
Case No. 2009AS000299XX , saya & 3 beneficiaries (wife & 2 kids), all documents completed.
Saya akan interview di kedutaan AS tgl. 16 June 09 dengan fam. seharusnya tgl. 2 June 09, krn anak msh ujian jadi diundur sebelumnya oleh petugas loket 5 katanya tdk usah konfirmasi datang aja pada waktunya semua, tidak usah screening document sebelumnya...? Saya lihat pengalaman teman-2 di forum pada umumnya selalu screening dulu at least 1 day before...Pertanyaan saya:
1. Apakah sebaiknya sy screening dulu.. sebelumnya..?
2. Untuk Interview apakah Bank Statement penting, bgm kalau dengan asset
lainnya rumah, mobil, investment..cukup membantu ..?
3. Bgm. kalau di USA belum dapat kerjaan saat ini krn belum apply/ belum ada
job-offer bisa mempengaruhi..penolakan visa? padahal kan dapat lottery..
4. Saya blum pernah ke US, ada fam & kenalan di CA tapi blum ada Green C
apakah berpengaruh..dlm interview? Saya ragu bila lsg membawa
the whole fam. anak terkecil masih 7 th..apakah saya bisa maju
dulu, yang lainnya nyusul krn sy sudah bayar banyak buat anak
masuk sekolah di sini Jkt. Jadi maksudnya setelah saya settled di US pasti
memang rencananya baru pindah.. mengingat, biaya visa-nya lumayan 775
USD/ per-person hrs dibayar sebelum interview 1 orang dulu (non-refund),
kalau visa ok.. bayar semua hari itu juga, sayang klo gak keburu 6 bulan
hangus...ada konsekwensinya bila tidak digunakan.. atau bila beneficiaries
gak jadi ikut apply visa jgn-2 nanti minta visa non-immigrant jadi ditolak..?
Many thanks to all of you, I'm very doubtful go or stop... maju 1 atau semua atau gak jadi aja padahal semua dok. & physical exam., sworn , mabes polri all done..tinggal interview & money.... joh18